What is Sup Forums's opinion on Milo? He is live on joe rogan experience right now and he says he will lead a gay parade and that crippled children should stay at home so that he doesn't have to look at them in public
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Milo...
milo is a self absorbed cunt
He is a pretentious faggot. Cant wait for the day of the rope
He's somewhat like a serial killer, seeing how far and how long he can go before someone stops him.
He's an annoying, subversive, coal burning kike.
I dont know ask again in a few hours...hes a RINO faggot.
I sucked off a mixed Brazilian dude, while my girlfriend pegged me with a realistic cyberskin black strap on, but I don't brag about it in the public at nationalist/conservative/contrarian/libertarian events. You can have perverted life and behave like a decent Westerner, not some cock crazed degenerate.
no really he said that word live on air. he called a woman a coalburner, live on air.
judgmental homosexual with an eating disorder now trying to shame other people with eating disorders.
he's lost his way, and honestly, he'll probably never find his way back.
A silly jewish jester
Faggot crypto-kike who needs to be gassed
nice double trips bud
Cool at first, now he's just trying really hard to be an edge lord. He's literally just a provocateur only in it for the money.
This place used to worship him. Now maybe they'll learn that Jewish faggots aren't quite that great.
Cancer, just like all journalists.
I wish he was a conservative who's also gay, not a gay that's also conservative.
He spent the relevant portion of his career propping up whatever controversial movement he thought would garner him attention to feed his narcissism, and it only took him a year in D rank celebrity status for it to completely consume him.
He's pretty pathetic desu
Bingo. He's extremely weak willed.
ya'll are 'blue pilled' as fuck if you don't already realise that talking heads like Milo et al. are just that - they've got a tidy little career by discussing emotive populist issues because they don't want a real job where they have to get out of bed at 7am.
He got lucky. He was born handsome, with the ability to talk a lot of shite, and has used this to his financial gain.
Fair play to the man though; he's quite good at winding up sanctimonious lefty cunts.
>coal burner
Right into the oven. Milo is a lying piece of shit who misrepresents the "movement" he claims to speak for.
You he said we love Jews right? He says Sup Forums is just being grimdark and so random XD.
He helped start me on the slippery slope to Sup Forums from his GG and anti sjw stuff. Grandstander, but useful for helping people down the rp route.
>only in it for the money
>This place used to worship him
Sup Forums always hated this kike faggot. Only his impressionable autistic followers who he brought in here from twitter/plebbit ever liked him.
Go stick your finger down your throat, Milo.
Annoying faggot tbqh. Him and his "alt-right" need to fuck off to reddit
Like most sodomites, he wants attention.
Just ignore him and he'll go away.
honey, i'm not your sister. I know we both like black cock, but that's where the similarities end ...
Why you want to see a jazz shower?
Also check 'em trips
Wasted digits,
0/10 He's literally on Joe Rogan right now you stupid faggot.
This 100%. The only reason I would just stop watching any videos that he goes on.
He's one of Satan's entourage. Fuck him.
>what is a light-hearted retort
I am sorry autism has made your life hard, lad.
>he says he will lead a gay parade
...through a Muslim ghetto in Sweden to embarrass the Swedish government. Fucking ballsy and brilliant.
>and that crippled children should stay at home so that he doesn't have to look at them in public
He said this semi-seriously and then retracted it in a humorous way.
Your spinning of this is just as bad as the fucking media. He's our ally, you colossal cunt.
Milo is literally pro-circumcision. He's controlled opposition because he's a huge fucking fag.