Holy shit, I thought this was just a meme.
Full article here: rt.com
Holy shit, I thought this was just a meme
What an ugly bitch.
Germany is just a meme. Please liberate us soon.
Also, stupid ugly whore deserves to get raped. Nothing of value lost.
IKR. What kind of pigs would want to rape her?
Not saying it's false, but RT is where most Sup Forums means come from so it shouldn't be your fact checker for Sup Forums threads
she should be hanged for treason
At least she had the courage to prevent any more hatred from spreading if she did not disclosed it. You do know that if right wingers get hold of these kind of news you would see hate crime sky rocket. Just because one refugee does a crime, does not mean the rest are equally as bad. You should stop thinking so big and think small, because everyone's different.
If they weren't in Europe, those rapes wouldn't have happened.
Feminists always are.
It's probably a man
Germany used to demand so much respect. The fucking culture, the science, the money, the historical reputation of being dangerous barbarians. Wake the fuck up and deal with this, what a sad, sad thing it would be if they let this be their end of greatness.
Can't tell if your post is meant to be satire or not. People this retarded actually exist
>German women literally start defending the sand niggers who raped them.
I want off this ride
But it is okay to propagate hatred against white males?
Can we just put you krauts down already? End your misery and your suffering?
Too late.
>ent any more hatr
Amanda Kijera - Liberal Activist Is Brutally Raped in Haiti by a Black Man – Blames White Men
what the fuck is even going on anymore
Stockholm syndrome is a real phenomenon.
I wish we could help you, my friend.
Nothing pains me more than to see your once respected, beautiful nation being ruined by niggers.
It's wonder to me that your, once, intellectually and dynamic thinking culture did not learn from what the nigger did to our country.
Keep steadfast and your head high, I suppose. I hope you don't lose too many nice neighborhoods.
Brainwashing on an international scale. Scientific propaganda is devastatingly effective on about 80% of any population.
Fucking traitor
Now you see why Brexit is absolutely necessary. Germany wants to do this to the rest of Europe.
There's nothing you can do anymore germanbro. The way the EU has set up trade in Europe, rebellion/ mass expulsion is impossible without a large nationalist movement to back it up. Race war is impossible when about 50% of whites have been brainwashed by propaganda all across Europe.
The mass breeding the EU has been trying to push onto white people has only failed due to their own hubris. I suppose loxism and sociopathy will do that to people.
Fuckin Cockhome Syndrome
She's a Turkroach and part of a far-left youth group
Oh look its a rt articel. Putins propaganda mashine.
Courage is not present in lying. She didn't have courage, she had fear and doubt.
Courage is telling the truth, when it hurts, regardless of the consequence.
The refugee issue, is clear, these people are not us, they are not like us, and regardless of how much compassion we might wish he had, attempt to have, or esteem, the threat is real.
It takes toughness and strength to want to protect your own nation and your own people. But so many people have dissolved the idea of cultural differences, that they are a product of oppression, that we decide to protect the others, instead of our own.
Fuck you.
Stop making leaves look bad.
She was brainwashed by the Eskimaux into hating herself and betraying her race.
Other outlets have reported it aswell, Spiegel, Welt and Zeit among them.
>not trusty 100% neutral and independent Tagesschau
>her race
She's Turkish herself.
>The Hun is either at your feet or at your throat.
Throat in T minus 10, 9, 8....
You guys elected Trudeau.........that time has long passed user...
I fucking hate Canada shitposters.
>(((what the fuck is even going on anymore)))
Anyone who knows how one can be that stupid.
Precisely. Solution: identify the propagandists, and kill them.
Mmmm was thinking she didn't look to ubermenschy.
well, step one is going to be taking your silly toilet bowls, and spinning them around, so you can stand like a man when you pee...the rest will probably come naturally.
inb4 merchant silhouette meme
Unlike the reliable ol' luggenpresse, right comrade?
>not once did I imagine myself becoming a receptacle for a black mans rage at the white world
No.. you became the receptacle for a savages cum. You brainwashed, coal burning, bitch. You honestly thought these things were humans. You got yourself raped. And then you prove to be so delusional that you think race had anything to do with this.
Your world views are wrong. Grow the fuck up and realize that these people live like this for a reason.
what the fuck did africa invent again? Slaver and this fucking wooden scooter that weighs as much as a tree?
literally nothing.
Realized that after posting. My bad. Kill the bitch.
>Left wing youth movement activist
>sexually assaulted
Poetic justice is Best justice
thought i'd include a picture.
I really don't think you read that article. She is fighting against rapist niggers.
Sympathy? Nein
>Please liberate us soon
Islam will liberate your heads form your shoulders
Shes a turkroach. Germans are cuck tier shit but she aint one of them. A turk being raped by arabs...who gives a fuck. Its like a nigger being raped by niggers...its fucking boring, happens like every day to every niggress. No one gives a fuck, its when the chimps break out and start raping decent human beings that I care.
Is RT is advertising itself on pol or murrikans don't have their media covering shit like that? rt links get posted here all the time
That girl's boyfriend is a Mexican.
Omfg, she's turkish and had posted sob stories about growing up in Germany before. What else do you need to put this into perspective? That lying bitch has an axe to grind.