Memes aside. What are her chances of winning?
Memes aside. What are her chances of winning?
Ask again later.
greater than 100% with no voting irregularities.
It really depends on Trump as he's owned the entire narrative in the presidential race and did so very well until the Mexican judge fiasco. Literally all I hear is either how Trump fucked up or how Clinton is better than Trump. No substance from Clinton at all.
Look at how nervous Trumpfags are. They bury any discussion regarding their nominations defeat.
Please no shitskin countries
At this point the only way possible to stop her is assassination.
Do a Google Trends on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Can't beat the system.
She's not going to win.
She's going to get executed by Trump in the first RWDS action.
Higher than Trump's. The man's a genius, but I guarantee you ((they)) will pull every string imaginable to get Hilary elected
Pls be white
Not good. Here's the simple fact and i've seen it before in the Kerry vs GW Bush election.
In Kerry vs GW Bush there were Bush supporters who liked Bush and then people who hated Bush. No one actually liked or gave a fuck about Kerry.
In Trump vs Hillary there are Trump supporters who LOVE trump. And there are lefty fags who Hate Trump and kinda hate Hillary too. NO ONE actually likes Hillary. Bill Clinton, her husband, doesn't even like Hillary and he proved that by cucking her ever chance he got.
In the end the charismatic candidate wins. Voting for a candidate is more powerful than voting against a candidate. Trump will win. Screencap this post.
Higher than trump's
chance implies she hasn't been secretly appointed already
we're at 3rd world country levels of corruption
it's over. turn the lights out. we're done here.
After the head of FBI called her a liar and a crook?
No chance this is where the tides shift, this is what Scott Adams was jabbering about for so long.
Hillary might have got off with a slap on the wrists but boy oh boy was that a fucking slap on the wrists. The fucking head of the FBI not only called her an outright liar but admitted that she did in fact, commit a crime.
Comey will now be meeting with people tomorrow and all the talk stations will be airing this and it will ultimately highlight how corrupt Hillary actually is. CNN/MSNBC etc have no fucking choice now, they HAVE to cover this shit and there's no positive spin, she is a literal criminal who got away with it.
It's happening bros, it's fucking habbening.
About 88%-92%.
I think she Will win, we have the same shit in France with our nationalist party, at every elections all the other party are against it and if you vote for it you are a racist pig monster devil child rapist
texas, i choose you!
Given that the Clinton Foundation is under investigation in multiple countries now, I would say her chances are slipping down to 0% quite quickly.
200 %
she was choosen long ago the election is nothing but a ruse to give the masses an illusion of choice and freedom
it's over and never to be spoken about again as far as our media is concerned.
time for evil white cops murdering good boys
Oh boy here we go
She is gonna win hands down. The electoral college will not allow Trump to win he is to much of an unknown and risk in the political field.
Venezuela? Well shit.
I know there are people here who watch the betting markets.
Give us the odds, senpai.
It was never a race.
Her and trump were always on the same side, he succesfully raped 14 other gop candidates, split up the gop, and has begun his downward spyral, chipping away his own voters with his own rhetoric.
The plan has worked to perfection.
The globalists have groomed clinton for decades, trump being right there all alon, funneling money, shaping their manchurrian candidate.
Trump is handing her the candidacy in a golden trump corp platter.
I know, build wall and all that.
What did Scott Adams say?
>until the Mexican judge fiasco.
never heard of it
Nadzis bls
>she was choosen long ago
the agenda she supports was chosen long ago, whoever is better to support that agenda will win
Honestly, probably around 85-90% I'd say. Trump needs to hit a massive momentum surge within weeks of the vote while still keeping polls within like 10-12% tops the whole way there. All my polisci friends say it's more like 95% though and it would take a lot of major shakeups on Hillary's end to even make it close.
Funny how Sup Forums easily fell for it
can't be much worse than what i'm right now
roll for Canada
>worm in the bowel of a dog
Still sounds pretty comfy compared to Rio
She'll become president and it will be the GOP's fault for electing the most unelectable man as nominee.
A man with a favorablity that rivals Goldwater. kek
rollin' for rape nation
damn. i wont be swedish :(
the memes were just too much for the neckbeards to pass up
Fuck niggers
Anything non african plz
realistically ~75-80% would be a good guess.
Funnily the FBI outcome is the best thing that could have happened for Trump.
In case of indictment the democrats would have nominated Sanders or Biden, both would perform way better than Clinton against Trump.
Now he can freely fire away with all the stuff Comey said.
Still she is a huge favorite by demographics alone and Trump isn't really doing anything to target that problem.
OP, that picture of Hillary was taken ten years ago. Here is a current picture of the Hilltard.
rolleroni like a macaroni
Let's see
Rollin for derail
Anything but this!
roll for memes
It's about 70% according to prediction markets
Barf, how can one face have so many wrinkles?
trump will back out due to lack of funding
Here's looking at me, kid
When I compare Shillary's presidential campaign with elections in Russia, I have a feeling that 146% of votes will be for Hillary with only about 60% for Trump. A decisive victory for those who count the votes.
Highest votes in GOP history someone who was just scolded by the FBI hmm golly gee
We rollin
>probably gonna be hatin
Fuck me
If you Yanks elect this bitch as POTUS, I shall never tire of calling you cucks and cunts.
I'll fucking swim across the Atlantic Ocean to fight you niggers with my illegal plastic butter knife.
Swear on my mum. I'll wreck you cunts.
Consider yourselves told.
70% ish. Trump's campaign was so good for winning primaries because it got the GOP core excited, but has absolutely fucked him with the highest and strongest disapproval rating of any presidential candidate ever.
if hillary wasn't such a shitty candidate it would already be over. the same thing that made trump great in primaries is what ruins him for the general. republican party will restructure heavily and change some platforms unless they somehow (very unlikely) get a majority/ very slim minority in the house.
FBI made a deal with her.
3 and a half hour interview.
They laid everything out.
Email felony's , foundation money laundering.
Enough to bring down half of washington- with her getting the harshest sentence.
She'll drop out 2 days before the convention "due to health concerns".
>her chances
-She's a she
-She's fat
-She's old
-She's a baby boomer
-She's a member of the wealthiest 1%
-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corp
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckquean
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician rolled into one person.
Highest votes in GOP history is still less than both democrat candidates in 2008 by quite a large margin and also less than what Clinton got this year.
Also GOP primaries usually don't run as long as this one since it has so many winner takes all states.
Either way. It means absolutely nothing. GOP fucked themselves pretty hard, almost any other serious candidate except maybe Cruz would destroy Clinton in the general election.
90-99 PLEASE
if only....
80 get
Exactly this.
Everyone thought Trump was a joke from the start, yet the enormous wave of publicity around him makes him one of the most polarizing candidates. This only makes people support Trump or hate him. People will run like mad to vote for him but people who hate him won't run like mad to vote against him. The voter turnout is always low around %15 so don't be surprised if we see a much higher turnout for Trump.
>she's so guilty that we can't recommend a charge against her
That conservative logic. Explains why you don't see you don't see any rightwing scientists.
>The voter turnout is always low around %15
What the fuck are you talking about?
Also if you actually think Trump has more than a slim chance you are delusional.
>people who hate him won't run like mad to vote against him
That's where your wrong son.
00 byzantine empire
Difference is Bush and Kerry ran a pretty close race. Hillary is destroying Trump in the polls.
s a g e
fug rollin
Please be white...
inb4 someone posts some irrelevant national poll where Trump is kinda close :^)
Ethiopia pls
>Rollin meme
shes gonna win tbhfam
pls gib a white nation
Why has no one posted the polls for the battle ground states? That's the big question to me
Give me Rhodesia pls
Kys Kike