Unpopular Sup Forums opinions

>Cops keep using excessive force (i.e. killing black men) because they are physically too weak to back up their bully tactics

>Traps are alright if they don't look like freaks

Makes sense.

NEETs are alpha

Depending on just physical strength is a liability. It's in every governments best interest to ensure their cops are safe and can do their jobs efficiently and swiftly. Guns allow for that.

You niggers need to learn that the "1v1 me bitch" persona doesn't work in the real world. People use these things called their brains and their tools. It's fucked up mammoths and sabertooths, and it'll fuck you up.

Hitler did 1 thing wrong.

Literally nothing wrong with weed whatsoever

Abortion is a necessary evil and should not be criminalized but instead looked down on

Being a Canuck and felating your dog isn't animal abuse, but it's degenerate enough to make illegal.

obviously, cops aren't nearly as threatening when u realize they can't kill u with impunity

Also Germany in the 1940s was the exact idea of a country Sup Forums despises right now,
government control over everything, shut down of all free speech etc.

Thing is that the speech that WAS allowed was what Sup Forums likes to say, so people don't give a shit.

It's literally the exact same idea as 'your rights end where my feelings begin', but Sup Forums doing it.

Whites and blacks are the most bitchy races

>most shitskins you encounter in real life are at least agreeable
>most annoying people you meet are mostly fellow whites

The USA should have a single payer healthcare system with a National Health System that provides free Medical Schooling but also caps the pay of Doctors.

I think law enforcement and ex military should own fully automatic weapons

losing the war?

We are still butthurt about Cuba because they won and we lost.

I wish we would have never given up the Philippines after the Spanish American war. They would be our 51st state and way richer than they are now.

You are a sperg if you use cuck irl

neo-Sup Forums is a real thing

Cops use excessive force because they are literally trained to escalate situations.

The thinking is that if you scream at someone and get in their face, you throw them off their game. They had a plan to kill you but you unnerved them.

The problem is it emotionally escalates every situation and people who might have been peaceful are not paniced and may do something stupid.

The really stupid thing is that this is cast as a BLM problem, which causes most people to literally ignore it. It would be better cast as a police training paradigm switch that needs to happen, which effects everyone, not just black people.

By making it seem like a "problem that only black people have" you are guaranteeing that most of the country will not care.

Ethnicity/race is irrelevant, culture is where it's at but it's far more complex than most people realize or care to understand.

It was being a socialist wasn't it?

Are you me?

No they're just the two largest. Mudslimes are like 10x as annoying

I agree, almost everything police do that isn't responding to violent crime only makes situations worse.

>deus isnt vult

I'm not racist but i'm also a white supremacist and ethnonationalist.