Some cunt just posted this in my facebook feed. What the actual fuck, unless you live near a beach, which she doesn't, having a picnic at the beach is 10x more expensive than a dinner date.
Any way, shit that women actually think general.
Some cunt just posted this in my facebook feed. What the actual fuck, unless you live near a beach, which she doesn't, having a picnic at the beach is 10x more expensive than a dinner date.
Any way, shit that women actually think general.
You should ask her if she would like to go out on a picnic date
> having a picnic at the beach is 10x more expensive than a dinner date
Are you poor? Just bring lawn furniture and Olive Garden take-out for a "Beach date"
Should be titled stuff that women think are true that make no sense
Why would it be more expensive?
Also, who brings throw pillows to the beach? The more I look at this picture, the more it pisses me off.
She's old and not in a milfy way, she is white with half spic children, and is dating a nigger. Even if I wanted to go on a picnic date, which I fucking don't, I'd ask literally any other female on my facebook before I'd ask her.
Thats point? Women always want The most dificult thing.
I mean, I guess theoretically it'd be more expensive if you have to actually go out and find / buy candles, blankets, pillows, condoms etc. But seriously, who doesn't already have that shit
Oh wait, almost forgot where I was for a second
Not everyone lives within (reasonable) driving distance of a coast
Have you thought of the possibility that she would rather have a picnic at the beach that dinner at an expensive restaurant, regardless of price?
I mean all women talk about it pointless vapid shit but come on.
sand in bagina XD
>Have you thought of the possibility that she would rather have a picnic at the beach that dinner at an expensive restaurant, regardless of price?
Did you read the image? It literally says "...rather than an EXPENSIVE dinner date." Which is meant to imply she's a laid back girl who enjoys the simple things in life, instead it implies she's a dumb spoiled bitch like the rest of them.
>Having a picnic at the beach
>especially at dusk/night
florida fag here, this is a terrible fucking idea
mosquitos will rape you in front of your wife and the wind will get sand into EVERYTHING
your sandwiches
your expensive wine and chocolate
your asshole that is being ruined by and angry anopheles
fucking sand EVERYWHERE
>le fedora meme
>Implying the dumb bitches in this image know shit
GAfag checking in
Most women don't think anything. They just repeat what the herd lows in hopes of getting acceptance.
It's a thousands of years old feminine survival tactic.
> implying traveling to a far off beach in Tahiti isn't expensive as fuck
Women are dumbasses
Underrated mexican toast. Build wall José.
Texasfag here, this is an awesome idea. Beach picnics are delicious. Use the weather forecast to pick a day with lower wind. Bring meat and s'mores ingredients and a small grill. And a bag! You need a bag for beachcombing.
Who's gonna clean all this shit.
>What is a lake, river, waterfall in the woods by a stream?
Are you autistic or just completely unimaginative? Now, back to /r9k/ with you.
>Thinking women like anything about the wilderness, much less will wear proper gear to go hiking in.
You should probably have stayed.
>gf wants to go to beach for lunch/hanging out
>drive 1.5 hours to a remote beach in malibu to avoid santa monica madness
>wind is ripping at 20-30 mph, feels like my skin is being sandblasted away
>finally get to other side of beach in cover, no wind
>start walking through rocks to get to the sand
>ahead of gf because not wearing pathetic flip flops
>she nearly walks right into a dead sea lion, freaks out and starts crying
>yells at me, then texts me to come back over the rocks
>no surprise, cries whenever an animal dies on a documentary
>go back over rocks, tell her to just walk around it, keep pushing on
>set up on beach near the water, finally time to kick back and relax
>small wind kicks up again
>realize we are 25 feet away from a PILE of 18 dead sea birds (I counted them)
>what the fuck
>stench of dead animal flying around while trying to eat a sandwich
>huge indian family walks past, little shit kids walk directly through our set up, all over towels and food and shit
>fuck this
>2.5 hour drive back due to traffic
I still love the ocean, but women thinking it's a magical experience are out of their minds
Got married in Santa Barbra on a beach, and even the best most empty beach we could find had these huge drain pipe looking things going out into the ocean. And the whole area to the left had fucking caution tape or some shit put up. But hey, the little sliver of beach we actually married on looked great in pictures.
>unless you live near a beach, which she doesn't
>thinking beach dates are great
>never actually go to a beach
>not knowing beaches are windy as fuck and get cold at night
fucking kek.
>Dating the woman that would become my wife some years ago
>"Hey user, let's go have a romantic picnic on the beach at sunset!"
>Get packed up and head out
>Beach is windy as fuck
>The marine layer just fucking hung out all damn day making it 20 degrees colder than a mile inland
>Spend 20 fucking minutes trying to get the blanket set
>Have to weigh it down with rocks because of that fucking wind
>Sand, sand everywhere
>In the food
>In the wine
>On the blanket
>Fucking everywhere
>About thirty minutes in we give each other the "screw this" look
>Pack up
>Hit In and Out on the way home
Beach dates are complete shit. Any girl who says different has either never been on one or is lying.
I fail to see how making sandwiches and sitting on a blanket is more expensive than paying for over priced beef.
You don't have any lakes?
Na not if your somewhere warm. Took a chick down to the beach at night in Florida and it was great, fucked her brains out then she sucked and swollowed
>gf has been wanting to go to the beach for years
>keep saying we will then never do it
I legitimately think she's retarded because she hasn't caught on that we're never going
Here's an anecdote for you... My wife would rather play Minecraft than go out for an expensive dinner.
I know this because I'd rather go for an expensive dinner than watch her play Minecraft.
But she has what human beings call personal preference... And she would rather hang out with me and the kids and play games, watch movies and get comfy than waste money.
So, in some cases, my friend, women have opinions.
Why don't you take her?
women are a meme
>have dinner by some kind of water
what if i just ran the bathroom faucet and we had dinner in the bathtub? is that romantic? it would display my monetary creativity and i'm sure she would appreciate me saving her a bit of money.
>is that romantic
I like going for day trips. Your experience was memorable enough to post it with meme arrows.
Sounds like fun, actually.
The lake is objectively superior. I work on the ocean and I know it to be true.
so now theres sand and shit on a bunch of good pillows and rugs.
>yfw that same experience with some male friends without the picnic would actually be fun
>Women enjoy the beach
More news at 11
Fuck I am glad I live in America
It honestly must be great for them though. Imagine if they came to the US and had a honeymoon at a super 8? They would be the talk of the town
>creating a thread coz some bitch said something online
>being in Florida
That is your first mistake
>having a picnic at the beach is 10x more expensive than a dinner date.
You really think that the woman posting this would be willing to split the bill at the very least?
>beach at night in Florida
Sure thing, aussie.
Simple things like getting her Pussy pounded
It's just indicating she needs to be fucked
>Tfw raised by a single mother and I do this also
>Ask girl I know to dinner
>Just want some company with me while I eat
>She thinks its a date
>I go to my favorite and just do my thing
>Drop her off after we eat, still thinks its a date
>Gets offended when I don't treat her specially
Wow stupid cunt, I just want to be friends. Why do you feel so privileged?
Yo just take her
either you're right about the beach being shit and you then get to be right and won't have to listen to her ask about it in the future
or you're wrong and you have a good fucking time
You're not whipped for doing what your GF wants just like your girl isn't a whore for doing anal after you've been trying to convince her for years.
Like fug man just go out and have a good time
Why the fuck would anyone do that?
>tfw boyfriend wants to have romantic picnics on grass
>I'm allergic to grass and it sounds gross
Why are outside picnics found romantic anyway?
My coworker's father lived in Belarus during the soviet/communist occupation.
Apparently when he first came to the US, he walked into a corner store and started crying because he had never seen so much food.
Just let them enjoy their divorces, user.
That grout.
Im going to have nightmares about that shit.
Do you know how to read?
>take over an expensive date
ffffff that reminds me I need bleach spray
To get drunk faster
>instead of literally any of the billions of other LA beaches and just going on a less trafficked day
>objectively superior
>no matter where you are, spider webs all over the dock and dozens of spiders, hundreds of gnats all over
>get in the water, sickly warm
>dead trees from way back when sticking out of the water
>get close to the shore of the lake and the bottom is that silky muddy sand that is half detritus
>remember the high school biology lab where you looked at freshwater under a microscope and there was a whole colony of bacteria, amoebas and arthropods
no thanks
Beach, park, riverside, meadow, forest, I doubt she meant only the beach will do.
Also, taking a bottle of wine and some nice cheese, fruit and something sweet for desert is not expensive. Have done it several times, it's nice.
>Girlfriend asks to go to beach for a romantic lunch.
>I tell her no it's raiding season and the Vikings would take her as a thrall.
>"Hehe you mean as a sex slave?"
>"I said thrall and I mean it you are too old to be a wife."
>She gets all pissy and storms out saying she will have lunch on her own on the beach.
>Raiders spotted off the coast.
>Haven't see the GF in 3 months.
>Her younger sister is much nicer anyway.
Getting drunk is the fun part why would I want to get it done faster
My wife posted this stupid god damn shit, where you from senpai?
How am I not in r9k right now?
"glamping" or any derivative of that is gay as fuck
>never seen so much food.
Kek. We had mountains of food in USSR shops, just not enough variety. Had like 2 kinds of cheese and 1 of sugar.
Bread lines only appeared when Gorbachov came to power in late 80s, muh liberties.
>New GF she also wants to go eat on the beach.
>I tell her no, North Korean frogmen will kidnap her off the beach and transport her by submarine back to North Korea and force her to teach them her language.
>"You're so full of shit!'
>Tell her to look it up.
>She takes out her stupid iphone, and starts to search, "Your such a liar and...WTF? That happened?"
>Asks if we can go to the forest for a picnic instead.
>Tell her no it's Wendigo season.
>She starts to argue, I just say "Frogmen".
>Saved her from the cannibals , and she doesn't even thank me for it.
>She asks for a trip to the desert, tell her no Skinwalkers.
>my dad goes to your site and he saw my boobs
>He said they are only for him to see and for my future husband
>only for him to see
So they can blame all their mistakes on being drunk as fast as possible.
Suddenly a shimmer of intelligence pierces the dark cloud of stupidity covering the thread
You can buy sand at a hardware store. Fill her bed with sand and watch a movie with some snacks from the fridge it will be ~ 15$
What's with the upswing of stealthposting lately, what is happeneing?
>there are people who unironically don't live near a beach
in nz you can't get more than 100kms from the sea
Spic post is best post
Why are you posting the shittiest art you can find?
Their dad.
Why did he bring his phone out into the ocean?
To take a picture of that girl's ass, obviously.
>Are you autistic or just completely unimaginative?
my guess is assburgers
I'll bite. Fuck the beach.
went with a girl that wanted to go do beach camping. It IS windy as fuck at night, so much that we were fighting trying to set up a fucking tent. Because she bought a tent and never thought to look at it before.
and then honestly the novelty of sand literally fucking everywhere wears off really quickly when you accidently get some in your tent.
that and i was in galveston in mid summer and somehow it still got cold.
didn't even get fucking laid, fuck the beach.
Beaches are for swimming and land invasions only
All the people in this thread whining about the beach being terrible. How many times have you actually fucking been? Your crying is as bad as a woman having a mental breakdown over a broken nail. Furthermore, how much do you get out in general? Surprise, it can be windy.
Holy fuck. Just remain in your basements. Life, the outdoors, nature; it is not for you.
Lived in Galveston for 6 months, from League City originally. It's hard to appreciate what a shit hole it is until you have to live there.
I lived on the beach for eight and a half years. Fuck the beach, fuck sand, fuck traffic, fuck tourists, fuck seagulls, fuck red tide, fuck it all.
Their 6 year old son.
The only woman anyone should be RRRRREEEEEEeeeeee'ing at on Sup Forums right now is
>pic related
otherwise GTFO back to autist MGTOW land
Beaches are way overrated, I agree. But chicks get wet for them because ... I dunno. I guess it symbolizes wealth or status to them. 98% of what women do is so they can brag about it to other women.
I don't use facebook. Why would you have someone like that as a facebook friend? Serious question, don't get all defensive and shit, I'm just confused as fuck.
>galveston in mid summer and somehow it still got cold
Why didn't you spend a couple hours and bring her to South Padre? I went there last weekend and it was pretty good