What are some Sup Forums approved books?

Guys help me I want to do some self improving and listen to some good redpilled books while getting /fit/.
Besides this what are some good books to read/listen to.

Also bonus points if you can find a cheap or free way to get them.

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Here ya go.



>le meme book of power
Just read the prince, sun chink, Clausewitz, and Hobbes. Go through the Penguin Classics series also.

If you don't know this book, you don't know much

The Road to Serfdom by Hayek
1984 by Orwell
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
End The Fed by Ron Paul
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
The Redneck Manifesto by Jim Goad

You can start here filthy plewb


learn how to train critical thinking skills t b h. f a m

>How to jew: the book

I've been reading Mark Twain's book on Joan d'Arc. Wish some anons would recommend mesome good books on medieval european history.

know your enemy

I like Baltasar Gracian a lot, perhaps you should take a look at it if Fagbert Greene interests you.

It's in the public domain and you can easily find it at your city public library or download from the net.
Castiglione is fine too.

IMO most red pilled book ever.

Houellebecq is pretty good fiction. Dark comedy/sci-fi about sexual issues and technology and islam.
Celine is kind of similar to Hollebecq in tone, but an older French writer, he also ended up being a Nazi. Celine was pretty black-pilled.
Paul Gottfried is somebody I'm reading now, nonfiction about the welfare state and the degeneration of modern progressivism.

Gib Money Plz


>Common Ground: How I Learned to Pander to Every Minority Group While Being Raised on Tax-Payer Funding
I wonder how many times he mentions date / year as a supporting arguement for his ideas in that.

Was it ghostwritten?

Das Kapital by Karl Marx
The World as Will and Representation by Arthur Schopenhauer
Left Communism: An Infantile Disorder by Vladimir Lenin
Marxism and the National and Colonial Question by Joseph Stalin
On War by Carl von Clausewitz
Did Somebody say Totalitarianism by Slavoj Zizek
Vanished Kingdoms by Norman Davies

I think he's living in the shadow of his famous predecessor, and is trying to strike off as many populist decisions as possible in a narcissistic attempt to escape the reality that he, like that cuckservative UK politician, porks a porker.


That's a decent perspective to look at it from

>cuckservative starter kit

I'm mid way through this by the same author.

I've really enjoyed it, I knew nothing about how democracy evolved in Britain prior to this, really interesting.

>muh freedumbs

Classical liberalism is the worst thing that ever happened to western civilization. It is pure, distilled degeneracy. It is the cancer that ate away at the soul of the west until we are left with nothing but nihilism, consumerism, materialism

>inb4 merchant

This book is generally excellent and also a massive redpill.

Deutsch argues that a civilization's success or lack of success is derived from their ability to generate new ideas to overcome problems.

Talking about the book with Joe Rogan he says that Islamic civilization hates the success and innovation of the west because their restrictive and anti-free-thought culture means that they haven't produced anything of value in a thousand years.

Thanks leaf, very valuable input there.

Not even going to try to refute? Is the basis of your beliefs that weak?

Starship Troopers

the biggest redpill of them all

>literally they hate us because of our freedom
was bush redpilled?

You didn't make an argument so I'm not sure what you want me to refute.

The book isn't about classical liberalism and your statement is a wild generalization with no actual points to argue with contained in it.

Not our freedom, our achievements. Islamic science died out in the 12th century, and Islamic cultures haven't produced a single new idea or innovation since.


>You didn't make an argument so I'm not sure what you want me to refute

>Classical liberalism is the worst thing that ever happened to western civilization

>The book isn't about classical liberalism

Except it is since the american concept of 'freedom' and other related enlightenment ideas tied to the american constitution are integral to classical liberalism

But clearly you know nothing about such things since you're unable to even recognize what an argument is. Hopefully you're just living up to your shitposting reputation, otherwise your level of stupidity is worrisome

Neither my friend.
just redpilled.

i think it's a mix of things like low IQ, polyamory, very radical elements to their scripture, (((us))) trying to bring democracy, etc.
the freedom and thus innovation thing could be another reason. they know they can't compete and see us as a permanent threat that will always be stronger? could be

anyways, was he on Joe Rogan's podcast? i just spent a few minutes searching for it and couldn't find anything

Is there a Sup Forums book torrent?

I wish someone made something like that.

Yes there is


you are all welcome, now go fuck yourselves

There is but I don't have the link. Some Romanian guy always comes by and posts it in these types of threads

I've done the Romanian's work for him, now what will he do?

I love that book.

Most of Sup Forums hates it for some reason.

Jeez man there's so much!
Thanks Ameri-bro

Read Evola

So why all magic?
What do you usually do with the knowledge.
genuinely curious

Do you read CĂ©line in french? I wonder how the fuck can one translate his works in english

The magick is just there as an aside or as a weeklong hobby for autists, most of Sup Forums doesn't need any emotional truths, which is the only reason a lot of this material exists. We just get off from it.

If you are based enough to believe and follow any of this, more power to you. Sup Forums wishes it could be an ascetic hivemind, sadly its nearly impossible.
Take what you want and regurgitate the relevant racial theories and what not to retards, they don't have the required brainpower to argue against it.

Or just youtube.com/watch?v=OWiXyAAw1Ek

It's because neckbeards don't have the intellect to use the laws properly.

Most of Sup Forums cannot read

It doesn't take into account that most people aren't sociopaths, and so won't be able to apply the advice given in the book without their conscience plaguing them for it.

If it was written in a less edgy way and focused more on technical details, it would be considerably better.

The idea that Sup Forums would read a fucking book when we get aggro over walls of text on this very board is fucking retarded. We are all TOO FUCKING AUTISTIC to read.
Get over it guys, we're retarded, just accept it and take your government cheese.