He actually did it. I love this crazy motherfucker.
He actually did it. I love this crazy motherfucker
Have you ever noticed that sherriff/police badges are the star of david
Really makes you ponder, huh
I just discovered I'm 1/8th Jewish. What do I do, Sup Forums?
Start working to destroy the white race
you can touch my penis if you want
Apply to be in the Soros federation now. You wife's kids will thank you.
You're already doing it
Warm the oven
If you are in Toronto or environs and you are interested come to shul sometime with me.
this just contorts his original argument
Law enforcement & the legal systems are steeped in occult symbolism and subtle references
A lot of police outfits utilize a "hexagram" star aka the 'Star of David', since it is a powerful symbol for use in witchcraft and magick
Just when I think Trump can't surprise me anymore, he does.
Frozen confirmed a jewish false~flag
I have a lot of Jewish friends. All of them but one are very conservative and support Trump. Most are also very pro-white and want to ens white genocide.
Already warmed user, making some cherry pie for the kids :)
It's time to fire the Twitter guy.
that pic can not be real.
if it is then it seems i need to make a couple more accounts for trump then
No thanks, I heard Toronto is pretty bad right now
He should just drop it and move on to demolishing Hillary getting absolved because of her connections.
It's not called a star in Hebrew it's called a shield, serve and protect, magen dovid, sheild of david.
whats your recipe?
i know a few people who make cherry pie with different ingredients
It's definitely not a star in my eyes, I see 2 triangles
It's an occult symbol, plain and simple, which is why the Freemasons use a variation on it (two intersecting triangles)
i think this is trying to tell people who are voting for hillary to vote on twitter instead of on the ballet
Is this 5D chess or just a huge mistake?
Is Dilbert here?
kill yourself
We are planning to post this on Twitter ON election day, no earlier, no later? It worked with Brexit, It'll definitely work here.
Its my favourite one. Even when making another pie (apple, blueberry...) I always use this one for the crust.
Trips says Trump MAGA's in November
Viajes dice Trump MAGAs en noviembre
I don't think this helps him.
The complaints were about the combination of money and the (((star))).
anna is so hot
Sounds like the ones that were complaining were the racist ones.
Hmmm maybe there's a correlation between democrats and muslims. Hmmmm really making me think right now....
Did you also did 'Burning for Bernie'?
Home is where the heart is and i find shelter in the storm, just like Sup Forumsestinians try and drive us out we endure, thousands of years and some pipsqueek on a chinese cartoon imageboard thinks he's a tough guy.
1/8th good enough for hitler so its good enough for me
>Not having a nazi police
This might actually work...
>Start working to destroy the white race
He's an 1/8th Kike. He's literally somebody's way of working to destroy the white race.
Cmon Trump what the fuck are you doing
You two REALLY didn't enjoy the highlights of Brexit well enough.
Trump responded in today's speech. (paraphrased) "and then they say, oh the star isn't racist, it's the star and money! and then you just have to recognize who the true racist ones are out there; how bout the people that instantly make those connections"
It certainly won't hurt.
kek I wish
Start promoting ideologies that go against nature and become an enemy of mankind
wew lad
WTF, i feel bad for you..
News media hasn't said anything yet, but I expect there will be something about this tomorrow
No wait nevermind CNN just mentioned it
Thanks bro... I have seriously considered Chile to move to... this place is fucked
>don't forget about the gay police cars too!
>diversity relations / LGBT Hate Crimes
Get me the fuck out of here
>don't forget about the gay police cars too!
If you move to Chile, do it to the south, or stay in the rich and white zones of Santiago.
absolute madman!! meme magic!!!
>If you move to Chile, do it to the south, or stay in the rich and white zones of Santiago.
Gracias for the tips, will keep it in mind
I think I am going south, I here good things about Southern regions there
Too bad us a liberal, faggot lover, divorced, atheist, republican.
>shitting up other places like the Califags are now doing to neighboring states
It's not, the Jewish area is great there's no non whites. Come home to Bathurst street user
What is this fag shit? I haven't seen a cop car in a few months is that how they look now? Where is this?
Its a fact that we have some small cities in the south with 100% european settler descendänts, maybe you can find some indigenous but they just live their life. Same whit the south of Argentina.
Never go to the North of both countries, is massive shithole full of Colombian inmigration.
>Canada today
I used to love your nation
Nah m8, I am part of the 60.5% that didn't vote for that fag
All hope is lost in Canada, there is nothing but being a british subject here, it will be swallowed up by the North America Union.
Resistance is futile
>Where is this?
Toronto, that should answer your previous questions.
>>Canada today
>I used to love your nation
So did I.
Thanks for the tips, will keep in mind
That's impossible I live in Toronto
All the LGBT-themed cars seem to be from divisions from the GTA region
Perhaps you've not seen them since you're likely fucking a white male, and thus you're not frequently having engagement & interactions with the local law enforcement - I would imagine.
I live in the heart of Jew ville, we've got absolutely zero crime here and as I've said I haven't seen a police car in months. When did they make this change? That's disgusting
so CNN just reposted our meme?
it's funny that the MSM thinks that they are going to get new viewers by shilling here. quite the opposite. more viewers are going to stop watching television and spend more time on chans.
>video killed the radio stars
>Sup Forums killed your television
Never been so ashamed.
Really makes you think
>I live in the heart of Jew ville
>we've got absolutely zero crime here
Yea that'll do it. I too am in a low crime area, never seen these fag mobiles personally, just in photos
>When did they make this change? That's disgusting
They've been around for at least 24 - 36 months to my understanding, I think maybe even 4 - 5 years this change has been made
>Never been so ashamed.
Pic related, what about now?
>a powerful symbol for use in witchcraft and magick
This is true.
pic related; worth the read.
No it's not real. It's Sup Forums psyops to be released the day before the election. This fag is going to ruin the plan.
wtf I love Trump now #Frozen
Trump should stop pretending
I'm 1/4 Jew. Just make up for it by doubling down on the redpills.
.... JUST
>yfw you realize the little manlet on the right carrying the rainbow canada flag is an gay HIV+ syrian refugee Justin selected to march with for maximum tolerance points
lmao cant wake up
>LGBT hate crime hotline
How can it be a crime to hate someone for cutting off their Dick? I can sort of understand the other stuff but seriously?
Remove 1/8th of you. I am about 1/50 jew, but i repaid my born sin by losing my jew baby teeth
>cop cars
holy fuck Trudeau really cucked your country, didnt he?
Reminds me of Blood Dragon
You know what to do
this image is pure meme ((((((((((MAGIC))))))))))
That was PRE-Trudeau, it's just going to get even worse from here
See >the little manlet on the right carrying the rainbow canada flag is a gay HIV+ syrian refugee Justin selected to march with for maximum tolerance points
I'm 50%. I have to take liquid red pills intravenously.
>pure meme ((((((((((MAGIC))))))))))
Another 'cohencidence'
yeah, nobody is buying it
Dilbert thinks it's a mistake
For the autists who see this and think they are doing Kek's work by spreading it... DON'T.
We need to spread this no earlier than 24 hours before voting begins.
If you spread this too early, the media will de-bunk it, people will know it's a fake and it wont work.
Ideally, it would go out the afternoon before the election. NOT BEFORE.
Someone from here tweeted him that image last night right? Sup Forums is actually influencing real world events. Trump is tapping into meme magic. we are the source and he spreads it to the masses. Trump is truly a prophet of kek.
Man, every time I see Arabic, it confounds me as to where each character starts and stops.
I want to look it up out of curiosity, but I don't want to trigger and FBI/NSA red flags.
For the love of God, someone change the "Frozen" for "Gassed", please...
> plan B
Meme it to life
Thanks for the rare moonman.
>runs a campaign about being politically incorrect
>deletes a tweet that upsets his Jewish masters
>desperately tries to win back his supporters by comparing it to a children's toy
Seriously? And the Star of David is made of blue lines and filled white in the middle.
Disproportionately represent your ethnicity in scientific and intellectual accomplishments.
Dude, get a graphic designer to fix this shit
Is Trump redpilled?
>I just discovered I'm 1/8th Jewish. What do I do, Sup Forums?
Move to Israel and remove Kebab.
Trump is not a man, HE IS A GOD.
Take a shower.
he is a douche bag