If Trump nominates this man to be his running mate, "the moon man", Trump will become the most meme-iest meme to ever meme.
Are any of you rooting for a Trump/ Moon Man ticket?
If Trump nominates this man to be his running mate, "the moon man", Trump will become the most meme-iest meme to ever meme.
Are any of you rooting for a Trump/ Moon Man ticket?
Why are you calling him the moon man?
He wanted to have a moon base
He wants to build a moon base
>Yay Newt Gingrich
Jesus fuck. Pol's come full circle. Blue pilled as fuck.
If Trump chooses either Christie or Gingrich I will not vote for him, and I live in a critical swing state.
Pick two.
I don't hate Gingrich, but I'd really rather him not be VP.
>not degenerate
where did all these clinton shills come from
Stfu you fucking newt gingrich
Trump could pick anyone as his VP at this point and I wouldn't vote against him. 100% on board at this point.
newt is as GOPe as it gets and if he's trump's VP i will seriously consider not voting for him again in the general election.
I'm absolutely serious. I'd be fine with Ernst, Sessions, Flynn, or Pence. However, Christie and Gingrich are a no go.
He's got my vote.
Sessions > Gingrich
so the race is hillary vs newt, because trump will get jfk'd
If he goes with Gingrich, then it's obvious Trump has been in Hillary Clinton's pocket the entire time. Ginrich would make Trump 100% unelectable. I already believe this entire election is one big dog & pony show. This will only confirm my suspicions and fears.
I support Trump, dumb dumbs. Why pretend Newt isn't a scumbag and globalist lapdog? He cheated on his wive(s) and served one of his wives divorce papers while she was recovering from cancer surgery. He absolutely loves Israel and is a diehard NAFTA shill. Newt is shit. Trump could do better and you're a fucking moron if you think he'd make a good VP.
>B-but my moon base.
Fuck of redditors.
You're right; I wouldn't be happy with a Newt pick, but it'd still be a way better ticket than fucking Clinton and we can't afford that.
Trump cheated on his wives a couple times; he's guilt of that shit too. Not that I really care.
Jewt won't be the VP. It is misdirection, none of the "leaked" shortlist is being considered. VP will be pic related. Screencap this post, of course.
I could only hope hobbit, I could only hope.
Is Rand the best possible pick? He hits a lot of good points.
>strange hair
>anti-establishment but with political experience
>well respected among all voters
>good foil to trump
>locks in the constitutional conservative and libertarian vote
>might even get the dude weed vote
What does that cunt Hilary have to do with Trump's VP pick? He could pick anyone else and it would be solid. That fat fuck Christie would be a better VP. Hell, pick crazy old Ben Kenobi Carson up, get some of those negro votes. Newt is dead weight. He would garner old crochety Republicans which Trump already has in his pocket. Newt would be fucking pointless.
Jewt is a faggot globalist faggot two-faced rat faggot. You're a bunch of retarded kiddies who were still crapping your diapers in the 1990s when Jewt was speaker of the house, right? This guy is RINO as RINO gets. Fake Kaganite conservative, DC establishment, CFR member, Marxist anti-white progressive. You might as well cheer Clinton considering he was always choking on Bill Clinton's cum back then.
I would love this. Rand would hopefully be able to balance out some of Trump's ideas like expanding the NSA, and he would be able to speak more eloquently when needed.
Rand VP, Christie Attorney General, Carson as Surgeon General.
Because we all know who's under that mask.
likely imo to get the dude weed vote
90% of America Sup Forums Trump supporters are in it for the memes unfortunately. They know nothing of actual history of politics. Frankly it's pretty embarrassing. It's all "BUILD" WALL" and "LE UPVOTE MY EPIC TRUMP MEME".
Sometimes the "alt right" is pure cancer. Sometimes they're too busy sucking a literal faggot's cock to actually assess the issues. Newt is pure cancer and Trump should stay away from him.
Aren't we trying to get out of a deficit?
>Newt is pure cancer
How does the Clinton Foundation pay you for posting here?
Why the fuck does Eric matter?
He was pretty damned conservative, he led the charge to get clinton out of office.
And to be fair I didn't wear diapers by 1990
You think Christie would do much better?
Shit and not from a staffer, but a good pipe dream.
Which state is that?
He should nominate a cute grill in her late 20s or early 30s.
the card finally comes into play
Ask Newt, he's a huge Clinton cocksucker and a huge Israel cocksucker. If you paid the slightest bit of attention to my posts instead of trawling for upboats you'd know I support Trump and want a good VP for him and not a globalist bootlicker like Newt. But hey, enjoy your memes, kiddo.
Why is this a bad idea? It's time.
I dont give a shit about the wife part, but I agree with the rest of what you said. I don't know wtf is going on with pol retards cheering for a globalist cuck. I will still vote trump no matter what, but I really hope he doesnt pick this fat fuck, or the really obese fat fuck christie as VP.
Look at how the OP tries to use our memes against us, saying that this terrible option is "le trump/moon man guies".
Sure, we support this option that the GOP wanted the entire time AND offered $200 million to Trump for, it will be fine.
Totally no chance of anything bad happening.
I'm thinking cabinet position, T wouldn't reveal his hand yet.
Shouldn't you be on Reddit doing mental gymnastics to justify Bernout stabbing you in the back?
If you don't support Newt, you aren't a real Trump supporter and you shouldn't even be here
Also, the shitposting about Jews needs to stop. Trump doesn't need anti- Israeli, stormfaggots supporting him. Fuck off.
About a year ago people were talking about meme magic. Anons replied to a picture "here comes the moon man" When memes started showing up on TV, like "cuckservative" and "race war" a user said "wait until we see what the moon man brings, just watch" He never posted in that thread again.
You can't be building dem moon bases and going to mars while everyone still needz da free healthcare and collagees
This. "Moon man" was used to make fun of him here 4 years ago. I like how that old meme came back though.
this one?
Jews would assassinate him if he choose newt. Trump knows that
Tried to repeal Affirmative Action and you're calling him blue pilled?
Trump's VP is, without a doubt, going to be Newt Gingrich.
'“No one would beat Newt" in vice presidential debates, Trump said, promising Gingrich would have some role in a Trump administration.'
Source: cincinnati.com
Indianafag here.
Pence is the worst choice on the list.
I really don't want to vote for trump if he picks fucking newt Gingrich. it will effectively destroy his entire campaign more than Trump ever could.
t. globalist cocksucker
Trump's and Newt's policies literally don't mesh. You're a complete dumbass and literally empty headed liberal paper "educated voter" if you believe otherwise. Trump should be president. Newt should not be vice president because he's a massive faggot and globalist. He's not as bad as Hilary, but he's pretty bad.
I'm supporting Trump. It seems you're merely supporting memes, friend. Tough shit for you if I want him to have a viable running mate and you want a literal meme candidate.
Breitbart has Moon Man at top choice, more than double that of Sessions.
What the fuck is wrong with Breitbart readers?
>Moon man becomes vice president
>Is anointed by the emperor to spear head humanities push to the stars
>Become a space marine
Trump/Paul would be a powerhouse. But it'll never happen
Trump needs those swing states, as well as narrowing the gap in minority votes.
Jodi Earnst would be the safest bet.
I don't know where the fuck Jeff Sessions came from out of the blue but he will help push immigration reform the boldest.
Newt would only further solidify his far-right elderly vote. Not unless we make Mexico pay for the moon base, too
This. Newt is now anti-NAFTA, and knows how to attack a Clinton like no other. He is a god-tier debater and speaker as well. He is Trump's best choice.
Nj here. Christie would definitely be a large mistake.
By far trumps best pick for VP is Christie. Christie is a good debater, and could help trump pick up jersey. Also, Christie has more government experience than trump.
Having Newt with Trump is having someone like Ben Shapiro on your side during a debate. Christie is a pathetic fat fuck.
>you can watch it on c-span
Still hoping for Jon Huntsman to be his VP pick.
He's too big to be VP of the US. He could be VP of the UN maybe.
People like Christie more.
>Why pretend Newt isn't a scumbag and globalist lapdog? He cheated on his wive(s)
Trump did also, and regularly fucked married women. Adultery is never excusable, and neither is being a part of it. Contributing to sin is as bad as the sin itself. They are disgusting and abhorrent.
He is a complete piece of shit, as is Newt, but so what? I am not voting for my next friend, or drinking buddy, or someone I have to be around. I am voting for someone I feel will make the country the best, which is anyone but Hillary. I would sooner vote Sanders over Hilary.
I think Trump is a bad person, a bad friend, and a narcissist, but he will help America, and that's all that matters. He will not get those chances without getting help from Newt.
>le candy ass roody poo man
Considering how Newt turned on Trump during the Curiel spat, no.
Newt will jump ship and leave Trump floundering the moment they hit the first rough patch.
I always thought he could have become president if he was skinnier, or lived in a time before photography/ the fat American stereotype. Look at Taft.
Oh I miss those days.
Trump is already fucking hated by minoritys and women. Everyone calls him racist and sexist. You can't hope to win by doubling down on those accusations and picking someone like Newt Gingrich. For fucks sake stop the memes. Choosing Newt Gingrich is suicide and will hand Hillary the presidency. Republicans can't win without choosing someone more towards the center. They need someone to balance Trump's rhetoric and Newt would be fucking awful.
Must feel great being such a tough guy. Damn I wish my wife's son could be as tough while anonymous on a ramen noodle forum
Republicans are hated by minorities and women in general, yet they somehow manage to pull through every once in a while. This sniveling, pandering bullshit is what we're trying to get away from.
Newt should be Vice President because he's experienced. Also, Trump is very supporter of Israel, and anyone who has two brain cells know that Israel isn't necessarily bad. It's idiots like you who can't realize that Trump needs the establishment to win. You can't beat Crooked Clinton with stupid ass, ideological purity.
If you guys want Trump to actually win he's going to need a respected insider in the GOP to do so. Remember those never trumpers and that 60% of the party who didn't vote for him? Yeah, they didn't go anywhere. Newt would be the last hope at unifying the party
I still like Trump/Webb.
Reminder that Newt was:
>pro-amnesty for illegal aliens
>pro open borders
>was behind NAFTA and other globalist trade deals like GATT, WTO, and MFN.
>his firm is pro-TPP
He's literally the opposite of what people like about Trump and voted for. Newt is just the establishment GOP pick they've been pushing in the media to have leverage over Trump for months now. Might get Trump JFK'd as well. His only draw is that he's a good speaker but it doesn't make it him a good pick.
Only shills and redditors really support him.