Itt: post liberals

Itt: post liberals

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Fuck that.

Best conservative!


Beside that should be a sculpture of a woman being raped while blowing a rape whistle. "American Leftist Contradiction".


Holy fucking shit why are liberals so goddamn stupid

I really just want to purge them all

Abortion isn't a right granted to you by the constitution

Arming yourself is



Well, to be honest, I'm pretty sure we couldn't defend ourselves against our army. Let's face it, they're a bunch of tools, literally, that blindly listen to their authority. If they were told that all civilians were unpatriotic, they'd spare no thought cycle in killing us all. And they have advanced weaponry. Do you think there would be any defense civilians could muster up that would defend against airstrikes or tanks? The real reality is that the puny weapons they let us purchase would only dent their retarded army at most.

Found the faggot


No, you found the troll.

Well, I guess I can be both.

I'm fully aware that there are multiple billions worth of freedom loving hellfire flying overhead as I post this

they are there for my protection. the goverment WORKS FOR THE PEOPLE. BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. this is not difficult

Oh shit, you're a better troll than I am.








I can just imagine the self-congratulations going through his mind. Liberals all think they're comedic geniuses, effortlessly and humorously poking holes in conservative logic like that guy on their favourite satirical news programme. Everything they say or write radiates with a smugness that tells you how smart they think they are.



all it takes is one bad day for the army's 'super stronk weapons' to be our weapons.

You won't have to fight rhe military so no worries

>t. Milfag with armory access and a bunch of friends just dying to go road warrior on the Gov't

For context: This is what Shillary's campaign website says about certain gun issues. Straw purchasing is already a felony.


Continental army would have been fucked without French and Spanish help. I doubt many people will sympathies with people sharing Sup Forumsminded ideologies.

The true redpill is center leftism.


>yfw you realize OPs pic isn't anti-gun but rather pro-abortion

>the goverment WORKS FOR THE PEOPLE. BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. this is not difficult

Agreed, when the government imports millions upon millions of Syrian refugees (you've got plenty of space to spare, after all!) when the people vote for Hillary Clinton to be in charge of your government, it will be 100% in the interest of the American peoples.

new code

>That feel when center leftist who owns guns and hates nigger
>I'm a liberal by Sup Forums standards.


dean utterly BTFO



what the fuck? Are they serious?

the fuck? i dont believe anyone actually said anything that retarded

>white men
>shaun king

That could be interpreted as a metaphor for abortion.

I fucking hate pieces like this.

The baby is competently done, but it's nothing special. The gun is pretty well detailed, but making objects that fit distinct geometrical dimensions is also fairly simple; fabricated objects are easy to fabricate in other 3 dimensional mediums.

Then you have the glaze work. A base coat of teal and then some very nicely done glaze slathered on top of it; but it's slathered on top of it. It may as well not be there. It's as if they took their piece and then used it as a test fire for the glaze; it just serves no purpose other than to be a nice looking glaze.

From the look of it, there's this overarching aesthetic of a corpse; like a zombie baby facing a zombie gun. What's the message here? That guns makes corpses? Why is the gun making a baby corpse? Is there an epidemic of gun violence against babies? It's just edge/shock value to make a mundane piece seem deeper.

This 2 bit shit gets hailed as deeply artistic.

Military will side with the people.
Guess how many veterans we have?
Theres about 15x more "civilians" that's have flown blackhawks than active duty personnel.
About 15x more "civilians" that have operated an Abrams tank than active duty personnel.
We the people would overtake our military.
We know how its trained.
We know how it functions.
We still talk to our first sergeants.
Generals are meaningless.
A handful of puppets will be put in the brig while the soldiers take command.

>Let's face it, they're a bunch of tools, literally, that blindly listen to their authority. If they were told that all civilians were unpatriotic, they'd spare no thought cycle in killing us all.

You need to stop playing so many video games, Billy.

This is funny though



2016 FACTS AND FIGURES, Year to date

Chances of being killed by police in the US.

If you're native American, your chances are 0.00034%.
If you're black, your chances are 0.000321%
If you're Hispanic, your chances are 0.000151%.
If you're White, your chances are 0.000136%.
If you're Asian, your chances are 0.00005%.

No matter who you are, your chances of being killed by the cops in the US is approximately 0%.
This year to date;
560 total killed by police
269 white people killed
135 black people killed
85 Hispanics killed
9 Asians/Pacific Islanders killed
50 Other ethnicity killed

At least 2 white people have been shot dead by police since the Alton killing, but the media nd the left won't mention that for some reason.

Source for figures:


He kinda was but still.

Fucking fuck, this can't be real. i meant the complete lack of self-awareness.

Jesus Christ.

Checked for the almighty kek

Jesus titty fucking christ

>Stop Liking Black People
>Held by a Black

It was just a prank bro...

I'm glad to see this one resurface


fucking this. So many people would defect.

>File Name


Well that's a goddamn disappointment. Time to wipe them off the ol' iPod then.

Contradiction huh
So, 11,000 gun homicides a year
8,000 are black on black

That's a big abortion contradiction.


So much irony, it's caked in rust.



Perhaps it's why roasted chicken-shaped or watermelon-shaped space shuttles are not very aerodynamic


I didn't see it coming either, It makes sense though when you think about it. All those songs about white privilege I thought they were satirical.


I usually shit all over modern art, but this one really makes me think...

impressionist retardation

art is just "arts and crafts"

these faggots might as well glue pasta to their genitals.

ITT: ex- art faggot

What the fuck does that even mean?

What cucks


Yea, well some asshole is gonna have to break through my door, a fucking tank or apache can't arrest me... and my firearm is going to make that job no very fun for whoever has their boots on the ground kicking in my door.


fresh oc

the fuck



Wow what an asshole

>tall and pretty


It's sad that thirsty cunts will blow out on a pig like this and inflate her ego. That's a legit 2.5/10

>we are human

Yes, and they are apes.

Maybe he is at work


You fucking serious? The government hates you and it always will.

And another great bant brought to you: A leaf. A leaf: For when you see a fucking leaf.

I love that story.

Are you being a cuck on purpose?

Speak for yourself. Pretty much everyone in my unit is a diehard Republican and even a few of those "Sovereign Citizen" types. We'd fight ourselves before we'd fight the people.

Self awareness maybe?

Beta men are truly the greatest evil on this earth


That guy didn't try to pull his gun on the policeman


If you're 5. Yes.


