Is ass eating degenerate?
Why has it been pushed so hard by the media?
Is ass eating degenerate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Could you imagine eating a lady's ass in the 1300s?
only female on female ass eating is acceptable
I'd like my girl's asshole but not some random nigger's.
A thread died for this.
Then again 80% of threads are fucking garbage anyway.
Why the fuck do I still come here.
this is why eating ass has skyrocket in popularity in the 21st century
we have spent thousands of years in scientific advancements, engineering breakthroughs and societal changes to eventually reach a point where eating ass is not only possible, but is also safe, acceptable and hygienic. everything from agriculture, the scientific method all the way to laser technology was developed for one purpose: eating ass
Why the fuck are you still up
You come here for the same reason I do, 99% of this board is shit. But there's always a chance of a golden nugget of saintly wisdom.
>Why has it been pushed so hard by the media?
Gay agenda asshole obsession
could you imagine ever been within 100 yards of a vagina in 1300? They must have smelled like the local fishmonger 24/7
...not really no
>captcha is salad
Next to clitoral stimulation, a woman feels the most pleasure from anal stimulation.
Even women that claim to "hate anal".
Because of this.
It's real.
The media is satanic.
Deal with it nonbelivers.
Who ever say he is redpill must so be a christian.
The rabbit hole is deep.
You drink out of plastic bottles. Probably the same experience with Nikki.
>Why has it been pushed so hard by the media?
Because it's a nigger thing and the Juden want us all to be niggers so E can become easier to enslave
There are european cultures where literally sticking a dead fish up your cooch for like 3 days and then feeding it to your man or some shit was how you made him fall in love with you.
I forget exactly what it was but it was that weird artsy dike who did a documentary on fucked up folk traditions, like men humping the earth and shit. You know the one I'm talking about, Sup Forums. Don't let me down.
>Why has it been pushed so hard by the media?
It has?
I'd love to doggy Minaj. such nice hips
This was meant for this But he already posted it
This guy gets it.
Mmm nice pieces of straw and dried shit to nibble on :3
Every time I come to this board I see threads like this and it reminds me of how shit my life is because I'm a virgin
I imagine people were so used to everyone smelling like BO, that for them it was normal and they grew accustomed to it. Sorta like how sanitation workers don't really react to the smell of tons of garbage while for most of us would scrunch up our noses at the very least. They were desensitized to smell.
cant say i do there m8
What, you guys don't eat ass? Sounds like you all have a little growing up to do.
Keep this degenerate shit in your imagination and off my board, you twisted fuck.
What's her arm say? Chinamen, get in here.
That and Snuff tobacco helps
Jews push all sorts of perversions
Living in your country, you're probably better off that way. Lest you be accused of rape.
what is eating ass?
gb2 Sup Forums motherfucker
The Lonesome Cowboy:
A cowboy is a lonesome man
There's none more lonesome in the land
He rides atop his only friend
His horse, a companion on whom he can depend
His woman may be miles behind him
Sadness and desperation may find him
But a cowboy who's wise will turn to the earth
To lend him solace and even mirth
The earth from which all beauty springs
Such bounty forth she always brings
He'll dig a hole with cracked, scorched hands
Pour in all the water that hole demands
Until that earth is moist, just right
The earth'll never put up any kind of a fight
His cries of joy no one will hear
In case I am not being clear
I'm saying that cowboy is going to fuck a hole in the ground
We all do it, that's what I have found
Any cowboy that knows that lonesome hell
Can fashion a land virginny well
If a cowboy's seed worked like other seeds
There'd be cowboys growing across the plains like weeds
-Dalton Wilcox, cowboy poet laureate
I've been eating ass long before it became a thing
of course it's degenerate, sex should be for procreation not enjoyment
I eat ass
It can't just be a coincidence. Licking butthole was what Satan got witches to do to pledge their allegiance.
Think before you tongue the stink
I only eat ass occasionally, but sniffing ass is a poor man's viagra
here you go, chinaman.
Eating ass
Hey guys what is eating ass like?
I want to do it for my GF, please give me your experiences with it. I know she'll clean up first before I do it.
Jazaak Allahu Khairun brother/sister.
Exactly what you think it would be like user
>not eating ass in 2016
How gay are you guys? Gotta me in my top 3 fetishes
>eating ass thread
>not flooded with mike adriano gifs
>not eating ass in CURRENT YEAR
Come home white man
But Sup Forums isn't? Wtf.
If you're not giving your girl anal on the regular, odds are, you're being cucked.
All sexual deviance is degenerate by technicality, but there really isn't anything wrong with it.
>Is ass eating degenerate?
Fuck off with your buzzword.
When I'm licking my daughter's kitty of course I lick her asshole too.
Tonguing a bitch's fart box.
>1 post by this ID
This is eating ass
then what's up with all the egyptian symbolism / illuminati memes?
false flag sort of deal?
oh, right, you're a christian and "satanic" is your catch-all for "bad stuff"
What media pushes sex?
Like eating pussy but without the flaps and tang
If she's not an anal virgin or anything you can stick your tounge in a little
Way too much saliva
obviously the CCP is based as fuck.
it's actually a myth that medieval people were dirty. there was plenty of cheap soap to go around, and nobility had rich soap too.
yes, there were a lot of people who didn't bath, but there's a lot of people who don't bath today either. they even washed their clothes.
Enjoy your ban you degenerate cunt
Eating ass is acceptable, if it's your wife's ass, and she was a virgin before you started dating, and she showered immediately beforehand. Every other asshole-eating scenario is degenerate.
Inb4 cucks argue that it's okay to be the 30th guy to eat their girlfriend of three weeks' sweaty ass.
>mfw I do it all the time to my chubby thicckkk b00ty Latina slam buddy
>Is ass eating degenerate?
Yes, very much so.
Because Tuberculosis can be spread through even a very small amount of bloody stool. How'd you like to have TB?
Besides, there's no way I could ever eat my girlfriend's ass. No matter how much she washed it, I'm positive it would still taste like shit. I eat her pussy all the time, but that's not going to give me fucking TB.
I want a girl with a nice ass to sit on my face, bare ass, and let me sniff and lick her beautiful asshole.
It's my biggest fantasy and I think about it multiple times a day. Unfortunately I'll never get to live out this fantasy.
Paganism = false gods = satanic
Repent shitlicker
Couldn't you get a lot of diseases this way?
I made this thread, went away to make something to eat, came back and clicked update and lost my shit at how short the scroll bar got.
damn, she THICC
post more
Defeats the purpose if she showers. Youre missing out on all the phermones.
wtf cant you get salmonella from this
>TFW I love eating a girls ass and can never tell Sup Forums
brown skin like that is so fucking ugly.
I couldn't eat a girl's asshole unless she had a pure white pale anus, with little blonde or red hairs.
what does it taste like
degenerate faggot
eating ass is gross
"I just love tonguing your ass and getting up in your Grutz!"
Goddamn, that ass demolishes that g-string. You cant even see it its so far up there.
>The post
I liked ass before it was cool, maybe it's because I'm Mexican and had black friends.
Just admit that you like the taste of shit, family.
>bubonic plague
I bet her ass smells like curry
>fucking poo in loos
Is getting a rimjob degenerate?
Cuz I really fucking want a rimjob
Nothing, if it's clean
u n d e r r a t e d
Ass fetishism is degeneracy, pushed by niggers and the nigger-loving american press.
We don't have any ass fetish here, only breast fetish
It is going to give you mouth cancer though.
the eye of horus/luther/lightbringer is satan retard