Scene begins with only the punchline of the joke and everyone laughing because the writers couldn't come up with a...

>scene begins with only the punchline of the joke and everyone laughing because the writers couldn't come up with a funny joke

Other urls found in this thread:

>action scene takes place off screen or behind a closer door because they didn't have the budget for it

Or maybe because a funny joke would've added nothing to the story and its the kinda cheap trick tarantino uses with his pointless funny dialogue about pop culture and stuff?

>Pretty soon, no more Japanese!

>Rectum? I hardly knew him!

>so the rabbit said "no more carrots for you"

>...and she stepped on the ball.

>and so I said "well, I never Metaknight I didn't like!"

>And I said, "Hiroshima? Maybe in the South, but up here it'd be Hiroshimom!"

>Super collider? I just met 'er!

5/5 trope

>"Father, no more Monky Business thankyou!"

>they don't make jokes because th-that's dumb!!!

fuck you

>...and he says, "do ya love me?", and she says, "NO! But that's a real nice ski mask!"

>Bien sûr que c'est des morpions, tu croyais qu'à ce prix là j'allais te filer des gambasses?

>so I told the negro, not in this town!

Why would the writers not want to include context for this?

It's a cheap way to make a character seem charismatic without writing the joke. The rest of the joke wouldn't add to the movie.


>"this fight between Nathan and Sylar is gonna be awesome!"
>the fucking door closes

>Rectum... damn near killed'em

>movie starts with main character running from something
>*record scratch*
>"so you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation"

>Hello darkness my old friend

That's actually funny

when the fuck has that ever happened?

>How we got here tv tropes
Do you even Sup Forums brah?