Neocon think tank (((Hudson Institute))) hosts event advocating for complete and total annihilation of anonymity on the internet and everywhere else.


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>Not having a facebook account is a 5 year jail sentence
Check my happening digits

Remove the neocons

bump while i listen to this, what kind of influence do these guys have if any?

also brief summary here: hudson.org/events/1350-reconciling-free-speech-and-online-civility-newseum-president-and-ceo-jeffrey-herbst-s-proposals-for-a-new-internet-etiquette72016

>advocating for complete and total annihilation of anonymity on the internet and everywhere else
kek good luck, it'll just move to wlan mesh-networks

This shit happens every day, every night, every afternoon and it's never going to happen.

I'm fine with this.

As long as everyone who's in power is exposed just the same.

But we all know that will never happen. When they say "ending anomity" they mean for the peons.

wow and they say that we're the leftist puppets

So how bad would they freak out if someone graffiti'd the shit out of their venue and personal homes? Especially with moderately weird political views.


They're like a mid-tier think tank I guess, not influential enough to make this annual list for example.

They occasionally have some mid to top tier officials and occasionally a senator there on panel discussions or other events.

This is one of many think tanks I check at least once a week.

Most of them have official youtube channels and put most of their events up there or audio versions on soundcloud etc.

If you follow think tanks you can learn about shit months or even years before it shows up in the media or mainstream political discussions or actual government policy proposals.

In the Q&A section most of the audience is pushing back against his arguments at least.

Holy shit one of the audience members mentions trigglypuff and milo at 42:40 and argues that conservative campuses are more tolerant of alternative viewpoints, comparing that incident to Bernie Sanders speaking at Liberty University.

The establishment has been pushing this for the last couple of years already.

Yea, I've seen the slow erosion of internet anonymity over the past 20 years and it's increasing rapidly now.

I've seen complete removal of all online anonymity advocated in passing in some think tank discussions and by jewish organizations like ADL, but this is the first time I've seen an entire event dedicated to it.

0 they are just floating a balloon to see the reaction.

Just look at that motherfuckers nose and it will all make sense.


Sup Forums gets mentioned at like 45:25

I welcome it

anonymity is really a hidden source of degeneracy

(((Harold Furchtgott-Roth)))

I just breathed air through my nose and remembered I had this thought before bed one night. I don't use facebook and I feared I would be forced to use it one day because lots of websites are making you use facebook to login with.


nice try and nice trips

the NSA would like a word with this milquetoast who also doesn't seem to understand what moderators are

nah, I know this think tank is going to use it for the wrong reasons

but in a real ideal right wing society online anonymity would be curbed. It enables whores and porn addicts and actually helps kikes more than they want you to think. It lets shills manipulate the narrative too and sow confusion.

The problem is that whatever they will implement will only eliminate anonymity for the people they don't like. The sluts, pedophiles and degenerates will continue to be unaffected.

You're being tracked either way, online anonymity is just another Jewish trick to make you feel safe. It's not like the gov can't watch you anyway.

oh shit nigga

they onto us

Shits crazy.
I remember back in the 90s and early 00's when the number one rule of the internet was to never give out any personal details.
Schools even had cops from the local pd giving lectures on internet safety rules and how protecting your identity was important