Ur always with me

ur always with me

hahaha it looks like he thinks or says that


>when your contract obligates you to appear as big as your costars



I unironically enjoy the Riddick series
>does anti-hero right
>not a hero, just some asshole who happens to do hero shit from time to time
>not absolutely stronk, gets BTFO physically or mentally from time to time
>just want to lose mercs and play vidyagaems

Why not just give Vin something to stand on?


I had to watch all of Furious 7 because the ending got spoiled for me.

I don't get why he felt the need to do that. there's only a 5cm difference between them

5cm is enough for women to not find you attractive.

because his muscles would still appear smaller

The Riddick movies are god-tier.

Basically the only original sci-fi series of our generation. Everything else is a sequel or reboot of some old series or a book/vidya adaptation.

this is one of my favorite movies

i hate the fast and furious series tho
>lets get everyone from each race and pretend real hard to be cool


I like how they never fully explained what the fuck were the Necroniggers were about aside from HURR ASCENDANCE. They never clearly explained what makes Furyans special either aside from Riddick's off remark "they don't even know what to do with one of me" and the le mark of the genocided angery race.
The "everything must be autistically explained" meme must die


He is ugly.

Vaako did nothing wrong
>bitch wife wants him to kill big boss necro because of reasons (probs power grab)
>*sucks your dick*
>"I'll think about it"
>that faggot purifier heavily implies that the grandmarshall must be kill hintedyhinthint
It's like everybody BUT him wants the grand marshal killed and he's the only one capable of succeeding him.
>be Vaako
>tfw just want to go to the underverse and achieve ascendance

Necromongers wanted to exist beyond death in some kind of afterlife called the Underverse. How they get there, what the fuck it is or how their funky death magic works, never explained, and it's fucking great. God tier return to an older, pulpier type of setting and plot. Riddick is basically Conan in space and it's perfect.

I seriously thought RIddick 2013 would be Riddick chasing after judge dredd in the underverse after baldy mcscarface spilled the beans about vaako being on his way/reaching there

I guess they needed a refresher after the period between Chronicles and Riddick, which is fair, but I wish it hadn't just been a rehash of Pitch Black. The first half is fantastic, I absolutely would have watched an entire 2 hour movie of Riddick surviving the alien planet by himself. He could have been trying to repair an old comms station by himself, sends out a message saying 'Here I am, come get me' and had to fend off the hordes of creatures solo with traps and when all seems lost, the comms station brings down a merc ship who kill the remaining creatures and capture Riddick, but it's highly implied he's just going to commandeer the ship himself.

they didnt have a big enough budget to do a true sequel for chronicles of riddick

I haven't seen Riddick yet. I've heard it's just Pitch Black but worse?

Fantastic first half, meh second half which is Pitch Black but slightly different. You won't regret seeing it either way.

It has a really good CGI doggo