>yfw you realized god exists
Yfw you realized god exists
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What? Which one is it?
Fuck him
God is not real. Get fucked. You guys might as well believe in santa claus or the toothfairy hahahahahahahahaahaha
Everyone should go to Reddit.com instead of reading their outdated mythology books GOD IS NOT REAL
it was more like this
FeelsGoodMan :)
havent seen one of these in ages
God might not be real, but your autism is.
Which God?
And where is your proof?
And after that where is your disproof of all other gods
>yfw Satan exists and you realize you are God
yfw you realize the Jews worship Saturn and the Sun is a projection from it, and the universe is a simulation and the people in power know about it.
yfw you realize everything in the bible is real and Jesus exists. The son never died or went away.
>tfw you realize you are god
>mfw I realized that very few people are dumb enough to believe in god, and that saying you do is just a form of virtue signalling.
>that Vatican autism
>can = Spanish for dog = God backwards
So they chose an archaic Spanish word root based on the backwards spelling of the English word.
Seems legit
ohhh SHIT
This. We need proof. Oh, sorry, you're a theist, so let me make this clear.
We human
We rational, logical animals
No skydaddys, need proof!
praise kek
fool 2 brohers one beliefs in god one does not