Looks like we have another happening.
OH LAWWD.. We chimpin out!!!!
Shaun King's tweet has the KIKEBOOK video linked.
Looks like we have another happening.
OH LAWWD.. We chimpin out!!!!
Shaun King's tweet has the KIKEBOOK video linked.
Other urls found in this thread:
Does anyone else literally not give a fuck about this stuff?
>stopping a black man on the road and shooting him
Yep, sounds pretty routine.
>Black man with his GF and daughter stopped for a bad tail-light.
>Cop asks for license and registration.
>Man has permit for fire-arm.
>Man reaches down.
>Cop tells him to "HANDS Up"
>Black man raises hands
>COP shoots him in arm 4 times
>GF rolls camera
They shot Snoop Dogg?
Another one bites the dust.
Do all American police cry like bitches after shooting someone?
do you animals not have any appreciation for life. that was someones father/son/friend. Someone cared for that person for over 30 years and it was extinguished in an instant by some power hungry cop looking to compensate for the size of his dick by killing a black dude. you guys are sick.
that negress is calm as fuck given the circumstance
She says at the end that the cop asked for his license and as the guy was reaching in his pocket he said he had a fire arm, those are her words
seems too perfect to fuel liberal arguments against guns/police/whatever else they don't like
just so happened to occur when someone was recording, and coincidentally just as the nation is in uproar about hillary not getting put in jail
seems suspicious to me
Does no one find this suspicious happening after Hilary is declared innocent?
Not that suspicious, niggers get blasted every day it's not really an unusual circumstance, what's surprising is we're seeing this stupid shit all over Sup Forums
the fakenigger just tweeted again 1m ago saying its confirmed real. HAPPENING INCOMING, DOUBLE CHIMPOUT!!!
Remarkably so. She might be in shock though...
They need to just fucking stop hiring white cops to work black people areas... Just have black people police themselves with black cops... Otherwise this shit is just gonna continue and the dindus will blame the white boogeyman continuously until all white people are targeted.
and another one gone and another one gone
>muh dick
why are liberals so obsessed with penises? Hypothetical question, we all know why
No lives matter.
Where is Shawn Kings outrage nightly in Chicago?
Is this, dare I say it, the first one that actually dindu nuffin? It sounds like it might be.
Is that snoop?
>another ferguson riot
>not good for Trump
pick one
Burn your neighborhoods down back men.
That will show whitey!
Like segregation?
>Officer I have a firearm. Let me just reach down a get my...bang
How it should have gone.
>Keep hands on wheel, car turned off.
>Officer I have a CHL license and I am carrying a handgun on my hip, in a holster, at the __ O'clock.
>"Thank you for letting me know. Let me see your license and registration. Move slowly."
>Okay officer I'm going to reach into my ____ pocket.
Proceed. Not get shot. Move on.
how do we explain this
Why isn't she trying to help him? You know, do basic first aid shit that virtually everyone knows how to do.
I only care about the chimpouts.
Great, then whites want areas without niggers.
And companies. And schools.
Let's segregate you stupid shit don't test me I'll do it.
>Why can't police just shoot them in the arm?
We don't know the whole story. They aren't acting like niggers but the girl is pretty calm during this whole situation. I might say if what she is saying is true, then this will turn the tables on everything.
Yes.. Like segregation...
Fuck... There's no end in sight. Cops are shit trained... Cringe as fuck pulling the trigger prematurely... I don't blame them, it's the fucking police system as a whole!
Until then, make sure no white cops in Dindu areas...
Wait, just watched the whole video
>It was a Chinese police officer
Doesn't fit the narrative, will not be reported.
This is a shitshow.
He did that retard. Kill yourself
Lmao 30 years... Nigga he prob STILL lives at his moms house. He 43...
finally, a reason to be proud of MN.
Because the officer has a gun pointed in her general direction.
LOL at the 3+ min mark cop shouts "fucking niggers" millon dollar payola incoming.
That bloodflow direction looks extremely suspect. These are false flags committed by the Clintons to get the heat off Her!
>it's the fucking police system as a whole!
nah m8 it's just niggers in general
indoctrinated to hate whitey and the cops since before they could talk, would you risk your life for these animals?
What? It's just another nigga dead
>mfw I live in Minnesota
>mfw I know exactly where this happened on Larpentur
Actually, I have no face.
Black people lack the necessary communication skills to inform an officer of a conceal carry weapon, and to telegraph their movements. It was probably confrontational and babbling ebonics from the start, and the officer was struggling to understand wft they were saying. Then the guy reached when the officer told him not to move.
I was moved out of my parents house working and thriving at 18
>multiple happenings
It's actually happening.
I picked the right week to start drinking again.
I'm game. You do realize that police shootings will go UP if you use all black police in black neighborhoods though?
You forgot the most important step!
>Don't be black
>Just have black people police themselves with black cops.
So like Nigeria?
It's not called Clinton News Network for nothing.
sounds good to me segregation works
Sheboon seems real broken up, WHOOOCAAARES?
this is bait
>He did that retard
>No video evidence
>Just the word of the victims girlfriend
Dealing with cops is so fucking easy, just listen to what they say.
Cop was a chink according to the girls monologue near the end of the video. Nothing will come of this once people know that.
This is a situation where the cops are in the wrong
And Believe me, I sympathize with the cops... These Dindu areas are fucked up and you don't know when a bullet is going to take you away for good....
Thats why I say "Let these fuckers police themselves"
If they're gonna do a nation wide chimp out every time one of these guys fucks up, let them see how much better life will be with neutered police forces...
It's the only way at this point.
Look at the complete lack of empathy that woman had for her boyfriend.
Shes literally just blogging while her boyfriend is laying there. Shes not bothered the least bit. Shes fucking disgusting
holy shit
prepare for a dindu storm the likes of which has never been seen
>Lol totally not raiding guise xD
No, like Cote d'ivoire
Kek hasn't abandoned us.
Cops legitimately fucked up on this one. Should be banished. I don't want this being lump until to Alton Sterling
So he apparently had his concealed carry license and his firearm and told the cop about it as he was getting his license and the cop shot him?
Nagisa killed his teacher in cold blood. Fuck off.
Naw fuck it, let us segregate again. This mixing shit is not working, niggers are still not happy.
You mean Baltimore?
Or Chicago?
Or Saint Louis?
GREAT... At least they won't be blaming white people for pulling the trigger. They'll blame the black cop...and cry for whitey to come back
Retard, where in the video did it show that? Only only verbally said after the fact that her bf had a permit. The cop said he told him not to reach and the guy reached.
You don't move until you're told. M8 are you BLM level dense?
It's time for another LA Riot, this time on a national scale.
Anti-fa detected
Praise KEK
Praise .... Satan?
Are you fucking stupid? Do you really think he was gunna pull a gun out in front of a kid? Fucking kill yourself edgy retard. Seriously end yourself. This video Clearly shows the officer couldnt care less about anyone but himself.
She seems really calm about it
No, they won't. They kill each other in scores and don't bat an eye. If a white cop kills a black guy "OH LAWDY ITS THE KKK COMIN TO GET US AH HELL NAH ITS LIKE SLAVERY ALL OVER AGAIN I CAN FEEL THE WHIPPIN SCARS COMIN BACK"
>just sitting there calmly while her boyfriend is dying
>even says the officer "just killed my boyfriend" while he's sitting there struggling to breathe
she doesn't give a fuck
fuck that nigger
and fuck that nigger bitch
1 more piece of shit off the streets
keep up the good work
But he cried after.
sounded like "Fucking ignorant" or "fucking Indians"
Trying this hard to bait. KYS.
This cop is going to prison. Lmaoooooo.
Is this real? Her story sounds like the perfect dindu nufin permit, the cop seems too calm, she just whips her phone out and starts talking.
Is this real?
>guy gets a license to carry
>tells the cop
>still gets shot
You guys can't keep pushing the criminal card every time. When it's not the case, you shouldn condemning the trigger happy cop.
Seriously stop acting like niggers with only pure emotion.
This is it
The police really fucked up this one
No justification here
Marshall Law tomomrrow!
Do you think black guys wouldn't shoot each other in front of their kids? Fucking dumbass.
Kek why is the steering wheel on the wrong side?
Headed up to Minneapolis in the big rig. Hopefully I don't get held up cause more assholes decided to block an interstate.
>>Pull a gun out in front of his kid
Do you personally know this dude? Shit like that happens every day. YOU are fucking stupid
there are nogs out there that would rob me and rape every female in my family for the contents of my wallet
i can not give a shred of a fuck anymore
How do you know? That part wasn't filmed. We need police body cam to confirm.
Sir show id. Sir no wait dont reach for id. Bang bang bang bang. Opps. You shouldnt have reached. I dinin du nuffin. You're a bad guy not me.
Fuck that. We need to remove them completely. What's gained by having them here, even if they're segregated? And you know some lib cuck or (((someone else))) would eventually try to kick off integration again.
Its time
Well this sucks. Now BLM are going to freak out and protest here, and they actually have a good reason to this time compared to the Jamar Clark shooting.