My ancestors :)

my ancestors :)

You guys have the best Euro mythology :)

mine too

my ancestor :(


O meu antepassado :)

Genetics change over time. The major pillar of the Hellenic world view was uncompromising racial purity. So Anceint Greek City States is something you can never ever claim due to SPQR period mongrelization. For the most of modern Greeks even Byzantine (multiracial society too) is a cut off.

Modern Greeks have as much relation to Socrates as Jamal Pedro O'Roof has to George Washington.

Stop smoking crack.

Is WASP landing in Plymouth is of same stock as the average "American"? Is pure Englishmen similar to 1/2 German 1/4 Irish 1/8 English 5/64 Polish 1/64 negro, 1/32 Sioux """"""White"""""" American?

Modern Greeks are grekoi mongrels, not Hellenic.

this is the chechen with inferiority complex
manipulative subhuman

posts his pasta on pol every day
hates all european countries because of jealousy


your contemporaries :)

this is a manipulative diaspora shitskin or slav subhuman



Ikibey, how come we don't see that often anymore? What happened?



How much did Erdogan pay you to type that?

έχω kαιρό να μπω 4ch, πως τα περνάς

Why do Greeks hate Finns for the Ottoman occupation? We didn't do it..

xalara esi>?

serbian or polish diaspora subhuman
roleplays different persons and posts from different devices

are you you implying ancient greeks didn't riot like madmen?

My ancestors :)

My ancestor :)

πολύ kαλά, είμαι σχεδόν συνέχεια απασχολημένος
είδα ότι ασχολείσαι αkόμα με το lathropithikia, μπορεί να φτιάξω kάτι special πολύ σύντομα

>Implying I'm implying anything

nai giati oxi

My ancestors ;)

Cala a boca Mouro!
Eu sou Galaico e Suevo!