Why haven't you guys done your civic duty yet?

Why haven't you guys done your civic duty yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we make this a thing?

Why not send Wojak instead?

Let's Kek's presence be known.

>i want to go to prison for sending vague death threats to the future potus

the frog is seen by liberals as a racist nazi symbol so it will backfire. instead spam her with a bunch of memes about her lies, that way if the media covers it, it wont go without redpilling a few on the way

How is it a death threat? its just a cute frog.

Put some annoying liberal you know as the return address and just drop it off at a mailbox.

>don't provide a return address
>drop it in a random public mailbox


They'll find a way to twist it.

I mailed her a package full of loss powdered sugar.

Her office is going to get a ton of ants kek

Why are racist nazi symbols so comfy?

They can just trace it through you're printing licence

Jusy put the return address as some random school in your neighborhood.

Or for extra keks, put an address from a Trump property (though that could be illegal I'm not sure


I like this idea too.

Check the /cfg/. So many memes in that thread.

>Touching it with your bare hands
U goofed.

>Pepe is a racist symbol

>a shitty drawn green frog
>symbol as a racist nazi
what a time to be alive.


LOL OMG anaon u are so Funny!!!

It wasn't me. how would you suggest putting one together without getting prints on it? Latex gloves or wash in gas?

Oh fugg

Just mailed 6 but I forgot to renew my mailing license last week.

They are probably already on the way.

They wouldn't go thru that trouble for a pepe.

there going to put a spin on it, will likely link people back to Sup Forums and their "anti-semetic may mays"
it doesnt help having pictures like around

Kek, pure autism but I like it

>racist nazi symbol
Seems to be mostly about tormenting white people, to me.

We could just draw our own pepes. Or can they track pencil lead and crayon wax as well?

>How to get on a terrorist watch-list

Wait this is a great idea.
We send these with the return addresses of the most libtarded soros bought antifa/BLM/La raza faggots and get them onto hillary's kill list. Win-win.

We will have to draw the pepes ourselves so they don't track our printers.

Just get a free shitty craigslist printer then smash and trash when done.

Let's do this.

They'll just know what printer was used. I don't think they can figure out exactly who's printer it was.

They knew what typewriter The Zodiac Killer was using yet they still couldn't find him

Actually nevermind

If someone does something fucked up with this Pepe meme then the FBI could fuck with all of us simply by us posting in this thread.

It would only be a prank, FBI-bros.