Was it real?
Was it real?
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Yes, the guy in the suit was real, it wasn't CGI
yes. a real fat guy in a suit. no cgi son.
anyone have the pepe edit pls?
that bigfoot is one sneaky motherfucker
>doesn't sleep
At least he might be dead soon
Sure. There is a species of creatures of exactly one specimen that never dies.
No other creature in existence is like this, but this one is.
It is coincidentally identical to a gorilla, which only lives one continent away, but with a different bone structure.
Despite being fuckhuge it is also a master of stealth.
It could be just a guy in a costume, but why won't people just believe the most logical and simple explaination of the single-specimen-unique-super-elusive-species?
Why make up convoluted shit like a man with a costume on?
This is the greatest bigfoot song of all time.
Willow Creek was worth it just for this guy.
>he doesn't believe in bigfoot
Pls don't imply bigfeets doesn't exist
>he thinks the don is mortal
you are like a little baby
jamie pull that bigfoot up
big if true
That's a big foot.
UFOs replaced cryptids because there's always the "They went back to space" excuse for when nobody can find anything.
What does Joe Rogan think about bigfoot?
Jamie pull up that video of big foot assraping that guy
Old people need less sleep. Also half of this board is much more overweight at 32 years old and won't even make it till 60.
Also, Hillary's even more fat, faints in public when only a year younger, and can't go a whole busy day without napping all the time. Don't care about US politics but the candidates you guys could choose from, you definitely chose the one that's more likely to survive his term.
How is a man in a costume convoluted?
> without a doubt, a guy in a fuckin monkey suit.
Said after his episode of joe rogan questions everything