The image they don't want you to see
The image they don't want you to see
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>Shoulder and some oil stains
post the video op you immense nigger
What am I supposed to see here? Also why don't americans have license plates on the front of the car?
It's all so careless
Woah now that I can see it from this angle I realized the guy is actually black
thank god the cops reacted quickly!
Some commie states require it
For 500 points: If his elbow is raised, where is he reaching?
NY'ers have license plates on the front
Legally you only need them on the back of the car here
some do both anyway
In other news, the dumb niggers have trended the misspelling of the dead niggers name on twitter.
In some states we do. Louisiana, however, is notorious for being backwards and having Napoleonic Code instead of Common Law like the other states.
you still can't tell from either of the videos whether he was actually grabbing for his weapon or not. i'm no fan of nogs, but shooting people dead while there's no possible way for them to defend themselves, is something a nigger would do.
what it seems like, from both videos, is that alton was struggling, but still completely restrained by both officers; one officer felt a weapon in his pocket, and shouted out "he's got a gun!", then the other officer panicked and shot the dude in the chest, without really knowing what was going on. this is plain to see, because a cop removes the weapon from his pocket *after* the shooting.
until we see other evidence, the only reasonable conclusion is that it was an over-vigilant mistake on the part of the cops.
yes, alton was a nog, a sex offender, and an overall ne'er do well moron, but unless he was actually grabbing for his weapon, he did not deserve to die. let's be reasonable Sup Forums, like most nogs, he only deserved to go back to africa.
Sealed the deal for me. You good? I'm good.
Next crisis, pls.
>Appears To Show Hillary Clinton
Or you just don't struggle with police officers. What the fuck do you think is going to happen?
Daaaaaaamn, this really makes you think..
He was clearly reaching in his pocket. I haven't seen the gun he had though. If he truly had a gun, he looks guilty as charged here
Let's be reasonable, murder charges should be reserved for people who kill somebody of any relative value
trash belongs in the garbage, I would never find guilty if I were on the jury of a man accused of killing a pedophile drug dealing felon
>why don't americans have license plates on the front of the car?
I live half the year in Florida and half the year in New York City. In NY, plates are required on the front and back of every car. In FL, plates are only required on the back.
On my Facebook there are like 15 SJWs all posting is video claiming the cop as planting a gun.
How the fuck did a shithole in Eastern PA breed so many of these SJWs
Are my two friends worth bothering with Facebook over?
we only use this logic, because regardless of race, in most of america, we live in cities where cops can get away with pretty much anything, and are no better than a gang of thugs most of the time (see: no better than niggers when it comes down to it).
>If he truly had a gun
He did have a gun, not sure how they couldn't have prevented him from reaching for it.
>Was letting him reach for it part of their plan?
it looks like the cop, as another user said a few hours ago, pulls a knife from his pocket as opposed to a gun. watch it carefully and pause frequently.
i clearly said i think it was an over-vigilant mistake made by the cops, and pointed out that other stuff too.
He was reaching for his gun, wasn't he?
>I haven't seen the gun he had though.
We know he had a gun. The reason the cops were there in the first place was because they were dispatched there due to people calling 911 and reporting that Alton Sterling was threatening people with a gun. The cops were advised that Alton Sterling may have a gun when they were dispatched to the scene.
>He did have a gun
Has this been reported? Where?
>Guy pulled gun on civilians right before the altercation
>He also pointed it at the police
>He is also a pedophile
>He was obviously out to do no good
>Hurr he deserves to live
Not a bootlicker, but can you with a straight face seriosly say that the pedophile with a deadly weapon struggling against 2 cops didn't deserve to get shot?
Now, In Sweden the police are pussies, but I at one point almost got arrested (or whatever the term is) because they mistook me for someone else.
They literally jumped on me from behind, pulled me down to the ground and screamed that they where cops and that I need to stop struggling.
Now because I didn't want to get tazered, sprayed, or otherwise hurt I weren't a fucking jackass and instead just let them to their thing, they quickly realized their mistakes and I got about 500 bucks in damages (nothing on me was even hurt).
He had a GUN. And he KNEW there where police trying to fucking restrain him, HE KNEW HE HAD A GUN. Why the fuck wouldn't he just lay down if he had no ill intent?
>Hurr bootlicker
Doesn't matter whether the police had the right to or not, he still KNEW that resisting could get him killed.
well they set up a go fund me for the niggers already
The purpose of this video/shooting is the deflect you away from Hillary's issues. Just the same as Cecil The Lion was a deflection for 'the people' the be enraged over.
1) Relase bad press on Friday (or holiday weekend)
2) deflect the conversation the next business day with an issue the people will chimp out over.
year after year after year after year, and people fall for the same trick every single time.
We usually do.
omg these oil stains looks like a dog
He was reaching for something. Fuck him.
Shill thread designed to distract Sup Forumss attention away from Shillary Foundation
Here you must have them on front and back (Some exceptions like if it's a dealer car)
Tags go on rear, unless you are a commercial vehicle they go on the front plate
are you sure he had a gun? i haven't seen evidence of it, only reports. that's the issue for me. and in the video, it looks like the cop pulls a knife from his pocket.
The pics of him after the shooting with blood on that Audi means he moved and got shot at the level of the vehicle.
In other words he rolled over on his side and went for his gun and got blasted.
They don't pay reparations for mistaken identity here, they'll cover their ass and tell you to stay out of trouble. That and maybe they'll actually give a heartfelt apology.
One of the bystanders shouts "he has a gun!", this
aand I've seen some other reports I cba to dig up.
I don't give a fuck. If the cops fucked up then they gotta pay. How is it that we have TWO cops that can't whoop ONE man's ass, without guns? Don't cops get tasers? Don't cops get nightsticks?
How is it that cops immediately escalate to deadly force? Used to be a cop with a billy club would fuck your shit up if you resisted.
That's his shoulder you dolt
>pointed it at police
>put it back in his pocket before being arrested only to struggle to grab it again
Well that doesn't add up
holy fuck I wish I didn't watch that video.
I know that the cops were called to the scene due to reports he had a gun. I'm just curious to know if a gun had actually been recovered from his body
>but shooting people dead while there's no possible way for them to defend themselves
What do you think this is, a street fight? A duel at twenty paces? Cops have to protect their lives. The nigger had a gun and was trying to free himself.
This. Why do niggers do this? What do they think will happen?
It looks like he's reaching with his right arm, but it's hard to tell for sure
of-course friends. Sup Forums is never allowed to discuss current events. we must only talk of crooked shillary here. nothing else.
>something a nigger would do
>done by white cops every day of the year
Ya done goofd
It depends on the state user!
All fifty of them have their own rules and regulations that can differ greatly from one another.
Honestly let's stop speculating and wait for the findings of the investigation.
The police where called to the scene because he was pointing his gun at people and threatening him. It was even on the fucking scanners.
Not mistaken identity here either, but in this case wrongful forcefull arrest that could have been avoided if they had just looked at me from the front.
Okay leaf I guess the pedophile deserved to live even though he had at least pointed the gun at civilians.
If you experienced some of the situations police deal with you would shit yourself and cry including the situation given in the video. You're wrestling with a criminal who weighs at least 250+lbs who is actively resisting arrest and ON TOP OF THAT is reaching for something in his pocket which could be a knife, mace, gun what have you. Cops go out into duty knowing someone could end them that day. So please tell me, if you were on the ground wrestling someone who weighs probably more than you and is reaching for something in his pocket tell me your plan of how you deal with this in a manner that's peaceful? Taser? Look up people holding up under taser. Look up "I'll get you bitch" on youtube.
My only grievance is that the fucking cameraman/woman turned away before the moneyshot
Him just grabbing the cops gun is a green light to shoot the fucker. Its Louisiana, its a clean shoot
No wonder your country will be Somalia-tier in few more decades.
So, Americans or rest of you here - which country or state can I move to, where I can use deadly force as self-defense?
He was clearly resisting arrest, if he has a gun on him, that only made things worse.
Maybe the cop overreacted, but maybe if they are trying to restrain you, the better course of action is not act like a psycho.
yes, the government will investigate the government and then we'll have the "truth"
They had already tased him. It didn't do shit. Liberals are crying "why didn't they tase him" when they fucking tried.
They'll get a lot of money from this, unfortunately. For some reason this shooting seems on track to be a major chimpout.
It's going to be worse because the DOJ is leading the investigation, and the head of the DOJ is a corrupt nigger.
>Okay leaf I guess the pedophile deserved to live even though he had at least pointed the gun at civilians.
I'm talking about logistics here. If there are contradictions in the story, then someone is lying about what happened. It has nothing to do with whether he deserved to die.
You can't tell wether his elbow is raised.
And even if you could, it wouldnt prove shit.
They already tased him
Protip, tasers aren't very effective on people over 300lb.
it's a small pistol not a knife
watch the video, his right hand clearly moves down his body
Actually, upon viewing the video again, I've come to the conclusion he was reaching for a gun in his pocket, the video shows him tilting his head and reaching in the direction of his pocket.
States make their own laws for stuff like that. So some require, some don't.
>The police where called to the scene because he was pointing his gun at people and threatening him.
Because someone phoned that in doesn't mean he had a gun. That ought to be obvious.
People are stupid. Many adults never mature beyond being a teenager. Welcome to the real world
>gets shot
Cop here- not sad the nigger is dead but this was bad police work. The biggest thing is they kept firing.
You are told in training to only fire to protect yourself and to stop the target from advancing. It is evident that there is a good second and a half two seconds they continue to fire more bullets into him.
Honestly, I do not know why more guys don't use pepper spray. It fucking works. This type of situation could be avoided.
And before anyone goes and says that cops love to kill niggers, while I hate them, I NEVER want to be in this situation. Nothing good comes from it, ever.
they felt the gun in the guy's pocket
he was reaching for said pocket
>threatening people with a gun
nice lie there faggot he chased off one person with it, there are no other details regarding it except the reason he had it was because a friend of his was recently mugged.
Can't prove he wasn't reaching for his gun. Cops dindu nuffin.
Police cannot justifiably shoot a citizen unless the citizen presents clear and present danger to the police or other citizens. As much as the leftist scum would like us to believe it, simply having a gun on one's person doesn't constitute a clear and present danger. In terms of the police I don't think they should be allowed to shoot unless the person actually has the firearm in their hands and are in the process of bringing it to bear.
>I don't give a fuck. If the cops fucked up then they gotta pay. How is it that we have TWO cops that can't whoop ONE man's ass,
that's not an argument you sack of shit
thank you
Struggling/resisting arrest doesn't and shouldn't warrant the use of deadly force though. A beating, yes.
LA lawyer here. Everything you said is pretty much incorrect.
Louisiana utilizes its own civil code based upon parts of the french and spanish civil codes. It's not the "Napleonic Code".
Also, LA has it's own criminal statutes (like every other state) that is separate from its Civil Code.
Finally, louisiana does recognize common law and recognizes prior jurisprudence as binding in many cases. We've even adopted (in practice) most of the UCC, except 1 part.
>Multiple witnesses calls in that the same person is pointing a gun and threatening people
>One of the cops cries out he has a gun
>One of the bystanders cries out he has a gun
>Cops would lie about a gun because its not like there's gonna be a huge investigation afterwards.
Yeah nah he most likely didn't have a gun. The cops should have just hoped for the best and gotten themselves shot instead of killing a resisting pedophile.
Pretending it's not doesn't make it any less of an argument (you) ignorant twat
Also, vehicle registration isn't covered by the civil code. Dumbass.
Only some states require that, mine has only ever had the need to be on the back.
IMO if you comply with the police and still get shot, that's unjustified. The moment you resist arrest, even if you personally don't think the arrest is warranted, all the bets are off, you're on your own.
How fucking hard is it to comply and talk it through?
I'll never understand niggers.
One last arm shake before dying.
Watch at .25 speed.
The cop grabs his hand from his face and moves it back down toward his pocket just before he gets shot.
Yes he had a gun moron. At the end of this video the cop takes it out of the right pocket that he was clearly reaching for. That nigger was up to no good, and the cops did the right thing making sure he didn't get to grab that gun.
I live in louisiana, we all have plates on the front
I think the real value of this video is that it showed it wasn't the officer wearing the hat that fired. It was on the one on top of him who yelled that he was going for a gun.
>brandishing a firearm
but he dindu nuffin
Ok. I can't tell what's going on from the videos. I sure as fuck wouldn't wrestle with the cops like that. Especially after the cop has drawn his weapon and aimed it at me point blank.
I didn't say he didn't have a gun, I said that going by some phoned in accusation doesn't clinch it. People accuse people of stuff sometimes; rape for example.
Is he dabbing?
where are the chimp outs?