What would you do?
What would you do?
I'll take a big ol' shit near the level and pull it so they think it was a bear.
what the fucks happening in this picture?
I don't know but I feel like I can sympathize with this guy a little.
I'd pull the lever not going to lie. Sure I'd be breaking the law but I think it would be for the better good to pull the lever.
probably pull the lever
the dudes like tha fuckkkk
>I have made a grave mistake
multitrack drifting
He's all ayo ayo hold up nigga ayo nigga shiet nigga ayo this shit nigga ayo nigga this shit right here nigga this some weird ass shit right here nigga. shiet.
Depends on what i get out of either choice.
>pull the lever
>the owner can choose to press charges against me or choose not to since I saved 5 lives
>if they do press charges, the court judge will be very lenient since I saved 5 lives
>even the harsh trespassing penalties are a few hundred bucks at most
>no big deal
Any post after this is now for humor
I wouldn't touch it.
The responsibility lies on the person who tied the people to the tracks and the train eningeer.
It could be on public property, and I wouldn't touch it, as the switch itself is private property, and by touching it, I would violate the NAP. Add this to the fact that you are legally responsible for any and all outcomes (good and bad) of attempting to help someone, and no, I would not help 4 strangers.
>pull lever
>get shot
Not in the US I wouldn't
Pull the lever, then promptly turn myself in for the crime and pay restitution.
pull lever.
>Pull the level
>All the people get let free
>In some twist they say you're the one who tied them to the track
>Get sent to jail with 5 attempted murder convictions and what ever else
>Pull the lever
>Wipe fingerprints off
>All the people die
>Conductor never saw your face
>Run off and never get caught
*Don't pull the lever.
If there is a lever on private property then the train company already has an easement agreement in place Thus you would not be trespassing since your purpose on the property is to pull said lever .
>pull the lever
>Whoever tied those people to tracks shoots them and you
No thanks. I think I'll continue walking past your absurdly contrived scenario and pretend I hypothetically didn't see anything.