Trump flat lining

What happened to all the pro-Trump threads that were on Sup Forums? Being Pro-Saddam Hussein. Back peddling on his muslim ban. False promises to donate to charities. Asking for foreign fundraising for his presidency which is illegal. His failed business practices and stiffing the little guy (Trump University & Atlantic City). Growing revolt within the Republican Delegates and accusations of Trump goons physically threatening them.

Where did it all go so wrong for the guy who "tells it like it is?" Was it the fact that he couldn't keep his story and policies strait? Flipflopping and reneging on his promises just like he does in his business practices.

Other urls found in this thread:


>4 bankruptcies out of hundred of companies

So what part of any of that was criminal? Am I meant to believe that the SEC wouldn't be all over his ass if they had even a shred of evidence of wrongdoing?

>1 post by this user

Did you ever read Art of the Deal?
You start at the most extreme end, then reel it back. This makes you seem more reasonable in the end and tricks your opponents into believing that they have some kind of upper hand in negotiating with you. I legitimately have seen people say, "Well I guess if he doesn't want to ban an entire race (even though muslim isn't a race you fucking morons) then we must be getting to him."

You're not getting to him at all. His points of view hasn't changed, he just started his campaign spouting the most extreme versions of his points of view. He wants to increase security against terrorists. The most extreme version of this is to ban all muslims.

The things he's stuck by are the important things. He wants prosperity for America and he wants to kick out every single illegal immigrant and build a huge beautiful wall around America.

Maybe Trump won't stay by his word. Maybe he will. To me that's a hell of a lot better than Hillary, who will ABSOLUTELY destroy this country.

But why am I replying to you? This is a Hillbot shitpost.
>One post by this ID
>Really makes you think hmmm

not hundreds, most of those are just LLCs designed to mitigate failure should a business fail. By your logic Trump University was twenty companies.

>Being Pro-Saddam Hussein
>"he was a bad guy but at least he killed lots of terrorists"

why are you being so blatantly dishonest?

This. Saddam Hussein was absolutely a necessary evil to keep Islam in check. Ever notice how the rampant spread of Islam to the west, including the rise of ISIS, coincides almost perfectly with the death of Saddam?

There were better ways of dealing with him, and straight up killing him wasn't one of them.

anyone who has watched an interview or talk by Trump from the 1980s or 90s will tell you he hasn't changed at all in terms of politics or stances in 30+ years.

The only thing he's changed is the way he speaks publicly.

He was much softer spoken during the 80s and now he's a lot angrier when it comes to his speeches. I'm convinced it's a combination of side effects of old age and having lost faith in the political system as a whole.

>most of those are just LLCs designed to mitigate failure should a business fail
pretty much all of them are actually all different businesses and that's not how someone protects themselves anyways

Really makes you think, now I'm a #Bremainiac

>why are you being so blatantly dishonest?

That's how liberal argue

so trump supporters are liberals now?

when i was stupid and 18 even i knew that keeping saddam there would have been best for iraq and the west for at least the short to medium term. they could have forced a transition of some kind when he got old


Bah, it was 515 and that's not even counting the ones he sold.

They could've replaced him with a plant when he got too old. Kept the fear of the dictator in the hearts of Islam without actually having the dictator randomly mustard gas his civies. When they killed him, Islam had no barriers.

I like how his kids turned out. Someone's parenting style really says a lot about them, and trump knew exactly what to do to not fuck up.

Who's going to bail him out when he fails the American economy like he does his businesses? Can the President file Bankrupcy?

Posts like this are proof that Trump can do or say anything and people like you will do mental gymnastics to defend it.

And how do conservatives argue? With ad hominem?

You mean leaching off daddy's money?

I bet you think Bill Gates' kids grew up with a silver spoon too.

>Posts like this are proof that Trump can do or say anything and people like you will do mental gymnastics to defend it.

what? that was the quote though.

here's a CNN article. is this your preferred source?

>Where did it all go wrong?

He plateaued. Trump's been in the spotlight for close to a year now. He's attracted everyone he's gonna attract, and there's nobody left to convince. If you're not into Trump by now, you never will be.

Also, I've got my fingers crossed for a full-blown delegate revolt in Cleveland. I want to see the Trump Train crash with no survivors. The Sup Forums butthurt threads will be enough to sustain me for months. I'm getting hard just thinking about it.

>t. Ted Cruz

Ted, you're not an American. You will never be President.

Who is going to be left alive after Hitlery jumps into office, releases our country's information in her email server, and goes to war with literally everyone?

A failed economy will be the least of our worries if she becomes president.

The threads blaming Jews and other minorities will be epic. Scapegoating is the only thing Sup Forums can do.

I'd rather have a guy who cheated on his taxes than somebody who cheated on an entire country.

kill yourself

You underestimate the Zodiac

You realize she no longer has a private email server while Trump still has bad business ventures.

And how has she cheated the country? By being acquitted of Bengazhi? By being acquitted of wrong doing with her e-mail server?

> 90% of them are LLCs of a much smaller number of business ventures.

Good shill post, looks like I am ready to #kill4hill now

>By being acquitted of wrong doing with her e-mail server?

She blatantly lied about her emails, and nothing anyone says can change the fact that she gave an affirmative answer to one thing that then turned out to be quantifiably, objectively false.

Shame you can't vote in the election and I can huh?

If Trump loses, Sup Forums will flip its shit. If Trump loses because of something weird, they may actually revolt, seeing it as proof of Jewish trickery or whatever.

Or maybe they'll just shitpost, be angry, and stew behind their computers for the rest of their lives.

And what harm was done?

Republican politicians will begin to disavow the alt-right after Trump gets stomped

Cuckservatives need to fall in line or leave the GOP, it's our party now.

I am entertained by this election cycle regardless, the outcome of which is of little importance to me

Honestly, with Hillary getting endorsed by a Grand Dragon of the KKK, you'd think Sup Forums would be a bit more receptive to her


The only reason they entertain the notion at all, IMO, is because it's identified with Trump. It only has legitimacy because of his success. If Trump fails, the "alt right" will just dissolve into a bunch of angry, marginalized cucks.

>Honestly, with Hillary getting endorsed by a Grand Dragon of the KKK, you'd think Sup Forums would be a bit more receptive to her
Ya know what I'm sayin'?

>Four bankruptcies
>Well over 500 separate initiatives
That's less than a 1% failure rate.
That's why he has so much fucking money you retard.

> we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account

t. comey

Willfully leaving the country's classified information at risk in an unsecure server and not telling anyone about it so that precautions could be taken doesn't seem like harmful behavior to you?

Why is that Trump supporter bleeding from the face?

Attacked by those who disagree with his views or something?

prove it.

Countless other politicians did the same including Sarah Pallin.

Lots of Trump rallies erupt into violence.

This looks like an unfinished Occupy Democrats

And they should be similarly punished for it after their own investigations.

Just because one person fucks up doesn't make it alright.

prove what?

>Lots of Trump rallies erupt into violence
After the "peaceful protesters" start getting violent?

Maybe y'all shouldn't be on the wrong side of history?

>Lots of Trump rallies erupt into violence

>be on the wrong side of history?
Unless you praise Allah, you're on the wrong side

I can see straight through your thinly veiled shitposting.

How much is hillshill paying you

>Obama doesn't have to show his birth certificate!
>Trump has to show his tax returns!

To liberals even think?

It's gonna be 8 years of Hillary.

8 more years of Obama.

8 more years of SJWs.

8 more years of anything conservative being "too edgy" for the public opinion.

8 more years of drinking heavily.


I don't feel bad for this woman. She deserves to be persecuted for revealing her power level.

>no one should be allowed to voice their opinion

The trump effect has already stirred, even if Hillary wins there is no going back.

>She deserves to be persecuted for revealing her power level
kek it goes both ways

No, only Trump supporters.

>and yet his net worth is billions more than yours

What's your excuse?

It's amazing how often the words "Civil War" have been in comment sections lately...

Hopefully the future won't be so bad, but at this point, we only have too options:

-A brighter future at the end of a road paved with blood
-Muh cyberpunk novels becoming reality while the general populace laughs at themselves for daring to complain about the new anal surveillance probes they are mandated to get

then good luck drowning them out when you're beset on all sides

I'm trembling

this is why you should just stick to 1 post by this ID

when you try and engage in actual dialogue, you get btfo and have to resort to banal shitposting and baiting like a child.

just leaving 1 post is much more effective

muh dick

you'd best be

>being bad with money makes you a criminal unlike literally breaking the law
>it's literally L I T E R A L L Y against the law for Hillary to be President

This is why there are revolution threads and strong discussion in favor of a violent revolt against our politicians. It's clear that we no longer receive the benefits our income tax entitles us to. It's finally become clear to normalfag retards that the working body of our government is an antagonist and not merely incompetent.

ive seen this same shitposter over and over tonight
he posts the same kind of images, like it was an imagedump

Go to bed, Hillary. You're drunk...

>Who's going to bail him out when he fails the American economy like he does his businesses? Can the President file Bankrupcy?

If I give you my email address can you get me hired at the Shill Company? I mean, I already have a real job, but you do such a shit job at this I figure I can replace like 8 of you, while at work.

Fuck you, kike.

pic related is going to be the only one flat lining soon, fuck off hillshill

I'm looking forward too.

He cheated the system to get rich
Hillary cheated America to get rich.

Get out op Sup Forums is a Republican board now

what is this madness?

>LLCs aren't businesses
fuck off shillary


Blame the GOP for failing to put forward any candidate that could beat a fucking game show host

Meme magic

What, the solution was another milquetoast Religious Right Republican who is just as totalitarian and globalist as Hillary, but he might say gays getting married is bad and not actually do anything about it!

Yeah, no, the traditional Republican establishment can get fucked. I wonder how it feels to be a willing complacent in the Democrats hands?

Now the shills found out about us with my star of David controversy so $hitlery has hired shills to try to take over

So you're ok with shillary as president?


>the "alt right" will just dissolve into a bunch of angry, marginalized cucks
>thinks that the "alt right" has ever been anything but a bunch of angry, marginalized cucks