Why rich first world countries commit so much sudoku while Latin American shitholes are the happiest places on earth?
>TFW Mexico is the suicide capital of the world.
what the fuck is that US flag
Clowdy weather
northern climate or treat their people like robots and work them to death
hungary - i have no idea
the same reason niggers hardly ever kill themselves they are too stupid to experience depression
Britain will probably go up after Brexit.
Can't kill yourself if the cartels do it first
I'd kill myself too if i was Hungarian
why? isn't a paradise?
White Americans are higher than South Koreans
people living in shitholes have issues other than feeling sorry for themselves
Hungary still a rich country
Maybe not as rich as Germoney but they are first world
Ignorance is bliss.
But you don't measure happiness from suicide rates.
This song makes hungarians crave death...
90% of my country's population is catholic so that is probably one of the reasons.
>measure happiness
shit dropped link
You wanna know the real answer?
Because true happiness lies in fighting. Fighting for your daily bread, working everyday, exhausting yourself for a higher purpose. Hanging in there for your family and your fellow country men is what satisfies humans. It's the truth. Nihilism is cancer.
Wanna fight, faggot?
>america isn't number one
This. Not having anything to fight for is a quick way to fall into nihilism.
Being half breed scum makes you less intelligent. Not having much capacity for self-reflection leaves you blissfully ignorant.
poor people can't afford to buy so many headaches
Curse of Turan is what kills Hungary.
Then how do you explain these?
ours would be higher but we aren't allowed any sharp objects
it has to do something with asiatic genes. all top 4 are members
it would have gone up without brexit, too
The best evidence so far is that there are issues stemming from having no one to blame your own failure on. People in rich, developed countries tend to lead lives below their expectations, and if there's no bogey man to point towards as the reason they're not succeeding, they have to acknowledge the fact that it's their own fault.
Less "true happiness lies in fighting" and more "lack of pressure leads to self inspection". The majority of people tend not to like what they find.
they put a lot of pressure on their people. acting responsibly is so important you should just kill yourself if you fail that.
How is everyone this fine day?
>why are retarded people happier
Awesome, how are you?
I could never suck those
It looks like she tried to iron her tits and forgot the iron on them
When everyone is fucked being fucked doesn't seem so bad.
Feeling suicidal bro
Everyone is happy
So the people that are depressed feel very isolated
So they kill themselves
You could actually argue that suicide rates are inversely proportional to happiness
Your country is irrelevant lmao, don't talk shit about our slave tits
kill yourself
inderasting that in table 14 of 2015 human development report the top 9 countries are western and the suicide rate of men is 2-3 times that of women.
they are obsessively materialistic/individualistic and as a consequence more productive, less religious and with a worse sense of community
High i.q people are usually whiney little shits where low iq people haven't a care in the world.
US = Tonga I guess.
>Why rich first world countries commit so much sudoku while Latin American shitholes are the happiest places on earth?
They all get murdered before they have a chance to suicide.