Why do the Germans and French hate each other if they're basically the same people?

Why do the Germans and French hate each other if they're basically the same people?

to confuse meds and anglos

Are turks and blacks really the same though?

But French is honorary med

Algerians aren't black

this is "all states have the same culture" tier retardation

>same people
we're just mixed franks and germans are mostly other germanics
we're not the same people

Same with Poles and Russians
like wtf lmao

Actually while you're hear, why does Poland and Russia hate Ukraine?

Ukraine genocided Poles

while you're here*


>mixed franks
no no no no
we are Latinized Gauls, both north and south.
"Gauls" are not especially a race, it's more a culture who assimilated bronze age ethnicites, we are mixed with a lot but the Alpinid element is very predominant everywhere.

I'll just leave this here.

actually a lot of Southern French are Iberian or Greek or Italic in origin

do you have source for that?

yes: my ass

True but again, those were easily assimilated to Gauls and Romans.
we are everything from every borders but we have mainly an Alpinid predominance.

yeah i knew it

>not a single drop of non-gaulic blood

Brothers are natural enemies.

we're gauls

never said that
i've misread your post though and thought you said southern french were mostly greek, etc

Who don't hate the French?

why do you guys hate us again?

doesn't* you stupid spic

I don't, thought they were okay neighbours

The whole "let's attack you for no reason and take advantage of the Cataluña revolt to stir shit up xD" spiel.

when was that?

The revolt was in 1650, and the attack for no reason was with Napooleon.


we """hate""" each other as much as Canadians """hate""" Greenland

this, they are still bros

Can't you just forget about that like all the others?

fuck off, americans are just forcing hatred in yurop

Nah, you don't just forget getting stabbed in the back by a supposed """""""""""ally""""""""""", my man.

Which country have you hate the most then? I thought it was France