An honest message to Sup Forums

Look at you, Sup Forums.

Edgy kids, outcasts, neckbeards, bible thumpers, anime fags, losers.

Half of you, I'll bet frequently visit /r9k/. I bet this is the only form of interaction you get.

Saviors of the white race, my ass.

Interracial porn is not killing whites. Brining over other ethnicities to fill in jobs that not enough white people are qualified for is not genocide. Wanting your race to be represented in media and government is not genocide. Commercials with a mixed couple is not killing anybody. Commercials portraying white men in a somewhat negative light is not genocide. You're delusional.
The holohoax?
What evidence can you provide against the holocaust that's not shit-quality pictures with no sources? There isn't any. Get your heads out of your asses.
All of you talk a big game. Day of the rope, right wing death squads, shit like that. Yet here you sit, in your room, or in a basement, typing on a computer. Accomplishing nothing. Doing nothing. Just wasting away, typing paragraph and paragraph of hate. You're so goddamn lazy and useless, you invent "meme magic," where getting repeating digits means it's going to happen. Well guess what? It's a post number. It doesn't mean anything. It's just an excuse so you can feel like you're doing something worthwhile, something important. Your ideas aren't spreading because of some ancient frog god. They're spreading because of people who actually get off their ass and do something about all your batshit insane beliefs. If you would get up, and go outside, maybe you'd "redpill" some delusional crazy on the street.

But you won't.

You'll stay in your arm chair, and waste away, dying having achieved wizardry. Woop de fucking doo. You're so "comfy" with your shirt and back soaked in sweat, your rolls of fat upon rolls, that you won't DO anything. You talk about "saving your race" but you do nothing about it.

Face it Sup Forums, you're far more like Jeb, than you'll ever be like Trump.

>yfw you know im right

I'm sorry that you feel that way.

Everything you have written is wrong, though.

>Brining over other ethnicities to fill in jobs that not enough white people are qualified for is not genocide.

What makes you believe that your average shitskin wallclimber is better suited for anything compared to your own countrymen?


Because they're gone through university and got a degree. If there isn't anyone in the country to fill the job, bring in someone from another country. Not that complicated.
Explain, assuming that isn't too much work for you.

Wow kid, you sure got me.


I'm surprised you actually took the time to type it out. Did you have to put down your hot pocket?

Hot pockets are for plebs, tendies is where it's at.


But I said an average shitskin wallclimber. An average shitskin paki wallclimber wouldn't have any degrees. It would be impressive if he could even speak English.

Sup Forums is satire tho

How about you memefaggot. Fuck you and your retarded kind.

This is why Jews must go, Juden Raus.


>Edgy kids, outcasts, neckbeards, bible thumpers, anime fags, losers.
Nice generalization

>Half of you, I'll bet frequently visit /r9k/. I bet this is the only form of interaction you get.
Nice, another Generalization

>Saviors of the white race, my ass.
Sup Forums at this stage is clearly one person.

>Interracial porn is not killing whites.
Really, you are making a bold assertion, prove it, remember that asserted without facts can be dismissed without facts.

> Brining over other ethnicities to fill in jobs that not enough white people are qualified for is not genocide.
That is true, importing skilled laborers is fine during a shortage, but ultimately you should train your own population while integrating those you have imported to strengthen your society.

>Wanting your race to be represented in media and government is not genocide.
Not the argument being made, this is disingenuous at best.

>Commercials portraying white men in a somewhat negative light is not genocide.
Neither is commercials portraying blacks or asians either, point being?

The rest appears to be inherent baiting and just Sup Forums tier rambling, I am hoping it isn't but I will probably be disappointed with you being a 1 id post most likely.


Sup Forums is 100% satirical. Nobody is a racist anymore. After all, it's 2016.

>yfw you know im right
mfw tldr

Look at the population share of non-whites in the West compared to previous years. It's hard to argue that the things that you mentioned are not having an impact on demographics.

The thing that can be argued is intent, but it's hard to see that there are people who are promoting these ideals that don't have the intention to destroy the population structure of the West.






haha nice meme bro :^)

Show me George Washington being called a Racist, or any of the slave owning southerners being criticized as "racist", this bullshit anti-nationalist word must be exterminated.

>mfw when you wasted your time to write this shit



Show me Hitler being criticized as a (((Racist))), Racism is a Marxist social thought discourse control word, invented by Communist in a liberal fashion.

>tfw australia now holds the mantle of constructive discussion on Sup Forums

America here, you fell for the meme, you mind-cucked yourself. You are the BBC of your own demise. Leaf.

Not an argument.
For the most part my generalizations are true.

You think that interracial porn is killing whites? Please show proof of this, as the burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim.

We DO train our own population, that's why we build universities. Clearly they don't take the jobs because they're not interested in them, so we need people who are.

I've seen in many threads that minorities being represented in government or commercials is "white genocide," something which I have not seen any solid evidence for.

I don't go on Sup Forums, and I am not trying to bait you.

It's good to see someone actually being interested in a debate. For a forum that largely claims to be smarter than other political forums(then again, which forum doesn't?), very few of you actually debate.

Sup Forums is satire is satire is satire is satire.

Stop ruining Wojak

Fucking normies REEEEEEEEE

>4 posts by this ID

The handful of good leaves are collateral damage now, purge Canada from this board. Blow the leaves away. All the ones like this shit-eating faggot OP will never get over the fact that they aren't Australian.

only aussies browse /r9k/ here


Well I think...


Fuck off!

That man is not descartes lmao

You guys should all be happy about this post, it's the first time a leaf has put any effort into their shitposting.

>he doesn't know that propaganda is the most effective form of activism
l o l

I can't believe it. Is the aussie the only one clever enough to come up with an actual argument, and not just "a fucking leaf."? That's fucking hilarious, not used to someone violating your safe space, huh?

A fucking leaf.

nice copy pasta faggot

give her the dick

>Edgy kids, outcasts, neckbeards, bible thumpers, anime fags, losers.

That's the entirety of Sup Forums, always and forever.

Saying "praise kek" whenever someone gets dubs isn't propaganda, it's retarded.
Not shitposting.
Yeah, it'll be a lot easier to win a debate when there's no one to debate with, huh, americunt?
Real original
Nice, instead of actually debating, you rage and make another thread. I'd say that feels guy pic more accurately describes you.

Propaganda towards what goal?

>For the most part my generalizations are true.
Most niggers are wannabe lazy gangsters is a generalization, so therefore according to you they all must be according to your logic.

>You think that interracial porn is killing whites? Please show proof of this, as the burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim.
You have made the assertion it isn't, show me proof of it, remember you are the one swinging your criticizms around, back it with proof, it is not my job to sway you, it is your job to sway me.

>We DO train our own population, that's why we build universities. Clearly they don't take the jobs because they're not interested in them, so we need people who are.
Once again I have no problem with bringing in skilled immigrants to fill skilled positions during shortages, though as I originally said, they should continue training up new people from within the current population while integrating with the population they have come immigrated to.

>I've seen in many threads that minorities being represented in government or commercials is "white genocide," something which I have not seen any solid evidence for.
Then you should be able to provide links for said threads, provide them and I will go and read them, otherwise provide proof to back your claim.

>I don't go on Sup Forums, and I am not trying to bait you.
Really, because the way you are coming across is completely shit, if you want to sway minds provide logic, reason and brilliant arguments. Not bait tier shit like you have thrown out.

>It's good to see someone actually being interested in a debate. For a forum that largely claims to be smarter than other political forums(then again, which forum doesn't?), very few of you actually debate.
No I just get sick of the hundreds of these threads made every week, honestly they are boring and annoy me to tears, there are just as many fucking idiot leftists as their are right sides people on this board.

Just look at the demographics of Canada. How does this not look like a demographic time-bomb waiting to happen? What do you think is going to happen when non-whites reach the majority of the population?

>tfw australia now holds the mantle of constructive discussion on Sup Forums

We shitpost 90 percent of the time, the 10 percent when we want a proper discussion we will act accordingly, though to be honest it is a lot more fun just to shitpost.

Nice dubs my man
>A fucking Leaf

>Most niggers are wannabe lazy gangsters is a generalization, so therefore according to you they all must be according to your logic.
Yeah, most of them are, but did you just compare yourself to a nigger? I thought most of you were white supremacists.
>You have made the assertion it isn't, show me proof of it, remember you are the one swinging your criticizms around, back it with proof, it is not my job to sway you, it is your job to sway me.
The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim. Are you truthfully asking for me to provide a study showing that interracial porn isn't killing white people? It doesn't exist, why would someone make that kind of study?
>Once again I have no problem with bringing in skilled immigrants to fill skilled positions during shortages, though as I originally said, they should continue training up new people from within the current population while integrating with the population they have come immigrated to.
I agree.
>Then you should be able to provide links for said threads, provide them and I will go and read them, otherwise provide proof to back your claim.
The threads have been deleted by now, but you've seen it. Will a black person in the cabinet really hurt anyone?
>Really, because the way you are coming across is completely shit, if you want to sway minds provide logic, reason and brilliant arguments. Not bait tier shit like you have thrown out.
My arguments are better than 90% of the arguments in this thread, most of which are "a fucking leaf"
>No I just get sick of the hundreds of these threads made every week, honestly they are boring and annoy me to tears, there are just as many fucking idiot leftists as their are right sides people on this board.
If you're tired of it, leave.

You both are fucking idiots.

Jews getting scared !

Kek so happy right now i bet he commands a couple of pallys to stab up a few israelis for us this afternoon,too.

Plus, i love salty OPs to go with my chips, could really do with a vinegar-tits femminist to complete the package

What about the United Kingdom?

It's 50:50, if I say
I'm exaggerating, we need to dispose of these Africans, Asians and Mexicans somehow, but that is not the correct way to do so, it's not clean, nor is it reasonable, the correct way is mass-deportation. For that reason I support the existence of Israel, if not it's actions, it's a good, reasonable solution to the Jewish Question.

Looks fine to me. Is 86% not white enough for you?

Says this faggot

Sup Forums is satire what are you talking about

/pol is a board of peace

It's not wrong LOL

WELL MEMED :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Chicken strips are delicious LMAO!!!!!!

Is it???? That would be SOOOOOO relieving yaaaaaaaaaasss :D

He has a poiint though are you mad get fucked looooool

>triggered burgerSHITS



nice meme, faggot

>LE EPIC JEWS MEME :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I do believe you are autistic and need to take your autism pills.

Strap in my poorly paid shill friend, you're along for this ride!

>No but I can leave, I have a life, etc...

That's fine, get out. But just know, we won't stop until Trump's sitting in that oval office while you cry away at your own impotence. We'll keep making memes, we'll trigger you, etc...

Because we have nothing better to do. Kill yourself.

PS - By the way, I'm sure you'd agree a good portion of Sup Forums is mentally ill - you are a fucking bigot for degrading them.

PPS - immigration as it is allows for massive economic exploitation of third worlders and depression of wages for natives at the same time. You hate the poor. Again, kill yourself.

>Yeah, most of them are, but did you just compare yourself to a nigger? I thought most of you were white supremacists.
See there is that generalization again, you are avoiding the direct criticism proving that this is a Sup Forums tier bait thread.

>The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim.
That is correct, you are making the claim that interracial porn is not destructive, prove it.

>The threads have been deleted by now, but you've seen it.
Sup Forums is archived, if you have been in said threads, open up your browsing history and find a link to said thread, it is not hard, unless you can not provide proof that is.

>My arguments are better than 90% of the arguments in this thread, most of which are "a fucking leaf"
Remember what you said, "For the most part my generalizations are true." don't be surprised when said generalizations are put back onto you, don't like generalizations, don't use them.

>If you're tired of it, leave.
No, the beautiful thing about being a human is free will, also there is always at least one quality thread a day, sometimes you have to wade through the slog of shit tier threads like this one to find them.

Degenerates through and through.
Try harder.

Ignore this guy, he's a shill. Reply to me if you actually want a debate.


This is the most evil place in the internet. Show your parents dickhead, show any normal person on the street. Show that girlfriend im sure you have. They will all agree with me.

It isn't 86%. It was that about fifteen years ago. In just a decade, the share of whites within a country like Canada decreased by six percent. If that can be accomplished in just one decade during the leadership of the Conservative Party, what do you think the future looks like? We have a prime minister who claims to be easier on immigration, and the labour/aging issue of Canada isn't changing.

The only people who support the current model of immigration in Canada are old people who are concerned about their standard of living, and about who will take care of them when they get old. They don't care about the future of Canada because they will be dead by the time that the demographics shifts. I have a hard time believing that you're young, because if you were young you would understand the implications of a foreign culture becoming the majority of a country like Canada.

Is this leather boy Rick Wilson by chance?

I don't know, I don't want them to call the cops on me tho

>typing paragraph and paragraph of hate.
>You're so goddamn lazy and useless,

lol listen to this closet homo

Shills care more about being paid by the word than they do about actually communicating.

I love all the assumptions you're making in this thread. Never once did I say I supported Hillary, or that I supported Trump.

I am not attacking your beliefs, I am attacking you, and it's all true, and you don't know how to respond. So you spout memes. You spout responses to arguments I didn't make. You're not used to this, so you want to shut it down.

>implying Sup Forums isnt full of degenerates.
I'm going to guess most of you are jacking off on /gif/

>See there is that generalization again, you are avoiding the direct criticism proving that this is a Sup Forums tier bait thread.
No, I think you're realizing I'm right, so you just spout that I'm trolling. If you're so sure I'm baiting you, why are you responding?

>That is correct, you are making the claim that interracial porn is NOT destructive, prove it.
Yes I am, which is a negative claim. You are claiming that it is destructive, which is a positive claim. The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim. You.
>Sup Forums is archived, if you have been in said threads, open up your browsing history and find a link to said thread, it is not hard, unless you can not provide proof that is.
Don't pretend you haven't seen it before
>Remember what you said, "For the most part my generalizations are true." don't be surprised when said generalizations are put back onto you, don't like generalizations, don't use them.
"A fucking leaf" is not a generalization. It's a cop-out when you're confronted with something a canadian says that you don't like.
>No, the beautiful thing about being a human is free will, also there is always at least one quality thread a day, sometimes you have to wade through the slog of shit tier threads like this one to find them.
Congrats. If you make a conscious decision to stay here, regardless of the shit threads, stop whining about shit threads.

You're an angry little man, op. Gross generalizations miss everybody.

I'm replying to the thread, aren't I?
Ah, I see my bad.
With the old people part, you're starting to sound like the Remain voters with Brexit
.I ain't even mad dog.

Genocide is committed by one race out breeding another out of existence

Which we are allowing to happen, on our dime

Kill yourself fucktard

I can get retard sjws on trumps side in like 30 seconds of talking to them, the fuck are you going on about

Hey Rick, does your wife know you sneak back on the computer at midnight to look up fag porn? What about your coworkers? Just so you are aware, my gaydar went off like crazy when I saw that Sup Forums rant on tv. I'm never wrong. Just don't be the creepy guy in /lgbt/ who writes about stealing a femboy and keeping them as a sex slave. Stop the repression, bro. It's weird and you are only harming yourself. The leather shit is gross af too desu senpai.

>I ain't even mad dog.

You're obviously fuming, little boy, and trying desperately to make something (anything) stick. Shotgun argumentation. Look it up, dummy.

we will build a wall on the north boarder and watch Canada burn

Bla bla blup thats 60% of the youth. Get fuckt rainbow fuck ups. Your sjw days are over.

Future govs will be much more conservativ.

Thats what you get for your liberal shit shiting everywhere.

Fuck that was funny, oh my sides. Even if true, or not.

This is why I love Aussies

>Gross generalizations miss everybody.
Funny hearing that on Sup Forums

Leaf/10 made me reply

it never ceases to amaze me how awful leafposters really are

>No, I think you're realizing I'm right, so you just spout that I'm trolling. If you're so sure I'm baiting you, why are you responding?
Not once did I ever say you were trolling, also once again avoidance in what I am saying.

>Yes I am, which is a negative claim. You are claiming that it is destructive, which is a positive claim. The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim. You.
I never made the claim, I am simply saying you have provided an argument and have not given an ounce of proof to back it, therefore that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>Don't pretend you haven't seen it before
Provide proof to back your claim, otherwise this assertion shall be dismissed also.

>"A fucking leaf" is not a generalization. It's a cop-out when you're confronted with something a canadian says that you don't like.
It is a generalization, plain and simple, once again, if you don't like it, don't use them.

>Congrats. If you make a conscious decision to stay here, regardless of the shit threads, stop whining about shit threads.
So are you admitting this is a shit tier thread then?

The sad part is that op will always manage to bait someone. And that someone will make the rest of us look bad.

The only realistic argument for immigration is purely economic. If somebody tries to support immigration on a societal basis, they're blatantly promoting white genocide. The economic benefit of immigration isn't debatable, it's easily measured and recognizable.

The problem is that it's a short-term fix, and it has deep societal implications.The only reason why Canada would need immigrants is because of the low birth rate of Canadians, but that isn't a phenomenon that is exclusive to Canadians. It's happening across the world, and it's primarily because of education and women's rights. The only reason why immigration countries have birth rates that aren't comparable to Canada is because they don't have either of those things; they don't have a strong university system (and they don't have a strong enough economy to hold graduates), and women don't have the same rights.

This isn't going to last forever. It won't last for the families of immigrants because their birth rate will decrease when they become immersed in Canadian society, and it won't last for third-world countries when they become modernized (which is inevitable because of globalization). Africa and Asia aren't always going to function as baby factories, and they're going to try to retain young people the same way that Canada does. The problem is that, the moment that modernization hits those countries, Canada will definitely need immigration more than they will.

It's a situation that doesn't have any easy answer, but the current model of immigration definitely isn't the right answer. All that immigration is going to do is shift the labour and aging problem that we're currently experiencing onto the next generation. The only difference is that the generation that is going to experience it won't be Canadian, they'll be Asian.

You are as guilty as anyone, hypocrite.

>Not once did I ever say you were trolling

The little fucker is obviously trolling.

I would love to show you your own tour entrails.

>I love all the assumptions you're making in this thread.

Come on friend, your copypasta is one giant assumption all around. Don't be a nigger! (that's a meme for you btw)

>I am not attacking your beliefs,
>Brining over other ethnicities to fill in jobs that not enough white people are qualified for is not genocide. You're delusional.

Ur implication was pretty clear here - you're ready to dismiss any and all anti-immigration arguments because of your silly little assumptions about us. Which again, ignore the obvious plight of those mentally challenged who use this site. Instead, you debase them, because (and now I'm gonna make an assumption here) you don't give a fuck about the mentally ill.

>shut it down

8/10 you got me. Is it just me, or has bait quality gone up a bit lately?

>that petite footpussy


Oh, I'm the hypocrite? I just come to this shithole to laugh at you racist fucks.....

It doesn't have to boil down to "white genocide". This is how you lose. You accept their terms and look crazy.

What's wrong with being selective and controlling borders?

Oh I know, I am just keeping myself amused at the moment plus I am enjoying how he is trying to emulate what I am doing and failing miserably, but sometimes you got to feed the trolls otherwise they get lonely and start cutting themselves or something, you know, as a generalization and all.

Who cares, nothing any human has ever achieved is any better than being a wizard or watching a lot of anime. Only thing that matters is Jesus, everything else can fuck off

>Edgy kids, outcasts, neckbeards, bible thumpers, anime fags, losers.
so which one are you ultra nigger?