Who here /KillAllPaedophiles/?
Who here /KillAllPaedophiles/?
Other urls found in this thread:
All homosexuals are child abusers
All apples are green
>tfw secret pedo
Fuck Derryn Hinch
You mean real pedophiles or guys who are into highschool girls?
I'm really into teens, not prepubescent or pubescent. How about me?
There are far more heterosexual child molesters. Let's attempt to base things on reason rather than feelings.
Literally nothing wrong with being a pedo when 13 years old girls look like this
I'm not afraid to say I'm attracted to her.
Pedo = attraction to pre-teen children. That girl is anything but.
I don't know about killing but they will need some psychological support for sure.
Ugh only SJWs hate pedophiles
the nazis were actually huge sjws
degeneracy isnt real you fucking triggered faggots
SJWs certainly hate pedophiles
Offering any support or assistance to pedos will have you crucified along with them. Helping pedos will be seen by the public as tolerance or acceptance of their attraction.
The public want a bullet to the head and nothing more. Mere suspicion of being a pedo is enough to forgo all common sense and being civil and just act with pure blind animalistic rage.
So that means Sup Forums is done for?
If your definition of SJW is anyone who doesn't approve of pedophilia, sure.
Milo pls leave
>Hinch admitted to having sex with a 15-year-old female when he was in his early thirties
What do you define as a pedo?
>The public want a bullet to the head and nothing more. Mere suspicion of being a pedo is enough to forgo all common sense and being civil and just act with pure blind animalistic rage.
and there is nothing wrong with this
Fucking a 15 year old isn't pedophilia you mong. Its seen as wrong because their brains aren't fully mature, but its completely nature for a man to want to fuck one. Their bodies are usually that of a woman by then.
No, it isn't. Go to Reddit, Tumblr or anywhere else where they congregate, you'll see plenty of hatred of pedos there.
Anyway people who have blind hatred of pedophilia certainly do act a lot like SJWs when it comes to this issue, screaming and crying about feeelings over reason.
you're fucked in the head. kill yourself.my man.
hello SJW
>And this is why Brazil will remain a favela shithole, punishment without proof.