Prostitution isn't legalized in his country

>Prostitution isn't legalized in his country

>A FUCKING LEAF is on his country's flag

The leaf grants me strength


Also it is and was. Fpbp isnt an implication its a fact.

That's a nice ass

Why does it have to be legalized if it's not prohibited? Paying is legal, fucking is legal, so it's only logical that paying for fucking is also legal.

Suck dog dick

I like you leaf; you have good taste.

I wonder if there is a dog escorting agency. Breeders and trainers putting up ads on a site to come fuck their dogs.

for you

>weed is not legal in his country
>he voted his PM specifically to legalize weed

It isn't legal here either cunt

For me?



who is this prostate tickler and does she do interracial creampies?

If you want to whore in america just go to nevada, case closed.

>sucking a dog's dick is legal in his country

>thats a whole lot of faces

I hope she does a skin transplant soon.

It wont be in yours for long either. Leftists are anti-prostitution now, or they just do that bullshit where it's legal to be a prostitute but not a John.

I came on this one specifically

She's the one I would've picked most likely to get cum in her eyes if I ran into them 3 drinks in at a shitty bar

That will just make prozzies rise up for John rights and might even spark some strong prozzie-John relationships out of protest like interracial couples.

user what was the point of this thread and why am I the only one that's interested in whatever strange thing you've got going on.

It is.

Gotta love Canadian country girls from northern Ontario


Jews pushing for race-mixing and faggotry

>Leftists are anti-prostitution now
Always were. Prostitution keeps a country without a strong Christian base from going completely cuck because it puts a hard cap on the price of pussy.

I'm trying to raise awareness about the healthy lifestyle choice of being a rude tootin 'tute man

how far north

I've fucked one leaf; you're all over the states. Canadian women are robust, all that maple faggotry

could go for a timbit

Huntsville, Barrie, anywhere in Muskokaville, them kinda slutty wuttys

You gonna hit that shit, or are you gonna be a fucking fag?

I already hit that shit yo. I collect pics of my slays.


dem labia

it is in my state and only illegal in the strip of vegas

>mfw it IS legalized where I live

Feels good to be a Nevadafag

No but I've had experiences when the condom broke and I creampied them and the girls were ok with it. And no I don't have STDs

That's one of the cringiest things I've ever heard.

Really? Are you 13?


Buying prostitutes is as traditional and good for you as prayer and meditation.

Our system makes more money busting pimps, prostitutes and johns than taxing a brothel.

Whoring is decent, honest work for females and putting them to work is a great idea. They earn more doing that then some shit office job where they're practically useless. Only reason government doesn't like it is because it's hard to tax.