Why don't we just arm the Kurds?
Why don't we just arm the Kurds?
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That's why actually.
They are inbred Muslim fucks that shit our tons of kids and act like apes? Killing off Armenians, Assyrians and Kurds is the best thing Turkey had ever done.
Eternal Turk doesn't allow.
Why don't we have a new Persian Empire?
To what carry out an offensive on ISIS? Kurds don't have the numbers for that. Neither do they want to do it. They're only concerned with defending their territory.
They're communist pussies
They are commie subhumans and deserve to die.
>this triggers the turkroach
>>why don't we arm inbred muzzies who don't secular
okay roach
Didnt we say that in Afghanistan, 1986, was it? But it wasn't the kurds. And didn't some saudi guy destroy *my* world trade center?
Angry you won't be able to genocide them too like you did to the Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians Turkroach?
We've had SOF inbedded with them for at least 15 years.
arm turkey and israel and openly declare they can take whatever they want from syria, but we'll provide no support otherwise
>Why don't we just gas the Kurds?
We actually were arming them until the roaches got really butthurt
it was working well, too
i think is right
But the CIA never learns anything
I love how it's just accepted common understanding that the United States is just a gigantic arms dealer now. Fuckin' hell.
They already are
Been fightin isis for nearly two years
keep up, man.
i got bad news for you canadian cuck. while your lgbt ass president tredaue or what the fuck ever it is trying to make gender equality you couldn't track middle east news i presume. it's ok, genocide is in progress like 30 years, and more than half of them don't even know their identity anymore
Tbqh shit has been going on far too long in the middle east. How about we give all sides nukes and let them turn that shithole into a nuclear wasteland. Problem solves itself
"Arming the Kurds" is a cuckservative talking point to put in the mouths of basic bitch Republicans. That is why Jeb! would always say stupid shit like that during debates. "Arming the Kurds" is just giving weapons to another sand person terrorist group, and it would never actually happen because we can't be against Turkey because Russia = bad. The only people we should arm are ourselves. We have the competence to come to terms with Russia and force the Middle East into submission, but we have an African president, and the white world has no control of it's own destiny being that it is occupied by a Jewish elite.
Turkish butthurt is best butthurt.
they are already armed, and fighting ISIS.
however the U.S. needs ISIS to not be defeated so more protracted wars for profit can happen.
also strengthening the Kurds would boost resistance from the tyrannical Turkish government which is a U.S. ally
>late 90's
>why don't we just arm Al-Qaeda?
Mandatory reading for Sup Forums
A comprehensive rundown of the situation in the Middle East right now
>arming communist muslims
A thousand this
Turkey would throw a shit fit, but with the airport bombing maybe the Turks would tolerate it.
Because arming sandmonkeys went over so well the last time.
Trump/Putin Muslim Purge Alliance when?
When one of you fuckers assassinates Hillary so she doesn't get elected by niggers and spics.
We actually did.
Turks are mad.
>Waffen: Sturmgewehre G3 (8000 Gewehre/Munition 2.000.000), Maschinengewehre MG3 (40/Munition 1.000.000), Sturmgewehre G36 (8000/Munition 4.000.000), Pistolen P1 (8000/Munition 1.000.000), Panzerabwehrwaffen MILAN (30/Lenkflugkörper 500), Panzerfaust 3 (200/Munition 2500), schwere Panzerfaust (40/Munition 1000), Signalpistolen (100/Munition 4000), Handgranaten (10.000);
>– Fahrzeuge: Lkw Wolf ungeschützt (40), Lkw Wolf teilgeschützt (20), Lkw 2 Tonnen UNIMOG (40), geschützte Führungs- und Funktionsfahrzeuge Dingo 1 (5), Tanklastwagen (1).
putput wont allow her to win
>Arming the Kurds is arming the hillbillies.
>The obvious choice.
Jeb wouldn't know his ass if you gave him a map, he was just reciting CIA doctrine.
>arm the __________
>disarm the americans
How does it feel that you aren't even the second whitest Muslim country?
Because for some reason I will never understand, Turkey is in NATO.