Why didn't Eugene get his dick sucked?

Why didn't Eugene get his dick sucked?

Negan said no sex.

But he is negan


Why doesn't Negan just kill Negan, and when Negan gets upset the other Negan can just say "Its cool I'm Negan" and then Negan is in charge and can work with Rick.

>Why doesn't Negan just kill Negan, and when Negan gets upset the other Negan can just say "Its cool I'm Negan" and then Negan is in charge and can work with Negan



But so are the woman so would sex really just be masterbation?

>having physical contact with literal skank whores

he's Going His Own Way and he likes it

Rick's not an idiot (unlike you)

He knows that if Negan is killed then another "Negan" will just pop up in his place. Somebody will always lead the saviours. And those saviours will always band around that leader.

That's the whole point of the "I am Negan" saying. It's to let people know that no matter who they kill, or how many they kill, they can't ever be defeated.

"Negan" will always be there. In some form or another.

>Negan is Negan
>Negan's wives are also Negan

Does TWD resonate with manchildren in that even in this badass wish fulfilment fantasy, it's still grounded in reality in that he spends each night fucking himself?

Negan is against rape, its in the comics.

...it was just a joke


That redhead is gorgeous.

He has autism

She looks pretty normal

>Thinking blowjobs count as sex


>you will never eat pickles and play video games with Laura who acts standoffish with you but isn't willing to admit she'd rather be doing that than something tedious like supervising wall duty

>tatto is fake

shes cute in the show being nice to eugene (under negans orders)



OMG she looks like the blonde faggot in Silicon Valley

I'd pound that if you know what I mean...

If I was Negan I'd be ditching those ugly bitch wives and be creampieing this cutie


Back off, man. She's gay

I know you were just kidding, but delete your post. I'll let you off with a warning this time

Thanks dude.

Holy shit you really did it

I don't feel good about that user, but you did make me feel powerful for a second

No she is in the closet straight

what episode is this from I do not remember this and I thought I was up to date.

Nvm got it thanks bros.

no problemo my dude
