>A comedic look at the relationship between a wealthy paraplegic and a unemployed man with a criminal record who's hired to help him.
A comedic look at the relationship between a wealthy paraplegic and a unemployed man with a criminal record who's hired...
Is this a remake of the Intouchables?
Jesus Christ how horrible.
The original guy wasn't even a nigger
It's a remake of Ironsides.
How many times has this movie been made?
No, it's a remake of Critters 3.
isn't he dead?
kevin hart will be absolutely awful in this movie, i'm su re of it
For what purpose?
Americans are too lazy to read subtitles?
you can't wake up dead
Yeah, Raymond Burr has been dead since the 90s.
whats the point in remaking a 6 year old film
why are americans obsessed with remakes
Breaking Bad with less drugs, more wheelchairs and an African American
they should do it with a spic actor and not a black one, it'd make it more of a political commentary on how the wealthy can only survive with the help of mexican immigrants
stunning lack of creativity
I like just saw this movie and it wasnt particularly dated or anything. Was pretty kino.
But why the FUCK are you remaking it?
no, i mean ironsides
No it should be an eldery black guy and the white guy is a priveliged white kid and must learn to worship the BBC and enslave himself to the crippled baboon to make up for slavery and racism.
first one was made by paris, this will be an american remake
Even the actors in the first adaptation were too old for their roles. Cranston is twice the age of his character.
guy needs someone to fuck his wife
no, the paraplegic white man should be old so he'd be more likened to that of donald trump
and it should be a spic who takes care of him because all mexicans are kindhearted and would never steal from anyone ever
So what you're saying is that they are going to add explosions and interracian cuckolding scenes to the film? I dont see how that would improve it. Dont bother replying, I'm exiting this thread.
i'd like to see kevin hart in a serious role
Greenlighted immeadiatly.
>they are actually remaking that gay movie I always scroll past on my tracker
>with kevin hart and brian cranston
double lol
yeah he was
no he wasn't
Being a nigger is a state of mind you fucking nigger
He literally was. What did this poster mean by this lie?
>The original guy wasn't even a nigger
Poor algerians getting discriminated in french movies directed and written by algerians
I'd like to see him retire and not be in anything ever again.
He probably meant that the actual real life guy was not a nigger.
He literally wasn't
They can't read and don't watch foreign movies
>they try to pull off the surprise success of an heartwarming story about races with Omar Sy again
>it fails and doesn't even come out in the US
was alright
The whole point is that it's a big, scary thug. How on earth does that work with Kevin Hart? A 12-year old girl wouldn't find Kevin Hart intimidating.
>That obvious fake
Nice try globalist.
i'd like to see you swallow my cum
Should be top kino then huh?
I hate Kevin Hart's voice.
tfw Youre a veggie and nigga is robbing you blind
Will he "fuck his wife" if you know what I mean?
I can't seem to undestand what you want to communicate.
the "cuck" meme
The next X-Men
Reddit Hart.
Bryan Reddit.
That movie with Sean Connery and Kevin Costner?