The Singularity and Life Extension

Hey guys, ive been browsing on here for awhile but decided to make a post. I have worked with numerous life extension scientists and futurists and am entrenched in that community. People like Ray Kurzweil, Aubrey De Grey, Max More (freezing people), etc. A few things I will say right off the bat is we are getting close to solving numerous age-related diseases, but I have been internally conflicted because the elites will always get this technology before you, and there is rarely discussion about bringing it to the masses. Numerous things that would be considered conspiracy theories are routinely talked about behind closed doors at some of these singularity meetings - like what we will do with the masses once humanoid robots can perform the jobs and tasks of your average person (depopulation), the creation of a global race by purposely flooding white countries with immigrants, and underground safety bunkers for the elites where they can safely be frozen should there be a global catastrophe.

A lot of these people are like you guys, predominantly white and very interested in eugenics. I would honestly try to get on the good side of this community, because the things they talk about are very dark, and very elitist. Ask me anything.

can yall start growin me a new lung plz

yep. a company called Organovo can already do that

how likely is pic related?

Alternate day fasting, what are your thoughts

This is already standard practice among the uber wealthy, especially women who dont want to lose their figure. There are a lot of fears regarding China's recent human cloning experiments.

You are already seeing the inverse of this - ZIKA. I do not know for sure but I suspect zika was created as the beginning of world depopulation, primarily targeting the most uneducated and most desirable region of the globe for the elites - south america.

I know a guy at the Methuselah Foundation that does radical caloric limitation, he's like a paperclip.

Fountain of youth when?

depends who you are, and who you know

The adv. of ADF is that you can maintain a eucaloric state...36 hours spent fasted is enough for autophagy/sirtuins etc. to have an extension effect

Because having underweight BMI is not good for quality of life/hardiness to challenges

stuff like epithalon, astragalus is a start

this isnt directly related, but i figured i would share since its one of the most redpilled things ive ever heard being talked about - nuclear weapons dont work the way we think they do. you cant just detonate one at any time or at any place, they rely on the position of the sun in relation to other major celestial bodies in order to function. so essentially, the cold war was a hoax.


where you learn dis

Listening to conversations of the elite over the years

Can you guys like, hold up on this until Soros dies? thanks.

Reading this made me a little stupider

Man I want to live forever. Gotta earn cash money so I can afford that shit

>they rely on the position of the sun in relation to other major celestial bodies in order to function

search injun says bruce cathie. hmm

You'll have eternity to pay it off. I'm sure somebody is willing to work out a deal.

How do you even begin to rationalize a stupid idea like that in your head? I'm genuinely curious to know your thought process. Call it a field study.

No he's right. The government has all kinds of metaphysical superweapons.

For example the reason nobody can prove that HAARP is a real super weapon is because it operates on the astral plane so you need to align your fifth Chakra with the Zodiac in order to actually observe it. All those antennas are just a red herring.

Did you know the sun creates radiation? Well it does. Nukes need radiation to work. If the sun is gone, how are they going to get the radiation? Also, it has to be really close to earth so the nuke can grab the radiation.

No, they can't dipshit. No grown functioning viscera have ever been successfully transplanted into a human being. Ever.

Playing pretend and acting like you understand science just makes the job harder for real scientists.

Yeah, this guy is an anti-vaxx level retard.

>I would honestly try to get on the good side of this community
Why? You're all going to be destroyed. Sad really. Your "community" could have solved literally all the world's problems. Instead you focused on giving everything to sociopaths and punishing everyone else. So you're all going to be murdered and society will collapse. Thanks, cunts.

The men that save for the future will be able to afford it.
The niggers and women that live in the now won't.

There's nothing more to it.
The reasons to spend sparsely and prepare are already legion, even eternity won't persuade #YOLOers to become human.