ITT: Pics that sum up Sup Forums
ITT: Pics that sum up Sup Forums
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dude doesnt even have a bbc
i never understood why niggers get tattoos
Swedish. Figures.
Because they're as stupid as white people who get tattoos.
It's all about 'Us vs. Them.'
If you think otherwise you must be underage.
>nordic master race
Honestly, fuck vikings. They were dindu nuffins 2 : white boogaloo. Rapists, murderers, pillagers. Anyone who >muh vikings are redpilled is basically saying that niggers are only niggers because of skin color. Saying vikings wuz kangs is denying the idea of race.
pol you said
Im not even mad. That black mutt probably has more discipline than 99 percent of nigs and NEETs here, inorder to achieve those gainz. He'd probably be pretty rich or atleast approaching middleclass considering the costs of HGH. And hes a Handsome mongrel nig too. Id wish more white women would have higher standards when they date nig men.
>muh nordicism
comfy af
Shut up.
looks comfy as fuck desu, and extremely efficient.
Would take that over a mud hut or tent any day.
Holy shit, so people live in those or are they historical recreations?
it is
perfect insulation against both heat and cold
prolly heats up with minimal fuel
pic related
>1000's of years ago vs current day
That guy was actually pretty based. His wife was jewish, and nazis kept warning him to leave her and he kept ignoring them. They eventually forced him into being a soldier where he was killed fighting soviets. His wife died in a camp IIRC.
He was awesome
Dear Father in heaven, why did I have to be half Swedish?
I have absolutely no idea what era, or geographic region those structures come from. Nor do I possess any nordic or african blood. Just wanted to be a smarmy dick and point out that the structures labeled 'nordic' do appear to be of a more adept construction. You'll notice multiple types of building material, more advanced frame structuring, and what appears to be a more sophisticated roof duct. Just sayin.
I hope he breeds her and they have many kids, both have perfect physiques
Same fagging. Forgot to add that is scandinavian, not african
Most of pol is made up losers who blame their failures on other human beings. These types of people are literally worst people on the planet and by far worse than niggers.
Closet fag are you still at it?
That's the joke dimwit
>Sup Forums in one image
I don't think there is anyone here who sincerely hates the Slavic people.
Your country is fake through.
ps thanks for the flag, faggot
All you have to know is that while non-white Mediterranean shitskins were building pic related, the nordic saviors were living in those.
If I was paying attention to your bants and not just reading the shitty comic, how could I be a smarmy dick? I JUST THINK BUILDINGS ARE COOL OK
building thread
But if we completely removed everyone but blacks from sub Saharan Africa and built a wall around it right now, they would mostly live like that still and technology would disappear as current infrastructure wore out and there was no outside trade or guidance.
Almost all of their architecture, major construction, nation planning, banking, infrastructure and technological/information infrastructure is built/maintained by whites or non-Africans.
I love to see Ben debate the left, he's very effective and makes them look like the fools they are. Unfortunately when he gets emotional, he apparently turns into the same type of moron.
He's obnoxious and I don't like him.
But I do like to see him get extreme leftists/feminists/sjws flustered.
That's about all the nice I have to say about this.
As things stand I'll vote for that asshat Trump because I still see it as a massive improvement over the establishment. God help us if he's just playing us.
I want to live in a house like these someday. It'd be even better in a snowy, cold area so I could make use of a nice fireplace.
>An early first-century vitruvian-style temple was built in modern-day france by non-white shitskins
At least they can see their tattoos
Do you even know where it is located? It is 20 miles from the Mediterranean, south of France
That is so neat it has survived 1900 years, from the Romans, barbarian hordes, muslims, reconquista, etc without being destroyed completely.
>implying historic time correlates directly to technological progress
Kelly Brook is a known whore who is in the twilight of her whore career and needs to milk money from the dick of anyone she can at this point, black or white.
Also, that guy is clearly on steroids.
Anyone have the picture of the couple in bed with captions of their thoughts? I think the girl is thinking "did I do something wrong? Why isn't he talking to me" while the guy is going "nigger, gas the kikes race war now, nigger" etc.
Not south of France. In southern France. You don't seem to understand why I'm scoffing at you.
Native white French are real, and your courts embarrass your ancestors.
and also, you're probably just a obese cucklet to please just kill yourself right away
What's wrong with white girls dating Portuguese men?
Quads of truth.
That is not English. Take off your proxy, Israel.
objectively looks like shit.
extremely prissy and faggy design. probably because the romans were all getting throatfucked by one another before getting cuckd by nords lol
>date a bunch of white guys, pop out a kid with one of them
>they leave you because your a vapid whore
>have to date a nigger
>he leaves you too
wow I'm so jelly
They aren't holding hands? How fucking sissy are niggers?
Here is a nordic cathedral from a thousand years later. I wasn't trying to show bias. The one I posted is italian 15th century I believe. Maybe you could post a structure design that you enjoy?
I wish I didn't wipe my old PC, I had about 50 or 60 post of "I got my benefits from my rich parents or military father/mother, Why can't every one else just pull themselves up from their boot strap." type of shit.
Sup Forums and a stay for a couple weeks with my conservative family shows me that right winged people don't like being told that their success isn't 100% of their own doing. "I worked 60 hours a week at my shop to make ends meet." My grandfather would tell me, What he would always leave out was the fact that he was hiring illegals at a much lower rate to do damn near anything was wasn't administrative.
Videos that sum up shilling manlets:
Who is that?
Allan Bloom is that you?
Nietzsche was actually the one who predicted our fate, not Kierkegaard.
It was Nietzsche who thought humanity could construct a new religion.
Freedom is the true Abyss, the true nothingness that Nietzsche strove to overcome.
Thus he became the Overman, he philosophized, not to discover truth as all others once did, but to simply discover.
To overcome this newfound Abyss.
He failed.
this is where he was born
kek so much damage control he turns into a passive aggressive grammar queen
how did he fail?
Southern France has a very high % of Greek and Italian genetics.
And the point was that Sup Forums likes to say Greeks and Italians are not white (and some might not be, and some were not in antiquity). Southern France was majority Greek and Latin in the 1st century, so they definitely built that temple.
delete this
>Native white French are real
You do realize the chances that I'd be more informed than you on this very topic are rather high, considering I'm French.
so what you're saying is you're just this canadian cuckboy?
my fucking sides
My personal favorite
probably just get pre-approved government propaganda from your cuckt socialist government
A great site! I had the pleasure of visiting in '93. Baccus are best drunken god. Shame about eleuthereus. Unfortunately my bant skills are low, as you can tell by my short post history. Perhaps you could elaborate on this damage I'm controlling. Is it the fall of the dionysus theatre?
Also it's rather interesting the roman architecture didnt evolve much over a couple hundred years or so, evidenced in the similarity between maison carree and your pic related
The alt-right hates Rush just like all the other leftists.
Is that the cathedral of Trondheim, the world's most northerly cathedral where the sovereigns of Norway are crowned still?
I like that pic, do you have the original?
>She doesn't have a bulge
Do you think we can't bantz?
That's actually some decent dedication to the gym, no one has traps like that unless they do weighted shrugs and lateral raises once or twice a week.
Race has nothing to do with this.
Put energy in, get reward out. Life is suffering means to accept the burn, to love your fate.
t. DYEL that's slowly growing
Sup Forums