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Jewtube pulled the plug on the stream
Fuck this shit I came in in the last 10 minutes so started from the beginning and they still cut me off.
>le Jewish flamboyant faggot nigger dick sucker with a niggerape fetish, blasmphemous Catholic and pretend Trump support and leader of the Alt-Right!!! xD
This is Sup Forums now.
Gamergate happened
feminists claimed that people were doxxing them
mods on Sup Forums banned and ended any gamergate discussion
feminists used the opportunity to strawman gamergate since no one could defend it without being banned
even now if you mention gamergate people threat it like if it's some kind of boogieman
Still gamergate was what drove a bunch of autistic Sup Forumstards to Sup Forums and redpills.
On capitalism you are able to argue against company's bullshit like I'm doing it right now.
Like GMO? Great, but don't pretend monsanto jews didn't fucked the movement for over a decade.
Canada mad Milo shit on their country just now.
Keep on defending that kike, cuckboy.
As funny as these threads are, don't make the mistake of thinking that you're any better than the the fat fucks you mock.
You know what you guys have in common with fatasses? YOU'RE BOTH EQUALLY UNDESIRABLE TO WOMEN.
Fucking lol. Come on guys, I mean seriously. You gymcels post all day about fat hate, yet at least fatasses actually have some temporarily enjoyment from gluttonous hedonism. You guys on the other hand eat nothing but BROCCOLI and CHICKEN, you LIFT SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK, and you...
I wonder, you'd think with all that effort, you guys must be drowning in pussy right? I mean surely, girls like guys with m-muscles... r-right?
Oh wait, yeah.
If you don't have alpha genetics, you are AS attractive as the whales posted ITT, in the eyes of women. If you don't make the GENETIC cut, it's pointless even trying.
You guys mock these people - I don't blame you for that, it IS funny to laugh at retarded hamplanets. It's just that you guys put SO MUCH EFFORT IN, you CONSTANTLY hit the gym, and... you get as much female interest as a 500lb basement dweller.
Lmao at your lives.
I think Milo almost blew it when he asserted that us private health insurance, medicare, and medicaid provide coverage for gender reassignment surgery.
Other than that, good show and I can't wait to watch the beginning that I missed. This is Milo's second time on jre and joe ended it saying it was one of his favorite episodes. The redpill is starting to spread.
I honestly don't understand how a guy who literally sucks multiple nigger dicks a night and flaunts about having committed every single mortal sins can claim to be a Catholic. Not even mentioning he was born a Jew and is still extremely proud of it despite the Bible blowing him the fuck out on that issue.
>I think Milo almost blew it when he asserted that us private health insurance, medicare, and medicaid provide coverage for gender reassignment surgery.
But in some states they do, it was only because TERFs that it was barred country-wide for some time.
>he doesn't believe in unbreakable shields
learn to chutzpah, my man
I don't get it. Was someone posting fat people in the last thread? What is this fool babbling on about.
>Then Mosanto will engineer new resistances, like they've done already.
>Monsanto monsanto monsanto
How much are they paying you? Capitalism includes competition you inbred demented shill.
>learn to kike tactics
I'll pass. Learn to not get brainwashed by a cringy movement based on memes and a guy talking about literally sucking the dicks of niggers.
Just a thing about Milo going to Sweden: he might be surprised that what's waiting for him will be a vulgar, anti-Israel and Russian-funded far-left group. It might be a culture shock because America's fake Antifa supports Jews. But this one doesn't. And when they hear that there's a Jewish, pro-Israel guy coming to spread "xenobhobia" his gay shield won't work anymore.
People on /fit/ do get laid a lot, place is filled with chads and normies now, and the degeneracy of slut fags that people like to talk about here is on the straight community as well.
Hopefully they upload the full thing soon
Pretty sure he wants to make headlines that's the point. I assume he has security. Also aren't the Muslims way more dangerous than a bunch of skinny edgy Marxists?
I'm using mosanto as an example because you brought it up you autistic faggot
What the fuck is Homonationalism
remember when Sup Forums was about being political incorrect and not sucking up to some guy that goes on twitter rants?
an obvious shift in the average age from mid 20s to straight up underage users. Nobody fucking cares about milo.
And I brought it up because specifically monsanto is cancerous jewish subversion. I have no problems with science, GMOs or capitalism, just monsanto.
why does Russia hate Israel?
joe rogan is a cuck
>take a nice drawing
>fill it with cancerous garbage
>now it's impossible to find the original image
Stream doesn't work. RIP
they dont.
its offline?
>Also aren't the Muslims way more dangerous than a bunch of skinny edgy Marxists?
No. And they work with radical Muslims anyway.
The thing Israel practices: pretends their military is pro-gay to appear more tolerant so West will excuse their actions, tries to blackmail its neighboring countries as anti-gay and Tel Aviv as gay paradise etc.
No they don't, it's just Russian propagada tactics, they spread it among both Antifa and NatSoc movements but Jews are included there too. Just using useful idiots.
Is that Gavin McInnes on the left?
Please stop supporting people like Milo, Stefan, Alex Jones.
They know which demographic they cater to and are willing to pander to whatever people will get them somewhere. This is how they make their money.
They don't care as much as you think, they just want the fame, power and money.
>please stop supporting those who manage to redpill people
I expected more from you aus.
Gavin "The Buttplug" McInnes himself.
Nice trips Satan but I have to disagree.
>a literal faggot
>"redpilling" people about the wonders of faggotry and loving Israel
Support Dr. William Pierce instead
I thought he had a wife? Why did he kiss that faggot? Jesus Christ what's wrong with him?
>milo thread
>same 6 faggots jerking off to how much they hate him and telling Sup Forums about it
People won't take what you have to offer, you NEED to know how to sell your message. The fact that you disagree with him just because he's a fag, not because of what he's doing is akin to the identity politics of the left.
>who cares that this faggot I worship is exploiting the movement for no more than fame and a profit?
People with sense who see Milo for what he is. He's a degenerate faggot so already that negates anything the guy you morons think he "REDPILLS."
None of you new-wave Sup Forumslacks know what the original red-pill is or even give two shits, and that's why this alt-right movement is the biggest cringefest on the right side of the spectrum.
Who needs a wife when you're an insufferable hipster with a craving for attention?
Just came here. Why is it offline?
Milo had to go out for a quick suck.
There's a difference being just being gay and being a walking caricature of a flaming faggot with dyed hair, fruity tank tops, limp wrists and AIDS molecules dripping off your prolapsed anus.
Check out his twitter. Literally 40% of his posts is just self promotion and tweets about how he loves nigger cock. There are respectable homos out there, this Bong fucker isn't one of them.
Don't eat the right, brah
Why the fuck would you post this here? When can I watch the upload, though?
People should probably be aware of Milo. I've seen him on Russia Today. He feels like the kind of guy who could work for shekels and rubles at the same time. So not just dishonest but double dishonest person.
He's a walking caricature because it works like a shield against the left's narrative, if you are white straight male they'll never listen to what you say no matter how logical it is. LEARN TO USE JEWISH TRICKS AGAINST THEM.
He's Jewish.
Milo Yiannopoulos defends pedophilia and pedophiles.
>admits to having sex with a priest at the age of 14
>won't give the priest's name despite knowing he is a child molester
>also admits attending Hollywood sex parties where some of the boys were "very young"
>will not give the names of the party attendees
>I only suck these dicks because it protects me from the left!
I am so fucking sick of new-Sup Forums and monkey posters.
But user...
Russia made a Jewish state before the west did.
Russia is jelly that all their Jews moved from the Jewish Autonomous Oblast to Israel.
For the last time you stupid monkey, the issue is not him being gay, the issue is him being a flamboyant bugchasing cockgobbler and a drug using vain degenerate to boot.
Well Milo is an expert in that considering he's a literal Jew himself and you're deepthroating his faggot cock so much you can't even think clearly.
Well, he's Jewish, but says he doesn't know anything about being Jewish. Sometimes he feels like genuine and caring person, then sometimes like completely different person. I think he has histrionic personality disorder.
Well, the goal of Russia is just to divide people as much as possible so Putinism works better. Sweden and Finland are not in NATO so this is their tactic. The person who started Antifa was a Jew. But lot of anti-fascist website are ran by rubles to make NATO and America seem like breeding grounds for fascists.
It pains me to see people worshiping this kike. He is TURBO-degenerate.
He is very likely a child fucker himself.
Most pedos were molested. When you have sex that early, it sticks with you.
There is no way he is not attracted to 14 year olds. And since he seems to think there's nothing wrong with it, it's a safe bet he fucks that young.
If he'll fuck a 14 year old boy, why not a 13 year old, or a mature 12 year old?
Where is Chris Hanson when you need him?
Did I said that? Of course not he's using the fact that he's a fag to create a caricature and be shielded from the left, stop being retarded, it's like you WANT to lose the opportunity to redpill people.
Fuck Milo
He would rather suck dick in Alaska than go fight for his own land's independence
He's not redpilling anybody when he pulls shit like thisQuit being such a gullible fucking faggot and admit you just want to watch Milo cuck you with a big ol nigger dick.
Also I want to stress the fact that he admitted to attending HOLLYWOOD sex parties.
You think he's different from other Jews, when he's partying with them?
We have every reason to doubt him.
>I think he has histrionic personality disorder.
It's called being Jewish. It is genetics that cause Jews to act the way they do
You whingy fuckers who complain about anything and anyone on the right wing are the most unbearable part of Sup Forums
Bunch of defeatists who think you're above everyone else
>joe completely doesn't understand the implications of cuck
>Someone in a position of authority banging a 14 year old as a 20+ year old
I can't handle that.
Nobody is perfect, he IS doing a good work. If you only want perfect people in your movement you'll be left with an empty party.
We actually are above him. He's a charlatan.
Jesus christ Milo has clearly some trauma on it and the guy just keeps pushing him. Of course he's not going to dwell on it.
It looks like Milo regretted admitting that.
I've never seen him so uncomfortable. He kept trying to change the subject and deflect with humor.
Obviously his master's would not be happy with him for revealing pedowood.
Forgive me for not feeling sorry for the poor widdle faggot.
There is a priest (and other famous men) molesting kids and Milo could stop it. Instead he defends them.
>There is a priest (and other famous men) molesting kids and Milo could stop it. Instead he defends them.
And Sup Forums in turn defends him. Makes the situation we're in extremely clear.
He's obviously not the only one who knew about that, so you should blame the other people as well.
Besides he carries that for over 20 years, of course it's traumatic.
So is literally everyone who's active in the right wing to you fuckwits, they're always shills, jidf, attention seekers etc. etc.
There isn't a single person this isn't levelled against, if I was cynical I'd call you a divide and conquer shill
The romans had need of the goths at times. At other times they did not. That does not mean the Romans should accept everything about the goths.
Jesus Christ, would you fuck off?
How is that an excuse at all?
I am blaming Milo right now. In several posts.
For what reason would you assume I don't blame everyone involved?
You speak like a Jew.
That is very relevant to what we're talking about.
There are plenty of conservative speakers who happen to not enjoy pedophilia and rape that you should be following. Liking Milo only signals how naive you fucking are.
Let me guess how it'll go
>Leftie gets tr*gg*red
>Milo pretends to be conservative for money
>The sun moves west
Basically, nothing out of the ordinary.
Fucking Christ.
>support Israel goy, antisemites need to be silenced! And don't forget to get your disgusting anteater cock cut!
>buy my generic T-shirts goy, only 30 bucks a piece!
>half of his twitter feed are selfies and outright advertisement of his merchandise
>dresses like a Backstreet Boys member and posts more pictures of him with money than Floyd Mayweather and Johnny Manziel combined
>gay people shouldn't get married and stay monogamous or celibate in order to not spread AIDS around, they should have fun and be bugchasing slutty retards like me, we are all so decadent and naughty! Did I tell you how much I love nigger dick?
>let me make fun of a fatass who's actually trying to lose weight!
>I'm a materialist kike who breaks every commandment and indulges in sodomy, but I'm totally Catholic, #deusvult bruh ya dig nigga
Really the only difference between this fuck and Shapiro is the fact he supports Trump. That's his only redeeming feature.
What I'd expect from a "right winger" is promotion of Christian and American values of hard work, family and monogamous life, devotion to your nation and a staunch opposition against degeneracy, healthy stance on racial separation, support for the white working and middle class people, shit like that.
Instead in Milo we get a Jewish/Gypsy racemixing, money-worshipping, vain, drug using edgelord faggot mongrel from Britain who's riding the wave trying to be the Sup Forums version of Andy Kaufman to make money off of gullible fucktards like you.
What the fuck why does this guy like foreskin so much jesus christ murica round up the rabbis and snip this man quickly
All Milo talks about is Sup Forums related issues, why wouldn't i?
We love our foreskin all the way up north.
Its a canadian thing
ops meant to quote
He's using our ideas to make money. He's actually turning supposed right wing men on twitter. You really have to see it, it's quite amazing. I'm not sure what you consider "Sup Forums related issues," but they're probably different from mine. He did a number on the altright with his article. He made all the antisemitism out to be a joke and portrayed it as some fun happy get together for anyone who leans right and doesn't like the republican party. I've seen Jews, somalis, and people who call themselves liberal with altright in their twitter bio now. They're all over Sup Forums now too. He's a subversive jew. He should be exhibit A for anyone introduced to the altright through him and who is actually interested in the altright
>He's actually turning supposed right wing men on twitter
>turning supposed right wing men
>he actually spread his asshole
>he actually ate his piss
Disgusting. However, he is still a fine guy. The only issue I have with him is his mockery of "DA JOOOS" meme.