
OMG le epic sequence of numbers. Win XD

Shit get. Wasted.

I can only hope

fucking damn it

Worse get ever.

>porn actress/coal burner First Lady
>whole family is sluts even mom
>whole family is freaks including transsexual father
>Kanye is a genius, the only problem with that is that he knows he is


niggers ceasing to exist cancels out his 2020 run

It'll be a great way to end the "liberal" era of the USA. It'll be a keeper for the history books.

Your country is a waste of land

Pure normie tier faggotry

more digits=more kekworthy

its basic kekscience. one kek cancels out another.

Yes yes, well done Kanye, well done Kanye.


eXCEPT nobody specified what he'd win

We reached 8?

Litterally who



I'm sorry, I don't speak Somalian

top kek



i remember that thread

god we share so many special memories...

It's the same amount of digits, though.

will 88888888 happen before the elections?

Reddit tier Sup Forums garbage.
Kill yourself

no but it will predict the future after trump is elected

It doesn't make any sense

the only digits that matter are the repeating ones

It all makes sense now.
Trump nominates Kanye as VP.
Trump dies in 2019 of old age.
Kanye runs as incumbent.

Fake, back to tumblr you french fucking cuck

Your safe space has called, you need to go back.

haha shit, everyone knows a load of sevens just fucking chimes with rightness. it rings like a bell in your head

Brexit then Trump!

that card game just gets weirder and more real


Fucking mods.

are you guys making these now? or am i an undiagnosed schizo?

Time is not a straight line.

im literally scared now. and all the pictures in the captcha were upside down. thanks user

this just came into play today

Im sorry, but the name newt gingrich is an insult to common sense

Reminder to never listen to anyone who claims Kek is Jesus, Yahweh, Satan, or any other semitic creation.

>that card game just gets weirder and more real
Yep, I can feel an aura of energy emanating from the cards tbqh

>thread was deleted

What if Kanye isn't a nigger? What if Kanye is redpilled? What if the "trump nigger" GET meant Trump/Kanye 2016?


Oh Kek, the world is turning into Yu-Gi-Oh.