The level of absurdity right now is giving me cancer
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Jesus H. Christ.
really made me think
this isn't worth a 5 word caption
[Thinking intensifies]
Wasn't that drawing originally a parody? Please tell me it was.
But he's a child molester!
One goes to the car the nigger stole
One goes to the reason the nigger died
That hashtag is pure gold, but fuck it's rage inducing
pretty sure it is
How do we spread this?
> next image: something with hitler police and nigger jew
I thought it was Sam Hyde.
That is one hell of a filename
>Be old as fuck
>Still trying to sell dat hot mixtape in the hood
>Jesus H. Christ.
Never understood what the H stands for in that.
This is something that baffles me... no one needs a firearm except police and military, but police are racist and the military is nothing but murderers... so, how do you reconcile the two conflicting beliefs?
It's Howard. As in Howard be thy name.
He is going to start a flame war with that fire
Niggers are so weird :3 Glad we don't have that many in here.
It wouldn't surprise me if all of this was pirated music.
Cancer? You can occasionnally get cured from that shit. I've got full AIDS from this shit.
The joke is "Harold", because it's "Herald be thy name."
feeling Dixie pride right now
This nigger's name was trending and autocompleting on google within a few hours of the story (((breaking)))).
Nothing calculated about that. No conspiracy here.
Hussein because he was a black arab
BLM aren't smart, but they're fast, I don't think it's necessarily any Google shenanigans
He dindu nuffin, just reachin fo his keys bout to drive to church
And here come the Jews to stir the pot
Jesus Hecking Christ
What is this I'm witnessing???
Nigger selling pirated music and defending a childrapist. Le aspiring rapper & goo boy meme.
When will you end this madness, burgers?
Not realizing the the KKK is a militant arm of the Democratic party
But ZIMZAM easnt a cop.
Niggers suck at memes
The madness will never end
Jesus Hitler Christ
My prayers have been answered!
>le shoot in the arm or leg meme
I want to physically hurt those people
People still use cd's?
Is this 2004?
Is there any way we can bend blacks anger towards the Jews? I already know they hate gays
why are all these noggers spelling his name "Serling"? isn't it Sterling? also I saw two blacks today wearing t shirts that read "#justice for Shirley". was there another high profile jigaboo shooting with someone named Shirley?
Keep pushing that please.
I look forward to seeing them turn on liberal whites even more.
I always love it when the smug armchair officers come out after shit like this. I bet my nutsack on the fact that if it was him in the same situation he'd unload the whole mag on the nigger.
When someone goes for a gun, you neutralize. Basic self defense tactics.
That's a Punjabi name. I'm Sikh and I recognize it.
this level of kikery...
>Why didn't they just put their own lives in danger to protect some guy trying to kill them!?
Every fucking time with this shit. I'd like to see them placed in this kind of situation.
Shooting a guy in the fucking arm does not incapacitate them, meaning they could still fire the weapon and shoot someone.
finally someone to explain it all
Kek, niggers can't spell.
No, the niggers on that list all had previous convictions.
Why not just magdump him in the head to make sure he's neutralized?
Kek underrated
This one got me for some reason.
I always hated that band's name.
Are you over 30 by any chance?
This faggot is gay as hell.
Pure fucking gold
seriously that fucking band name Jesus Hoobastank Christ
What's wrong with that argument?
Not trying to argue with you, I just wanna know why it's a stupid argument.
I heard that cops are trained not to shoot them in the arm or leg for liability or some shit? Someone confirm this?
>American education
I've always disliked that band because of its stupid name. The music is alright though.
the phrase is hallowed be thy name you stupid cuck
it's hallowed be thy name idiot
Sikh in the head
Absolutely drives one to contemplate.
shooting an armed suspect in the leg isnt going to stop him from shooting
That's obviously not the same person
What is this nigger shit? Police aren't constitutionally required to protect shit.
They are there to enforce the law, not protect the people. The law protects the people.
It certainly made me think.
You should only draw your weapon when you feel your life or someone else's is in dangers. Shooting for the arm or leg makes neutralizing that danger less likely.
It's dangerous as hell that's why.
This isn't TV. If you have to shoot someone, you point at their largest area and you unload on that mother fucker.
Even then, he might still shoot back.
Your question is the equivalent of asking why you just don't karate chop someone who is trying to stab you.
I don't understand why blacks are consistently being portrayed as the most angelic and innocent by the mainstream, given that they commit the vast majority of violent crime.
>not knowing krav maga and use your keys as a weapon
git gud
Finally, a voice of reason is injected into the conversation
>Rekia Boyd
What kind of retarded name is that?!
>yfw you realise a cop salary is literally something a negro can only think of in awe and only comprehend through a special theory about how someone would only get such a large amount of money by being dishonest
It means holy you dingus
Because there is no safe place on the body that you can shoot without risking to kill the person. Arms and legs are full of arteries that would make someone bleed out in minutes if severed.
Cops are trained to shoot center mass, because it's the largest target, shooting under stress is much more difficult than at the range, and cops shoot to stop a threat, and shooting the limbs isn't a good way to stop a threat.
Lastly, if a cop did shoot a suspect in a limb and the suspect managed to survive, he would indeed proceed to sue the shit out of the cop.
We are consistently trained two to the body, one to the head. If there are three officers around expect six shots in the body!
These retards can't deal with anything.
Normal working white people have dealt with an enormous amount of literal shit from every possible direction for decades, and these cretins want to pull out a time machine every time something their teacher/some new age hippie faggot told was proof of institutional racism. LMFAO
>Is there any way we can bend blacks anger towards the Jews?
Black Isrealite Movement
Overview: WE WUZ KIKES
already exists
Sikh Of It All