If Trump does not win Whites need to make a tactical retreat like to the NW Front

If Trump does not win Whites need to make a tactical retreat like to the NW Front.

The only problem is that kikes know about it and will come after us.

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>Muh, "North Western Front"
lol, what are you dumb niggers going to do about Seattle and Portland? They really don't mesh well with "white nationalists".

>Fucking white nationalists

Do you honky fucks not get it yet? It's over if Trump doesn't win. And im not talking about your 4th reich or whatever. I mean takeover is imminent. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

That flag is garbage.

>pro white

They will be re-educated

You can hide from niggers without giving Harold Covington money to be part of his beerbelly club.

I'm fleeing to Utah.


Advanced nations will not trade with your shitty neo-nazi nation.

Into the trash

Do you have a better design?