any good sci fi kinos that take place in the desert?
i was having an itch for this but then i realized i just wanted dune.
But lynch's dune sucks ass compared to his other work.
Any recomendations?
Any good sci fi kinos that take place in the desert?
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I saw your first question and Dune was the first to come to mind. It pales in comparison to Lynch's other work sure, but it is a really nice film. Keep in mind I haven't read the book, but besides the fact that way too much was crammed into the movie, it's a solid film with incredible sets and Kyle Maclachlan
stargate sort of
LEXX, season 3
i think oblivion would also be a good bet, it's not really the 'desert' your looking for, but it still has the soldier-alone-in--wasteland vibe
I wasn't say it sucks ass out of the blue, i actually watched it
>kin dza dza
ayy my boy that looks good
already watched oblivion
great visuals but story is lacking
Does Pitch Black count? you can also try its remake, Riddick.
Desert Punk
Patrician picks right there my dude