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Yeah we heard, it's just that we busy were listening to music that isn't terrible
literally who?
What are their stance on banning Muslims?
What the fuck is this, 2010?
Never heard of them, sounds like a shit band
I'm pretty sure the singer is a rich white male, therefore "part of the problem." and so are all their fans: rich white liberal children.
you know what's funny? I have friends who will literally no consume a piece of art or a product or a service if they even slightly disagree with what the owner's politics are.
If I did that, I would literally never listen to modern music. That's just astounding to me how someone can't partition it out of their minds.
Let's use the buzzword of the hour: Fucking virtue signalling faggot needs to kill himself.
They are a shit indie band that attempted to turn the loudness war into the loudness nuclear holocaust
oh noooooo please
no not that
this is terrible
anything but that
i cant go on like this
i end up doing this too a bit too. That is why i try to never look at their twitter or all that shit because it will just turn me off from them completely.
literally who
lol, what are they going to do? Ask your political opinions at the door?
Attention whoring faggots.
Just checked and they are an Indie band from south california. I doubt any trump supporters would attend their shows anyway
>Bans racists
>Lets in leftists
This is definitely Earth 2
wow i hate trump now
It'll be like those dumb stories from WWII about how the Nazi soldiers were so stupid and cultish that any time someone said "Heil Hitler", they had to do it as well. There'll be several security checks, they'll shine a light in your face and go "Man, I sure hate niggers" at the first. It'll carry on down the line "I hate gays, All lives matter, The police actually have a really difficult job and all the race baiting and hate towards them makes it harder for them to do it, Women should be held accountable for their actions and be smart enough to not put themselves in positions where bad things can happen to them, Fuckin' fags amirite, Nigger, Trump 2016".
That's how you catch a bigot
>forgetting Kurt cobain would have done the same thing
>forgetting about the insert rant telling who can or can't buy his music
Musicians are great but I don't care for their opinions and would prefer they kept their politics to themselves.
Everyone in the public eye should. It's a fucking disgrace when some faggot retard starts telling people what they should believe in or how to act just because they're rich and on the big screen.
Will they at least bake me a cake?
Good. I am a big WAVVES fan and I am happy that I own one of their albums on vinyl. Trump supporters and homophobes (huge overlap) are garbage people
Do people really go to concerts or shows and somehow end up in some political shouting match with other attendees?
Never heard of them
This is them.
They are obviously beta numales. Why would anyone care what they think? Just look at them.
kurt cobain killed himself cause he realized he was wrong.
You'd be surprised at how well versed the crowd that attends Justin Beiber concerts is m8
It's well known in the concert world that his fans are the most informed on the subject matter of domestic trade tariffs and the net effect of impact they have on total annual global GDP output
Maybe you should. Better yet, show up to one of their shows with an airhorn.
Hipsters are honestly the worst people you'll ever meet
>95% white audience but they hate white people
>jacks off over the thought of the newest black hip hop album
>overwhelmingly liberal, probably Bernie supporters
>usually jobless (aka trying to make it as an artist even though they suck) or some shitty wage job
>live with their parents or with other hipsters in some shitty city apartment that's expensive as fuck (bonus if their parents have money and help pay for it)
>95% chance they're pretentious as fuck with shitty music taste even though they think it's better than yours
>parrot whatever they read on Pitchfork, Buzzfeed, Vice, or Noisy
God I hate them with a passion.
>The Literally Whos
So Zionist Jews (racists), Muslims (homophobes), and blacks and legal Hispanics (who support Trump) are banned?
Sounds pretty bigoted.
chase bugs in hell, faggot.
>The guy from Smosh, a fat version of some guy I went to school with, a faggot
Nice band you've got there
Jesus Christ, they're a living parody.
Damn it I liked this band
>we have reached the point where fringe musicians/artists are parroting the same opinions the media and establishment wants them to - literally the opposite of a counterculture
amazing times we're living in
Wow,such a huge loss,another fucking rock band,haven't had enough of that shit yet.
>am trump supporter
>Band had a show set up at a popular local venue
>Wavves took the date we were set to play
>how'd they know
Must be a member of The Who cause I don't have a fucking clue who that is
Not sure who Wavves is. I'm guessing a band, but I've never heard of them before this moment.
I'll respect their views by not even looking up one of their songs on youtube. Wouldn't want them to make money off of hate, after all.
tfw mutant
tfw the music industry is so liberal it hurts
whats worse is when people I look up to give there liberal political opinion on something
isnt this dude with best coast shes the worse desu but her smelly itailain feet are glorious
Afraid of Heights was their dying album. Good yet crap at the same time. They should have broke up after touring for it to be honest. You're not going to win people over to your music by actively being a SJW on the internet.
I don't pay for music either way so IGDAF.
this tee bee cue h family
Precisely this. Great point.
I just looked them up. They sound like some wannabe green day hipsters on acid. Can't believe people listen to this faggy garbage
I'm going to make sure I go to one of their concerts just to spite them. And I'm not going to pay either I'm going to sneak in.
Also, how the fuck are you supposed to enforce a ban on trump supporters?
Oh shit where can I hear another 45 year old play snotty surf rock
we already had this thread
who gives a shit