Pornography is extremely immoral and it should be illegalized...

Pornography is extremely immoral and it should be illegalized. Think about how much better your life would have been if you never had any touch with porn. It's impure and just as bas as any other drug, if not worse.

yep, and really places like Sup Forums should be banned too.

the Internet itself is inseperable from porn at this point, it all has to be destroyed.

and really, this site is just like porn but for conversation and socialization. And for women they have social media which is equivalent because they're fulfilled mostly by attention.

Technology is the devil, I'm seriously convinced the Amish are the purest people in America and have the right idea.

4channers are already corrupted beyond repair, they should embrace celibacy and never expect a happy marriage or life

I agree with you on how dangerous it is. Making it illegal, however, would have serious unforseen consequences, similar to Prohibition in the US in the 20's. We will likely just see an increase in crime, corruption, racketeering, etc. IMO what we need is to bring religion and real family values back into society.

What this guy said, internet addiction is the main problem.

no, make the Internet as a whole illegal

THEN it would be easy to police, and the worst effects (access to children) would instantly disappear

good luck doing that though. At this point the best thing one can do is lead any and all attempts to destroy Technology. This fuck was right.

The worst thing, is it's not like you can go back to innocence just by abstaining, the damage is PERMANENT. Really anyone who's even seen porn once isn't really a virgin (which used to mean a mental component of not even knowing of sex acts at all).

shut up cunt, you aren't going to make us slaves to you

Porn isn't the problem. The entirety of the internet is one huge addiction.

Think about it: how many people would have no idea what to do with their lives if internet was suddenly cut off forever.

I, for one, would have hours of free time every single day.

really, if I ever do raise kids, it would be to give them the innocence I never had.

I'd need to move off the grid and as isolated from modern society as I could.

Are you the same Brazilian from the other thread where we talked about porn? We had a good discussion going until the mods deleted it.

>this site is just like porn but for conversation and socialization
>make the Internet as a whole illegal
>the damage is PERMANENT
> Really anyone who's even seen porn once isn't really a virgin (which used to mean a mental component of not even knowing of sex acts at all).
My man. Truer words, I haven't seen been spoken before on this board.
You hit the nail on the head on the last sentence.
>you'll never be a complete virgin who doesnt even know how a pussy or pair of tits look like
sucks desu

it's both. But you're right, porn was barely a problem before the Internet because it was practically invisible to children and virgins. Only people who were already degenerate in other ways consumed it in much quantity if at all.

>The monkey wants to take always my horse porn


>I need big daddy gov to keep me from hurting myself
Kill your self faggot your what's wrong with the word

>Numerous people in threads like these are starting to talk about how the Internet is the problem

Are we on to something here? Before, it was just the literally Jewish guy doing it alone. Now multiple people join in every thread.

you're a fucking faggot

honestly, this sounds ridiculous but I've considered doing research into development of memory erasure technology.

This is a serious taboo but it might be worth implementing. It has huge potential for abuse, but it might be worth it if it was ever perfected.

Of course it's more than just porn, it's also public schooling.

We would need the return of young, arranged marriages to really undo this

>I don't have any self-control or moderation so everyone should have the same restrictions that I need.
It sounds like you need to go to your safe space so you don't get any more triggered.

Every single time I've been coming on here lately I've been full of regret. So much time lost.

Need to turn it around soon.

Before the advancement of technologty it was possible to have both freedom and morality, because of the simplicity of life and requirements to survive.


Pornography isn't impure. Western women are.

You think that by turning off your laptop, sticking your fingers into your ears and screaming


That somehow this will turn western women into virgin brides and housewifes, who only desire to be loving mothers.

It won't. If anything, it will make things worse, as it is what sluts want you to do. They WANT you to forget about porn. Be delusional. They want to lie to you and say they lost their virginity 'horseback riding' and then have you marry them after they are done with the cock carousel.

Porn is one of the biggest redpills there are. Don't believe the left and the feminists when they say that porn gives off a false impression of what sex is in the 21st century. It does not. It sees right through all the lies and shows you the cold brutal truth about hook up culture.

nobody has self control. At the very least, nobody who frequents this site.

For crap's sake, its BOTH

You can reject both porn and women, by seeing porn as yet another way women control men

Look at what banning guns in Chicago did for the good innocent dindus of southside


>unironically posting this on a board that is constantly complaining about nigger behavior and degeneracy

I can't give up porn. This fucking smokeshow is making it all the more difficult. She literally pops out a new scene every day.

>legislating morality

>rejecting women

Yeah, good luck maintaining civilization and saving the white race through siting alone in your room playing video games all day till you die childless. You sure showed those feminists that you refused to let them affect your life and nation.

It's not the same, because the Internet is the vector for it, and it's quite easy to turn it off, the gov could do it any second they wanted bu they don't because it's the perfect method of enslavement.

With the Internet off porn would be as hard to get as heroin, as in easy if you're part of a criminal black market minority but barely even an issue for the average family.

You'd have to ban smarphones entirely though.

>memory erasing
Extremely dangerous.
One day everyone will wake up in a Matrix like world and everybody will think that it has always been like that.
If there's one thing I fear about technology, is how it can directly control the mind.
Mind reading, telepathy, and now this.
As soon as newspapers start talking about this kind of thing as frequently as they talk about other science related subjects, I'm going to be very scared.
>public schooling.
Yes. When I was younger and did went to school, there were classes about sexual education, and believe me, those classes would be given to 10 year olds. Most of the subject was biological, like what is an uterus and what is a testicle, but our teacher did give us instructions on how to use a candom or concraceptic pills. It was very weird.

I haven't watched porn for a year and I'm dating someone who I will very likely marry. Think before you type.


Porn is degenerate, it allows women to be sluts and whores. It gives them countless opportunities to broadcast their degeneracy to the world.

That being said, yes, western women are impure, but young men lose here. We are forced to marry sluts and whores by feminists and traditionalists. Women are never held accountable for their actions. Women win, men lose. That's how it works.

I wish it wasn't like this, but it is. And if you even imply that you don't want to marry modern women, people will shame you into oblivion.

Make pornography illegal and prostitution legal.

This was the early Christian view, since masturbation was seen as more sinful than sex.


looks like its time to sexually act out

You got sauce?

Same boat.

I can't though... When im out in public, at work, or anywhere I just see Sup Forums stereotypes everywhere: regular single moms, BLACKED single moms, fat fucks crawling around everywhere, niggers just nigging, people leeching massively off welfare (I see EBT all the fucking time when I get groceries here in CA), my school campus full of filthy SJW's and feminists calling for whites (who are white themselves mind you) to be exterminated, and just the decline of everything.

No I am not sad but holy fuck is Sup Forums right in some aspects and I feel as if this is the only place to socialize with like minded people. What a twisted time we live in, when in the deep dark pockets of the internet on some mongolian art exhibit forum that a bunch of anonymous users are more sane than the people I know IRL.

Literally Sup Forums is more SANE somehow despite crawling with trap lovers/porn/pedo's and other weirdos compared to goybook & other social media.



Just don't date or get married. I really don't think I ever could, just thinking of all the cocks that have been in her mouth and how the exes would be laughing at FB of pictures with you and her while remembering all the times he busted on her face and in her mouth.

Layla London. Seriously is popping these scenes out.

This board lacks respect for CELIBACY.

It's the only thing shunned by both liberals and by white nationalists / conservatives concerned with birthrates (as if a larger number of degenerates would be any better).

Yet celibacy was an integral contributor to culture of both Western and Eastern civilizations.

Thanks leaf


Also very right. kek, and i shit you not, when i took a drive to the grocery store earlier, i passed by this lightpost and, at the base, the paint was chipped off, but at a quick glance it looked like the happy merchant with how it was shaped. i did a double take.

>Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes
Except that I laugh like an autist every 5 posts I read because that's what I am


Already failed my nigga

>you'll never be a complete virgin who doesnt even know how a pussy or pair of tits look like
>I think about this when I think of the woman God has in store for me

I'm so sorry where ever you are, you deserve better than me

>inb4 lololol christfag

>Just don't date or get married

That's not feasible though. People in real life would (and have) ask me why I am single, and then offer to set me up with whores they know. And then the Internet, especially Sup Forums, would call me a MGTOW beta virgin loser neckbeard blah blah blah, even though I am not MGTOW.

I'd love to not date and to not get married, but men can't get away with that.

Make America great again.

but once they all starve to death or fail to have children the new generation of women will be sweet and lady-like ;)

We are redpilled and already have it planned

Is user talking about all of Sup Forums in general?

There's literally nothing wrong with being a Christfag.
Saturday is the day and morals are the way

Sure you can. I'm a man and have a decent career. I would never date a woman. I really wish I could become gay, because it would ease a lot of sexual frustration.

Don't act like I don't already know that.

you're just weak willed, MGTOW is the ultimate red pill

That was pretty good motivation for me. thank you leaf

Fuck off cunt porn doesn't make anyone manly


You can turn down both you know.

Celibacy used to be a respected vocation in society.

No I can't. Men are shamed and pressured into submitting to women - that's how western society works.

MGTOW is not "red pill". MGTOW is men giving up because of the current situation. While I sympathize with them, and as much as I'd like to give up, I'm not prepared to face the bitter hate I will get as a male for swearing off women. It's just not worth it. People will always find a way to make men submit.

Why settle for a used-up whore? No thank you. Girls only want outgoing Chads too. It's not like I ever stood a chance

Just play along with the normies. Someone asks you

>"so user, you find any girls yet?"

Reply "nah, haven't found the right fit."

Then they ask

>"i can set you up with someone"

Reply "nah, just busy you know?"

That's if you want to avoid it, just play along, no need to go full sperglord on 'em.

I think you just want to submit. It's the current year--no one is going to shame you because you're single. If anything you'll get cred because people might think you're gay.

>thinks that making things illegal solves anything

Reject porn AND reject whores, embrace ascetic life, dedicate yourself to something constructive, like a craft or philosophy or religion

>I can't differentiate between the internet and reality: The Post

This logic can be applied to any activity that is done in solitude.

it would have worked (and did work) pre-Internet

now it would require action so drastic it's less likely to happen then the power grid collapsing.

the best that could be implemented feasibly would be a China-like blacklist, which keeps it from kids but doesn't really fix it as everyone knows how to get around it

>legislating morality
>Sup Forumsfags using the internet to tell me to ban it
>not realizing how reliant the world is on the internet
>thinking the points in OP's picture are bad
Fuck off

I'm not ashamed, I'm ashamed that I haven't been a good one recently

How do the laws actually work in Singapore.

I know liberals in the West like to bitch about how Singapore is so oppressive and conservative, but it really doesn't seem like that at all except maybe for drug dealers

I was going to refute your argument but guess what, you're a fucking Asian. Of course you need pornography, your dick is so small that it's the only way you'll ever get to see a pussy.

I just watched her fuck a banana.

Well as for one I have never been inside a church voluntarily.
Are you catholic or protestant? or maybe orthodox?

I grew up preinternet and got my hands on porn early and often. Wasnt nearly as accessable as today, for sure. But still, where theres a will, theres a way. And I went to a sheltered private school and everything.
And making porn illegal is so regressive, could never happen. Totally out of the question.

I don't want to submit you stupid fuck. But I've experienced the hatred from others on here and in real life for avoiding women. I'd rather not have to deal with that.

I used to go to a protestant church, Pentecostal to be exact.

A while ago I started just reading the bible on my own and praying, I got this feeling of fulfillment and happiness that I never really felt before.

I volunteered at churches for charities and payed my tithes out of faith, then I joined the military and it was all downhill from there

Give an example. I really don't think anyone is going to give you shit if you choose to remain single.

Porn is kinda illegal, but they won't bother catching you coz it means they got to catch everyone
It is as bad as it sounds, although the government is getting left to remain electable.

>can't argue for shit
Kill yourself before your failed nation does it for you

I don't want to greentext it, faggot. Why do you think I'd be complaining about it here, otherwise? Yes, it pissed me off. Not to mention all the faggots on here that get extremely bitter when someone like me says they don't want anything to do with women.

I have no choice but to associate with women, the stigma of avoiding them is too intense.