How can we solve the manchild problem?

How the fuck do we solve the manchild-problem?

I mean, so many white males are just dropping out of life because they're pathetic vermin. Instead of making a family, and most importantly, children, they just rot in front of their computers every single day, watching anime or playing stupid video games.

I personally know at least 3 of these subhumans, and they all have certain things in common.

>went to university
>earn a decent amount of money
>either waste the money on trivial horseshite or save it for no apparent reason, or waste on on manchildren collections (comics, guns, anime shit)
>have absolutely no interest in politics, history, anything else but their shitty manchild hobbies
>politically passive, don't give a fuck about what's happening to their country
>absolutley NO productive hobby, 95 % of free time is spent in front of their computer watching degenerate anime

What the fuck do we do?


There is no problem to solve.

"Manchild" is some made up bullshit.

People can do whatever the fuck they want, and their life choices aren't yours to "solve" (whatever the hell this is even supposed to mean).

>What the fuck do we do?

Mind your own business and get the fuck on with your life. Do you really sit around and troll Algonquin wine pressing forums looking for problems to solve?

Fuck you, and fuck what you think about anyone else.

>mfw your normie children will be raped and killed by the refugee plague because you will be so severely outnumbered because you demonize us NEETS so much that we don't want to be a part of "your society"

it will all come tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down...

Give 'em a war! Draft the fuckers!

what stale pasta

I have a job and support myself, what I choose to do with my free time is my business faggot.

I'll agree however that neets are sad useless fucks who have no personal pride.

Why does this need to be posted every day. Fuck off

IF you don't reply to this post your mom will die in her sleep tonight

How do we stop the "idiots replying to copypasta" problem

Conscription desu

>Implying that's a bad thing


wtf i hate bernie now

>look mom! I posted it again

I wouldn't be surprised if all the drugs given to kids now have something to do with it.

I spent a few years in my late 20s and early 30s on anti depressants and did NOTHING with my life. Everyday was exactly the same, and it was Doctor approved.

Autism my dude

Come up with a argument you weed smoking faggot.

it's true and you know it.

People are free to do whatever the fuck they want as long they don't mess with other people's liberties. This is 2016, get with the program.

Do you pay their bills? No, then fuck off with your preaching.

Girls lean in
Boys drop out
You can't explain that.

>What the fuck do we do?

keep reposting this thread of course


He's going all in with a pair of 2's

An archetype of "manchildren" has always existed OP. It's just the smaller things that change form. In the really olden days people of such disposition lived as scholars of some monastery, remaining celibate and immersing themselves in religion rather than staying in mom's basement all day jacking it to anime and arguing over waifu's.

i've been NEET for 5 years since i dropped out of high school

>earn a decent amount of money

so whats the fucking problem?

adults support themselves.

do you support yourself?

Fuck you

Sorry, I don't speak youth as fluently as I once did. Isn't a manchild the same thing as a couch potato except instead of TV it's a computer?
If not what the hell is the difference and why does how these people spend their time hurt you so badly?




space nigger?

You should an hero,OP. That's the answer to the question you're really asking, isn't it?

so you want them to stop doing what you don't like just to marry a whore and owe half his future income to her for the rest of his life when she gets tired of him?

nobody is telling you to stop rotting in front of a pile of diapers and crippling debt

You seem to have a strong desire to dictate how others live their lives
You'd make a great politician

You already know the answer

We don't. Instead, we use them.

They could be figurative (and even literal) soldiers in the war against the true enemies and their minions. Instill upon them purpose and willingness for self-sacrifice to advance our goals.

So you want us to, what? ignore common sense, statistics and logic, try to impregnate the first white woman we see, and then spend the rest of our lives away on alimony and child support?

Marriage is currently a bad deal, women have lost whatever trustworthiness they had. Either we wait for the civilization to collapse, clean house, and rebuild, they knowingly come back into the societal fold, or we die childless.