Stop pretending this is about race.
It doesn't matter what the race of the victim was, and it doesn't matter what the race of the cop was.
What happened was illegal.
Stop pretending this is about race.
It doesn't matter what the race of the victim was, and it doesn't matter what the race of the cop was.
What happened was illegal.
a convicted pedophile who owed $25k in child support, was a blood gang member, had a bench warrant and court dates coming up and a million previous charges, was capped by cops today for committing a crime. cry me a fucking river. nothing of value was lost, as usual. I love how black lives only matter when cops finally put them down. why don't they matter when they kill each other and fuck their lives up by joining gangs and raping children in this particular case, and robbing and killing other people? play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Here's an idea: don't commit crimes and you won't get shot. Has BLM stood up for a single person that wasn't in the midst of committing a crime?
>how can you be racist it's 2016
>man fuck white people
Niggers aren't people
oy vey pedophilia is redpilled
He deserved what he got.
Damn, I just checked my calendar and he's right.
Guess I'm not racist anymore.
If you're not racist John Oliver wins
>What happened was illegal.
Yeah, and luckily the police stopped the criminal
the moon turned yellow and the sun turned blue. It's 2016 come on
this one is brilliant
but it's difficult to swim opposite to the stream
This is true, actually. Most of the blue-pilled masses are vehemently anti-pedo in an attempt to virtue signal. They don't actually care, they just know they have to hate them because it's the thing to do.
It's the same reason why niggers, women, college students, under 18s and almost all non-Americans hate Trump -- they have genuinely no valid grievances against him but hating Trump is by and far the mainstream thing to do. You have to, if you don't want to be ostracized. They don't really know why but "everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't I?"
Same thing goes for Sup Forums and pedo's - it's the last bit of blue-pill they have left.
>b-but that salon article proves that pedo-acceptance is a leftist thing! It'll be mainstream before you know it! Oh the degeneracy!
One isolated article that was ill-received by just about everyone doesn't prove shit. Sky is falling mentality at it's worst.
>What happened was illegal.
You mean resisting arrest?
There are good shootings and there are bad shootings. This was a good one.
Of the bad ones, there was that guy who was literally running away and the cop shot him and planted a taser on him, and the Tamir Rice shooting was fucked up.
I wasnt racist at all until black racist started accusing me of shit i had nothing to do with.
Now im ready to hang a few
>it doesnt matter who the race of the victim was
It does to me.
I can't wait until it's no longer the current year
Yeah, not persuasive at all.
Because you like prime numbers?