I really really want to like this movie but I just can't cut the plot so much slack
They explicitly mention that all they want with Laura is to kill her, they do not want to capture her or perform more tests on her or whatever, she was to be KILLED, she was going to be killed in the Mexican facility along with ALL the other kids who then managed to escape and were branded for death. So why do the Reavers decide to lose like 90% of their manpower trying to capture her nonlethally? And they also try to capture the rest of the kids at the border.
Also, if it's known that A SINGLE adamantium bullet kills any Wolverine-y in 1 shot, why weren't they carrying at least 1 gun with adamantium bullets? Don't come to me with the "Adamantium is extremely rare!" excuse, these guys are the typical multimillion dollars evil company, they had enough adamantium to implant TWO other people with it, I'm sure they had enough to craft a few bullets as a safety counter measure to their own experiments going rogue.
The plot points presented in the film are also never resolved, they mention a lot of things but never explain them. Never mention how ALL the X-men died, how were mutants in general wiped from the face of the earth, what was poisoning Logan, what had happened to Charles, who was trying to help the kids cross the border and WHY would crossing the border mean the kids would be safe.
Lastly I just think the directing by the end was weak AF, Logan's death didn't feel climatic or sad, it actually felt weak and pathetic. And they killed the emotional moment with the horrible credit song choice, instead of choosing some touching song, they went for a "ridiculous somewhat funny" vibe only because the song's lyrics were somewhat related to what had just happened.
Shame, I was expecting so much more