white college grads? hahahahaha, you mean john oliver's devoted followers who graudate in wymyn's studies, social justice, sociology, basket weaving, fine artistry, etc?
Fuck off leaf cuck
That says more about today's college graduates than Trump desu.
White college graduates were voting for Bush Jr?
You're the only cuck here, leaf is speaking nothing but the truth
Who /whitecollegegraduatevotingfortrump/ here?
>the subversion of the school system is complete, master
Nah fuck off you worthless shill. You've been BTFO on the very first post. It's time to hang yourself now.
Seems to reflect poorly on the state of our universities then.
the leaf is right tho
Not most of Sup Forums, I can tell you that.
Largely because I'd wager most Sup Forumstards and Sup Forums users are underaged.
Wow, the white people who graduate from overtly far left institutions that invented the concept of safe spaces for 18+ year old babies doesn't want to elect who their professors call literally Adolf Hitler? I'm shocked.
Electrical engineer voting Trump. Would rather see a more qualified candidate, but just about anything is better than Hillary.
Me senpai
>> shill
White college grad here, still voting Trump.
Fucking mass media always full of shit.
Only the ones from Trump University.
Always yuropoors and leafs with these posts.
>get a degree
>vote for clinton/bush
>look at me guy i'm smrat
I'm actually a Cruz missile.
The only reason the media says this is because theit polls are based of hash tags just like Brexit was. Every young white college student or any student for that matter who is of the right wings stays quite because they know the leftist commie socialists among their peer group will be so butthurt and impulsive with a hate war campain against them that it will ruin their entire social scene.
When directly asked their opinon (not often since all libtards seem to be concerned about with their banter is themselves and their egos) they will talk about it confidently and calmly while the one asking the question will flip their shit. Then you will have the entire friend group around you saying how much of a freak the libtards was for getting so angery over a simple conversation that they brought up.
Simply put the quite majority doesn't say a thing because of class of the matter and avoid usless drama.
I know this because I am a graduate in this age group. You can assume anyone not taking place in the banter is for Trump in this age group.
I'm white and have bachelor's and associate degree in STEM
did nate bronze write that trash
fivethirtyeight = cucks
That only means white college graduates are the problem.
i didn't graduate but only because of my raging alcoholism. i have college experience though
>mfw (((nate silver))) hilarious meltdown on twitter after Trumps nomination
>2 posts by this ID
He tried.
i can confirm
i have been browsing pol for 3 years and
literally 2 months ago i finally turned 18
Kind of hard to lose a demographic he never really had.
>I am one out of 1.8~ million unique users that frequent Sup Forums in a week
Wow I bet you want me to cite my statistic but I wont since you're just anecdote
Congrats. good luck in adulthood.