> there are people on this board who unironically support the alt-right movement
there are people on this board who unironically support the alt-right movement
>The alt right is a single, unified movement.
No discussion to be had here.
I doubt it, this is all just satire... R-right?
It's all satire coming from the red-pilled, but some of it is intentional shilling from the left.
>There are leafs that like to comment on American Politics
>there are people on this board who live in countries that decriminalized having sex with animals
>there are people who are unironically Canadian
>1 post by this ID
Everyone hates us.
We don't care.
ah yes, a cromulently embiggened of a word
maybe if it is you ad nauseam a meaning of it will appear out of nothingness
>there are people who unironically enjoy /got/ after season 1
good, because we all hate you. How does if feel to be more hated than the USA in 2 0 1 6
I care
Give me death senpai or a Trump annexation.
>TFW Canada actually got ranked most admired country in the world
>Murica didn't even make top 20
In that, we are the same, Leaf. Just for completely different reasons.
> an unsourced chart
Good job leaf
On an autistic circle jerk board?
Not bad thanks.
>country on fire
>current year limp wristed poofter in charge
>importing millions of """""skilled immigrants"""""
>at least p-people like us
Cuckada. Most admired by shitskins. Whew, who'd have thought?
>an autistic circle jerk board
> that you unironically post on
Whats that?
I honestly just love seeing all the shit-posting.
You're all so sad, it's just schadenfreude .
Like seeing the kid with the flame decorated button up shirt leave a video game store. If you guys hate Canada then I'm in the right country.
sourced from the cuck life magazine
We're getting stronger, OP.
>If you guys hate Canada then I'm in the right country.
No we hate you precisely because you're in a shitty country.
Even Australia, king of shit posts hates you.
>Be America
>Call Canada a shitty country
This is what I mean. You're all so sad. You attribute so much to national identity. I'm Canadian yes, but I accept there's good and bad aspects to Canadian identity. You autists treat national identity like sports fandom.
Whatever bud, enjoy being angry about things you have no control over.
>getting mad at bants on a Taiwanese wood carving forum
are you autistic, Sup Forums is satire bro