Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if the whole world was Muslim?
Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if the whole world was Muslim?
nothing, just nothing.
Same shit different story
jihad on a global scale
There would be world peace of course, it is the religion of peace after all
They'd kill each other like they do now, but there'd be no technological progress.
Well for starters, girls wouldn't dress like that anymore.
Muh dickkkkk
Africa and the middle east but everywhere.
It would be better than what it is today, that's for sure.
They split islam in new religions so they have new reason to kill each other
Photoshop would be banned
It would devolve into X-Version of Islam is better than Y-Version wars. You already see it in Sunni vs Shiite and, on the opposite side of the coin, in Catholics vs Protestants when that was at its peak. Religions fight each other over the most minute details, and they go through phases of violence. Islam is currently on the way up through its cycle while Christianity has been on the way down for awhile.
World peace not even kidding.
It would be pretty great as well usher in a new golden age of Islam, oh and no more degeneracy.
White race would be fucked though because Islam is internationalist.
Do you guys have Muslims in hueland and SA?
You would not see THIS
Uma, much good, everybody happy ...
Go home mohammed.
there would be more terrorist attacks. muslims bomb each other. they got a bunch of faggy denominations . you got shitys and soon yi's and wasabis all blowing each other up for not doing it right
Seriously. What if all roasties were
>nice teeth
>mediocre makeup
>good frame
>big tits
Am I a fool for wishing this was average? My biggest gripe is most whores live way above their means...
Well they would kill each other as usual because some people are not true followers.
>world peace
muslims have been at war with eachother the moment Muhammad died but for some reason World Peace would happen
>Golden Age
yeah it would be another 300 years of leeching on other more advanced civilizations and calling it Islamic
There'd be no where to run.
Life would be pretty boring.
There would be no vidya.
Music will be limited to that single minor scale that all muslim music is based off of.
You would either be in the ghetto or own a palace, no in between.
You would be forced to worship a god even if you didnt believe in it.
They would eventually realise Sex sells and become jewifihed but still remain subhuman due to their race and thus 30 years later good goys for the already established government
>canadian flag
I always suspected the Canadian shitposters to be brown shitskins from Toronto and now i know it's true
Global warlords and infighting for eternity.
I'm white and from Windsor, projecting much?
Different sects of islam fighting each other where countries/tribal leaders all fighting for more control. There would be little technological advancement and would devolve into infrantry fights over scarce resources.
There are a hundred thousand less slutty looking pornstars.
Evolutionary dead end.
I don't know shit about islam, but i've heard about some neat goatfucking scientists in times of the christian inquisition.
Everyone would be fighting and killing each other over who are the "true" muslims.
good shop
They'd just slaughter each other like they are doing in Syria and Iraq.
You have canadian flag.
>from Windsor,
Here is how i know you are a lair. No one from windsor posts here, they are too poor and doped up on heroin to post. nice try achmed
Whole world would be a backwards shithole full of brown people.
>no sluts like in your pic
>women would actually lisent to us
>loli harem if you are into that shit
everything else would be the same
Start killing the ones who aren't Muslim enough. Different interpretation start and it turns ugly, with many sides believing that they are the one true form of Islam and the whole world turns into what the Middle East is now.
Iraq globally
never go to space
way back in the middle ages science wise
die on this rock
Rival kebab will still get removed.
There'd still be infighting, sectarianism and resource wars.
The Shia vs. Sunni thing would still be a thing so there's violence there.
Architecture would be shit.
Global Sharia Law requires global enforcement with a global Caliph (Muslim Pope) at the top.
Also immediately people who will question their faith making the world not fully muslim
Niggers tongue my anus
We'd have no office towers over 10 stories
>tfw cant even get matching numerals
Muslims attain wealth through conquest, the religion was tailor made for it.
It disallows for investment banking and does not support property rights which are very important for economic progress.
Once all the land is conquered under Islam it will deteriorate into factions fighting for dwindling scarce resources.
The world will turn into a gigantic desert.
He's right though, religion is being phased out, islam guys don't get it yet.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a girl wear more makeup than her
there are different Islams,
sunni, shit, mohammad
I agree, I don't mind if skanks look like skanks. But when they try to pretend they're the next Kylie Jenner incarnate, well that irks me.
The same thing that would happen if the world was all Christian: people would still call each other names; steal; rape; kill.
Nice try Ling Ling.
Women would finally be our slaves. It says in the KO*cough*RAAAHN that women must obey the sexual wills of their husbands. Also, lolicons would be normal
we would jihad the stars of course