Why did you lie to me Sup Forums? This was a fun roast of the regressive left
Get out
>regressive left
I honestly want to beat the fuck out of white bitches and stomp their racist ass heads on the pavement.
are you going to deny that there is a subset of the left who in their effort to be liberal end up being racist or have blinders on when it comes to groups they like?
Why are you lieing right now? It was literally "Fuck White People:" The motion picture.
What do enlightened centrists such as yourself call them?
Stop being a racist, sexist shitlord.
Should I take Maajid Nawaz with me?
nope, it was "fuck those cucks who claim to like black people but threat them like zoo curiosity. they can fuck off with their black body superiority bullshit" It was an indictment of liberals who don't apply same rules to blacks they would to whites and it was an indictment of women who date black people because they are black and not because they like them as people.
There is no good poster on google.
Funnily enough, if you google Get Out movie cover, most of the results will be that guy crying
I guess this movie is going to have 2 polar opposite readings, like zootopia
>Get Out and Dear White People are are basically fuck yous to liberals
Do they not realize how stupid the average moviegoer is?
It's not that moviegoers are satupid but it's that most of these posts are shills trying to drum up outrage and intrigue about this stupid shit so that people will want to see it. You can see right through their greedy,semitic, money-loving tactics.
it was lit af
is it just average moviegoer? I mean when it first come out Sup Forums exploded with "mug war on the white race" posts. where the intelligent people at?
>ey I gots me a white bitch, ay she gots a big cock do'
I'm just glad the kikes are finally giving niggers an equal serving of faggot brainwashing to depopulate them, like thug culture.
user, if you think there isn't a problem with the so-called """left""" today, kindly fuck off.
Sup Forumsbeards don't understand subtext.
It's why they think Starship Troopers and American History X are "redpilled"
It's a sign of low IQ
I'm an enlightened centrist amd I call them shit eating regressive left.
I voted for hillary too and can't deny the retardation of SJWs and BLM
How the fuck does "white people want to kill all blacks because they love them and want to be them" possibly support either of your opinions? This movie shat on everyone and everything. I'm pleasently surprised this film got greenlite, let alone is receving so much praise when it's offensive to both Sup Forums and tumblr.
>people on tv or pol pretending starship troopers is redpill material
That's a fucking good joke m8
They actually bitch that Starship Troopers isn't more like the novel. The movie was too liberal for them.
have not seen American History X. I think Starship Troopers is "redpilled" within the context, If you are locked in a battle with unthinking bugs and have limited resources the Starship way seems the way to go. having read endless bitching by swedish about conscription coming back, I think its clear that some people would not fight even if humanity itself was on the line.
Honestly my 13 yeard old self used to think American History X was a good movie about how good nazis are
But you grow up and if you have a decent brain you realize the film is about how hate breeds hate and it never ends
How can you fucking miss that? I can respect your right wing ideals but these people are like grown up metalheads who never got out of that phase and are still teens, you're supposed to grow out of your emo phase
because its not "white people" its a secret society. your interpretation is basically the same as "This black person can't eat a watermelon, that invokes an old stereotype" individuals or small groups can like and do things that does not reflect on everyone who is tangentially like them
Actual question: why the widespread use of that particular photo to promote the film? It's fucking everywhere
>because its not "white people" its a secret society
Made up of white people.
even the shape of his head is enraging. nigger literally looks like a peanut
>regressive left is a Sup Forums only term
Even the left is using the term "regressive left" now.
You fags are so contrarian it's ridiculous. Regressive left is no longer a term used by the fringe right, it's gone mainstream as shit now with major figures on the left like Van Jones going after it.
This is more retarded than tbe faggots who say Sup Forums had no influence in the election after every major media source caved in and credited/blamed Sup Forums as one of the major causes of Trump's victory, after Trump and the Russian embassy tweeted Pepe memes, Hillary put a quick rundown on Pepe on her campaign website and the UN conducted an investigation on Sup Forums specifically.
It's absurd just how blindly contrarian you fags can get.
more like a comically exaggerated version of real people who sometimes happen to be white.
No one was lying to you, you tard.
You just chose to read only the baiting op posts and the retarded posts.
yeah but none of that was 4chans doing. Sup Forums was a convenient scapegoat, someone to put up as a boogeyman.
>Hillary put a quick rundown on Pepe
still can't believe that happened. I mean I expect this kind of stupidity in some German school book but not in a us presidential campaign. Why did no one stop her?
>enlightened centrist
>voting Hillary
I would agree with you but there is no right answer. voters that stayed home did not really accomplish anything
>If you are locked in a battle with unthinking bugs
You already fucking missed the point of the movie.
>voted for Hilary
>is anti SJW and BLM
Da fuk? She carried the banner of SJW identity politics. That's one of her legacies in the democrat party. Well, that and overwhelming corporatism.
I couldn't vote for her for two reasons: she and her husband have always been hawks where Russia is concerned and I see zero strategic gain coming from a war with Russia in Syria. Also, she, her campaign team, and her party completely eschewed the middle class. More than that, they scorned them. When hurting working and middle class Americans asked what she was going to do to help them, the answer from her side was that unless they were racist, sexist, etc, etc they'd fall in line and vote for her.
Trump isn't the second coming, not by a long shot, but at least he went out and spoke with the working and middle classes and he continues to talk about working on their behest. If he fails, then we address that, but at least he's willing to see the problem and talk about it.
which was what? yeah get that bugs are supposed to be dehumanized communists but Im talking about a situation where bugs are bugs(meaning in universe)
Is the movie actually satire or are these shills just memeing?
Yes, I can gloss over that much more easily.
Just gonna ignore the Japanese guy huh
I saw it. Any review that said it's 100% horror and not a horror comedy is completely full of shit.
It's got like zero funny parts outside of Rod acting like a dude yelling at the screen watching a horror movie
comedy is not only in behavior and character saying jokes
American History X is redpilled by modern standards. Liberals can't accept that blacks can be full of violence and hatred, and if they are it's due to evul whitey.
Stop posting that stupid face, I'm starting to hate black people
>most of the party scene up until the camera and the auction
>the groundskeeper suddenly talking like vincent price
>her looking up NCAA prospects after the reveal
This, the concept and satire is hilarious
None of that is funny at all.
humor is subjective
Where can I watch the movie?
Just because I think Schindlers List is funny doesn't mean it's a comedy
dumb, dumb nonfrogposter
Just because you don't think it's funny doesn't mean it isn't a comedy
Maybe you should.... Get out.
Is there already a stream out?
but american history x was redpilled you fucking retard, did you his quote at the end?