When do we bring back Zoroastrianism?

When do we bring back Zoroastrianism?

Remove all elements of Islamic culture.

Never. It's a bullshit religion. It has so many prohibitions. Everything sends you to Hell and you can't repent. It's still alive today (In India), but it's dying out b/c nobody wants to practice it.

brought it back in F/HA

Hell isn't even permanent, it's just reformative. Better than in Christianity, where if you get sent to hell you're stuck there forever (or you just permanently cease to exist, depending on interpretation)

It doesn't even let you bury the dead. If a woman approaches fire of water while menstruating (like taking a shower or cooking) she'll go to Hell.

You could say the same thing about orthodox judaism, didn't stop reformed judaism from getting rid of most arbitrary rituals

Christians just decided they didn't give a shit about following the laws of the religion they came from and bullshitted a reason for not following the mosaic law while still counting as God's "chosen people"

Dude, if you want to live your life by that shitty ideology be my guest, but there are cooler religions out there.

Not ones that aren't just shitty revival attempts

iirc you need to be born into it so good luck with that