Well? Are any full blooded boongs actually good, decent human beings? Or are they all just drunken didgeridindu's who sniff petrol all day?
Also general experiences with boongs thread for Strayacunts I guess.
Well? Are any full blooded boongs actually good, decent human beings? Or are they all just drunken didgeridindu's who sniff petrol all day?
Also general experiences with boongs thread for Strayacunts I guess.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ofcourse they do.
In all honesty however, they are a rare site on the eastern coast where most of the whites live. I once visited a friend who works on choppers up in Kununurra and they were confined to compounds, deemed unable to deal with modern society.
My older brother worked at the mines in WA and witnessed two Boongs fight to the ground. The victor immediately starting ass fucking his opponent in the middle of a grog shop parking lot.
Kek, what?
Is that some sort of victory dance or something? Fucking the guy you beat up in the ass?
They're an utterly broken people man, let them be
There are so few of them left it doesn't really matter.
That being said they smell like shit, can't speak English properly and are generally degenerates.
If we still had easy access to guns they'd be Basketball Americans x 2.
think about it
Just something that happens.
Is right though. What happened to these guys is fucking horrendous. To answer your original question properly - yes there is such a thing as an intelligent and productive Aboriginal. Most of them don't have a structured, safe and stimulated childhood in a world they weren't prepared to come crashing onto their land.
Although we can respect and recognize their ability to reform it seems the damage has simply been irreversibly done for the majority.
>Be me
>Walking home from gym
>Walk past elderly aboriginal
>"Hey budda, how you goin?"
>"Good mate".
>"Nice man, have a good day".
Its mainly the mixed abbos you need to worry about.
I got part native neighbors and I call them natives as Abo is somewhat of a insult. I trust them, I would protect them, They are fully functioning members of society and to a point, I don't really even see them as native Australian, Just simply Australians. There are a lot of bad eggs out there and the Australian government supports this in forms of welfare and relaxing criminal charges against them simply because they are abos. I they can be taken away from their families at a young age and raised in a civilized manner and taught to hate what the rest of them are, then yes, there is hope. but to let them manage themselves in today's society is just stupid
wtf am i watching
>Its mainly the mixed abbos you need to worry about.
so.. the majority?
>What happened to these guys is fucking horrendous
No it isn't. What is horrendous is that we didn't finish the job when we had a chance.
I can't tell if that's based or gay
Aren't the aboriginals fucked up due to massive inbreeding?
What happened to them
>It's always a joke until it happens to me
Standard Sup Forums
can anyone help me name my band?
>full blooded
no, never. even if they're taken away from their birth families they're going to get fucked up by society's shit anyway.
>general experiences
i got a boomerang thrown through my passenger side window once.
We tried that.
It didn't work.
Lots of rape.
yeah they contribute heaps, here's proof
You ever here idiots denying evolution say "Show me the missing link." Well here you go.
Who said I was joking? Abos are literal animals.
That's not a missing link. That's a badly inbred, destroyed person.
I wonder what Tasmanians were like. They all gone now....
>i got a boomerang thrown through my passenger side window once
Impressive aim
>I got a boomerang thrown threw my side window once.
I'm gonna use that upsidedownbro.
>all gone
Poor devils...
Nicely banted
Tasmania is an island off the coast of southern Australia moron.
Obvios b8
>edgy babby's first time on an anonymous indian designated shitposting board
technically, so is the rest of us.
Yeah but the natives are all gone. Maybe they are the same as abos idk but the last Tasmanian's skin was turned into a tobacco pouch kek. Just something this thread reminded me of.
All the full-blooded ones live out in the desert on government benefits in their indigenous communities.
The ones you see in the cities do tend to be drunks.
The ones that integrate into society tend to be mixed.
My mums a nurse, we spent a year in an aboriginal community (1991).
I dont remember much, i was 4, but the stories i heard are hectic.
Main one:
Guu comes into emergency "she stabbed me, she stabbed me!" Opens his arms and his guts fell out. Nurses tape up his guts, put him in ambulance to be shipped off to a bigger hospital. As they are getting ready to leave, a woman comes in "i killed him, i killed him" she has slashed her arms up with a broken beer bottle after slashing her husbands guts open. They tape up her arms and put her in the ambulance.
Meanwhile a lady is giving birth so they trundle her in the ambulance too.
My dads driving ambulance, half way there, he hears screaming in the back, he pulls over and the couple are arguing in the back and he has ripped off his bandages and his guys are falling out and he is screaming that she tried to kill him.
Dad goes nuts, cuss' them all out, puts one in the front and one in the back boots it to bigger hospital at 200km/h and literally kicked them out of the ambulance and fucked off home.
I have many other stories if you guys are keen for them?
Don't sniff petrol from a can.
The abo songs are so fucking stupid... but they're also catchy.
I don't know how to feel about this.
I was about to ask for the video with the two abbo's grunting along to a tranny on piano. Thanks mexico.
kek in NT they had to get scientists come up with a petrol that was unsniffiable, and it took them years
then once released abbos took 2 months to work out how to abuse it.
Ugaa ft. booga
Agreed, thoroughly defeated.
Let them while out the end of their subspecies in peace.
they are good singers
All the things I'm seeing here are leading me to believe that Abos are too stupid to pose much of a threat. If American blacks were pitbulls, Abos would be weiner dogs.
They literally made a song about not huffing gas...what the fuck
They iz chemists n shit.
Another time: 3 male boonhs are having a drinking session, after 3 days of drinking one of the guys says "ahh fuck it, im going for a nap"
2 days later the guys are still drinking wondering where their mate was. They go out back and he had died from alcohol poisoning.
Apparently they drank for another day before letting anyone know. Dude had been dead for 3 days.
Dad still has some mild ptsd from that body.
I want to meet the person that thought it would be a good idea to spend tax payer and donor money convincing me abos are fucking subhuman with that production.
They have even less agency than the negros. They can't even form shit tier gangs like the Bloods. At the top of the criminal food chain is the Russian Mafia. Those guys literally have PhDs.
Jesus Christ
Even the Abo children look like ugly trainwrecks
Mate lived in kalgoorlie. Said coons would shit in the streets and fuck each other in the gutters and they used to have big tribal wars with spears and shit.
Last one:
Dads on call as ambo driver/ seccy guard.
Get a call and they bring in the bodies from a car crash. 7 teenaged boongs stole a car and went joy riding. 2 in the front 5 in the back.
Went round a corner too fast, rolled it, killed all of them.
One of the guys was a "star" footy player in the community (NRL). He was in the backseat on someones lap. He flew through the window and caught his boong head on the top of the window. Caved his skull clean in.
Dad, as the mourge attendant had to clean this guys face up for veiwing the next day.
Goes about unsquishing his skull etc, a proper fucked up job.
Meanwhile its him and an old lady nurse in the hospital and its night so the whole place is locked up tight.
Community finds out it was "star" footy player. Boongs Start gathering in a huge mob ouside the hospitall demanding to see the kid.
Dad cant let them in, they would trash the fucking hospital plus rules etc.
They start banging on windows and doors with sticks and rocks. Luckily its built by white engineers with white contractors and its solid as fuck. 2" plate glass windows etc.
They are screaming they are gonna kill me dad, throat slitting motions etc.
Dads freaking, by now 200+ boongs baying for his blood.
15 mins later coos show up from another town and beat down all the boongs with night sticks, a proper black man beating.
Dad says he has never seen a sight so beautiful.
This place was proper fucked. School would be torched a few times a year. No metho sold in town, hardware store shut at 3pm. Pub must be shit by 6, no take away alcohol. Later it becomes a dry community, now all the boongs are on ice.
Mum still does some work out there every now and then, she says the boong nurses dont show up for work and then call in a day before payday freaking out coz they wont get paid. Mum does the rosters and laughs in their face when they get no hours.
They dont care they got gubmint bux as well as salary.
A friend told me once how she was doing her medical residency in a remote aboriginal community. There was this one case of an elderly woman who had been neglected by her children who were out somewhere getting high and drunk. She inspected the old woman and realised that her diapers hadn't been changed in weeks. When she removed them, they were filled with cockroaches and maggots among the feces and bodily fluids.
I read your posts in that disgusting Australian twang.
Yeah man, the lack of respect for their own kin is appalling. And they blame it all on whitey. Problem is, boong kids are funny, bright and happy go lucky, but they are ruined by their own people. As soon as they get old enough (7-9ish) they become indoctrinated into their fucked communities and by then its too late.
Didn't you guys put a ton of them in orphanages in the seventies to try to fix 'em?
How'd that turn out?
Good onya mate, have a long hard look at yourself but, your a dirty seppo cunt.
No good, it was mainly chirch based and the chirch pedos raped them. Didnt exactly help.
nah they are mostly just a bunch of drunk cunts, my mates and i would bash up the faggoty ones at school
It was attacked by leftist academics to the point where it is considered Australia's greatest national shame - a crime against humanity. I don't like the idea of separating children from their biological parents. I think they should have taken the whole senpai and civilized them.
Want them to stop huffing gas? Teach them to grow their own ganja.
I never knew abos existed until Marvel diversity hired an abo superhero. I never knew what abos were like until I saw abo threads.
>get the abbos high
they are bad enough drunk, it would be fucking hell with them drunk and high, going to their "dream time" and shit
they're like living fossils
whites are literally tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years ahead of them in terms of evolution
Marvel has just revealed the new Iron Man. Really triggering.
We spend millions protecting animals. Why are these subhumans any different? Just let them sniff their petrol and keep themselves in their shithole of a desert.
Looks like a half blood
>civilizing abbos
From what I've read from Australians that's not possible. You guys should have just built a containment zone for them like an African safari or just straight up wiped them out. They're just a blight on the system at this point and they're literally tens of thousands of years behind whites in terms of evolution. It's like trying to assimilate animals, pointless and futile effort.
You would think for leftists claiming to be so "scientific" they would recognize evolution when they see it.
>We spend millions protecting animals
You make a good point. I was thinking they should just put the Abbos in some sort of natural sanctuary like a zoo with a big fence or wall. But then the problem is liberals would show up and complain that they're equal and should live among us. So really you're better off just wiping them out through sterilization.
It's the opposite actually. We have big, walled off Aboriginal communities where they live effectively under no law but their own. As a result, there's no law period and rape and abuse of children is every day normal. When we try to shut those communities down all the lefties go ape, claiming we're racist for not respecting their culture.
We could just donate white sperm and eggs and get some good doctors to implant them.
Do it over a few generations, and it's all good!
Can somebody translate this into English?
No joke Aussies, these threads always make me so damn thankful that our leaf natives are actual homo sapiens. Nobody going full rama rama here, they mostly just stay on their reserves and drink a lot.
Los papás de guardia ya que ambos conductores / guardia Seccy.
Recibe una llamada y que pueden aportar en los cuerpos de un accidente de coche. 7 boongs teenaged robaron un coche y se fueron montando alegría. 2 en la parte delantera 5 en la parte posterior.
Dio la vuelta a una esquina demasiado rápido, lo enrolló, mató a todos ellos.
Uno de los chicos era un jugador Footy "estrella" en la comunidad (NRL). Él estaba en el asiento trasero de alguien en el regazo. Él voló a través de la ventana y llamó Boong su cabeza en la parte superior de la ventana. Su cráneo hundido limpia.
Papá, como el encargado mourge tenía que limpiar estos chicos se enfrentan veiwing para el día siguiente.
Va sobre unsquishing Su cráneo etc, para follada adecuado encima del trabajo.
Mientras tanto, él y su enfermera de una vieja señora en el hospital y su noche Sé que todo el lugar está bien cerrado.
Comunidad descubre que era jugador Footy "estrella". Boongs empezar a reunir en una gran multitud del ouside la hospitall exigiendo ver al niño.
Papá no puede dejarlos entrar, serían basura el puto hospital, además de reglas, etc.
Comienzan a golpear las ventanas y puertas con palos y piedras. Por suerte su construida por ingenieros contratistas blancos con blancos y su sólido como mierda. 2 "cristaleras etc.
Ellos están gritando que se me va a matar a papá, garganta rajar movimientos etc.
Papás volviendo loco, por ahora más de 200 boongs ladrando Para su sangre.
15 minutos más tarde coos aparecen de otra ciudad y golpear hacia abajo todos los boongs con porras, un buen golpeo hombre negro.
Papá dice que nunca ha visto un espectáculo tan hermoso.
Este lugar estaba jodido adecuada. La escuela se incendió un par de veces al año. No meto vendido en la ciudad, ferretería cerró a las 3 pm. Pubs deben ser mierda por 6, sin quitarle el alcohol. Más tarde se convierte en una comunidad en seco, ahora todos los boongs están en el hielo.
Mamá todavía lo hace un poco de trabajo por ahí de vez en cuando, se dice que las enfermeras Boong dont se presentó a trabajar y luego llamar a un día antes del día de paga volviendo loco coz que planteo se les paga. Mamá hace las listas y se ríe en su cara cuando no obtienen horas.
Ellos no se preocupan llegaron bux gubmint, así como el salario.
for what fucking reason? just sterilize them.
>aborigines contributing members of society
7 abos stole a car and wrecked it, killing them all.
One of them was good at Soccer and was quite liked by the abos.
user's dad was trying to fix up soccer abo's corpse for burial when word got out that he died.
All of the abos came running to the building to see him and started a riot.
They couldn't get past proper White construction and got fucked up by police from a nearby town.
If white colonialism didn't happen I wonder if the Maori would have paddled over in their canoes and rekd the Abos for a laugh
I am actually fascinated by the natives of the American Arctic.
If I was rich, I'd build those fuckers a domed city way up north.
Got any stories?
Genocide doesn't go over well with people.
>I think they should have taken the whole senpai and civilized them.
>civilizing a ~65 iq people
good luck with that m8
I live in Toronto so the only aboriginals I see are drunken hobos. I couldn't tell you about Inuits myself, but many of them still live more or less traditionally and do seasonal hunting in motor boats for seals and caribou. Paul Mccartney and that bitch with the fake leg protested the seal hunt several years ago along with a bunch of other butthurt libkeks not realizing that its a native practice that's been around literally thousands for years.
It's funny how identical this is on native reservations around here
We really need to fix those.
Ours are at least lower-Asian-tier, they can and should be integrated.
They just need laws preventing them from over-sealing, over-whaling, and over-fishing, but should be allowed to do such things.
What else are they gonna do, farm?
Marvel's been full-pozzed for years.
You sound extremely uneducated.
Ayers Learns to Rock
Top notch translation but its NRL (Rugby Leage) not soccer.
There is this 1 abbo that every monday he walks into a bottleshop takes a bottom of something and walks out, doesnt pay just casually walks out with no fucks given. he does it so much that its not even worth the shops time, they just ring up the cop shop and say "hey yeah took a Bootle of "_____" today" and leave it.
So why is that professional sportsmen get away with what is essential assault? I'm not complaining, just curious