How the FUCK are you guys going to defend this one?
Black Lives Matter
How the FUCK are you guys going to defend this one?
Black Lives Matter
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Another black man killed in cold blood. This man was a legal gun owner reaching for his ID. This would NOT have happened to a white man.
Please explain this to me.
nigger lives dont matter
sorry man had to say it
You almost certainly wouldn't say that to my face, if it's even a sincere sentiment in the first place
>warns the cop that he is armed
>proceeds to grab his ID anyway
despite what the girl says, a cop would ever ask someone to grab their ID knowing they're armed
By saying shit like this you only make their voices louder.
Are you a big guy?
being able to by a handgun with this much of a record
i'd shoot you too and would get away with it cause you probably have a felony record already lmfao
4 bullets. 4 fucking bullets. How is that not overkill?
This isn't the same person dumbass
For you.
How do you just pull out your phone after a shooting?
hey im talking to you he had a criminal charge involving a child A FUCKING CHILD
And I already fucking responded to you you idiot. This isn't the same fucking person.
>mfw this is a Sup Forums troll account
But this has forced me into a state of deep contemplation.
it's always shoot to kill or don't shoot. there's no such thing as overkill.
Black Lives are worth less than fecal matter.
Black Lives don't Matter
>4 bullets
>4 fucking bullets
>Bullets 4 fucking
>Overkill ?
Fuck off newfag
>say you're armed
>reach for anything instead of waiting for orders to comply with
Natural selection honestly
You have fucking brain damage. The video in the OP is not of fucking Alton Sterling.
The fuck? That woman sounded like she had almost no emotional reaction to what happened
There have been 2 of these shootings in 24 hours. This video is not Alton Sterling you fucking autist piece of shit.
This was a legal fire arm owner pulling his identification out. They shot him in cold fucking blood over a tail light and then arrested his girlfriend for no fucking reason.
Defend that..
I wont defend it but what's the solution? Retarded SJW BLM chimps blocking roads, banging pots, making noise and rioting?
Its truely ironic these retards completley missed the point of the Civil Rights Movement. All they're going to start is a low level civil war that's going to make these shootings look like a hangnail.
I mean, if you were black, would you at this point? Because I am, and don't anymore.
She probably saw white cop and knew immediately what was about to happen. Then pulled out her phone after it was over to record.
jesus fucking christ, who is hiring all of you? He meant the twitter account you fucking insecure 12 year old.
>Look at this one single incident! This means all Police be raycis by the power of our compositional fallacy!
Alright faggots. Time for some fucking facts.
Overall crime and police brutality statistics still show that blacks are killed less often than whites when you factor in the number of crimes commited.
Of all police shooting victims. 50% are white and 30% are black.
Libshits of course argue that when adjusted by population, this means blacks are 3~4 times more likely to be killed by police.
But that's dishonest, because while blacks make up less of the population they commit significantly more crime and thus come into significantly more contact with police. Blacks commit almost half the violent crimes despite being a 12% minority.
So the more honest thing to do is compare police killings by actual crime rate, not total population. This means Blacks still come out 20% less likely to die by Police.
Black Lives matter is a fraud.
This looks staged. The Clinton propaganda machine know know bounds.
Notice all these videos of black on everyone else crime that never goes viral.
they panicked and made a bad decision in the heat of the moment, literally has nothing to do with race
Sam Hyde at it again folks!
>literally has nothing to do with race
Come on, we both know this isn't true
nice argument
Remember rule 1:You can't relax around blacks.
They teach you when you go through your concealed carry classes that if you are ever pulled over by an officer to put both hands out of the vehicle and let the officers know that you have a concealed carry permit and that you have a firearm in the vehicle then you do not move unless instructed and you do exactly what the officers tell you to do because if you don't this will happen
You're not an American...
I literally drive that street every day and work at the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota like a block away from there. Brb calling in sick for the rest of the summer.
why? with that logic, they should shove a grenade up everyone's ass after detaining them "just in case"
> legal firearm owner
Prove it. If he was legal, his weapon was concealed. Even when I had a ccw permit, I knew when I was pulled over that my hands went on the dash.
One you tell a cop you have a gun, you move berry berry slowly.
> arrested his girlfriend for no fucking reason
Here's where you are full of shit. To arrest someone, you need something to arrest them for. It's simply not possible to arrest someone for nothing.
Since two people were in the car, and this happened today, and magic doesn't post things on the internet SHE'S OBVIOUSLY NOT ARRESTED OR SHE'D BE IN JAIL.
You're full of shit, he acted stupidly, it's just another case of suicide by cop.
Go to the airport, tell them you have a bomb, and reach into your pocket quickly.
Same thing happens.
Stop blaming stupidity on cops, kid did that shit to himself.
It's Fucked he's black and this keeps happening. I have no argument against that. I do see how the kid had all the power to make it turn out different, and choose the worst possible choice.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
holy shit did the cops drop this guy's mixtape for him?
> 6BillionPeople
Oy vey, I wonder who could be behind this post.
1. That's not any kind of explanation. The point is he wasn't doing anything illegal.
2. Cops arrest you for just about anything. She could have been charged with disorderly conduct, misconduct at an emergency, obstruction etc. The problem is that Police far too often stop people for petty shit, and then charge them with the bs crimes just to fuck with them, and it doesn't really matter if they get convicted or not there will still be fines likely and potentially a weekend in jail all because some cop is on a power trip.
I don't really feel compelled to defend it but I also don't give a fuck at all.
There are literally no types of lives that matter less than black ones.
Serious question for Sup Forums since i have very little knowledge about guns. If the officer shot him in the chest at point blank range would any attempt to save his life be helpful or is that person fucked without paramedics?
If she is telling the truth and I think she is, it seems deadly mistakes were made. Cop should have asked him to step out. Can't really defend this one. When stopped by police they always want to see your hands on the wheel. If they see you rustling around reaching for something they get nervous. I would need to see what happened before he got shot and would need to see how well he followed the officer's instructions. This may be a legit case of he dindu nothin.
nogunz doesn't understand that bullets aren't magic death rays that kill anything they touch
The more they cast these issues as black-only problems, the more I find I don't care.
We hear about the black ones, but it's not really black or white.
1 unclear. I have no idea what you are saying. Any proof he was legal?
2 not an argument. THEY DIDN'T ARREST HER IDIOT. Magic didn't post that on the internet. Arrested people don't get to use their cellphones. I've been arrested enough to know. All your doing is making up a story about what you think happened. You have no idea. She wasn't arrested, dumb fuck.
1. You're making assumptions about what a "real" CCW holder would do. I am saying "that's just like your opinion, man", just because you might act a certain way doesn't mean that everyone else would. And either way it's not illegal to "act suspicious".
2. You said to arrest someone they need a reason. I was saying they can make up a reason on the spot, so lack of reason is really more just lack of motivation at that particular moment. Get now you cock huffing cuck sucking faggot?
How'd they know you were black?!
Depends what the bullet hit. If it passes through the heart, lungs or major arteries its difficult to save you without entering surgery as fast as possible. Internal bleeding is a concern but it can be controlled. Bullets can pass through the body and do minimal damage if it misses everything important.
We don't need to say it to your face. You will never make it into civilized society. We don't even have to hold you down, you monkeys are too stupid to realize that you're doing it to yourselves.
nigger, you only shoot with the intent to kill. Officers or anybody with a gun isn't allowed to shoot someone to 'immobilize' them, there's no such thing.
I fear young black gangsters
That woman is remarkably calm considering her boyfriend was just shot in front of her
She's in shock. What would you rather she be doing suck his big fat nigger lips with her swollen dick suckers, while simultaneously fingering both their assholes?
Death to niggers
well yes, she is an actor
1 I had one. To get a ccw, you must take a class. This class can be a month, to an afternoon. In this class, a great deal of time is used to discuss how to act when dealing with law enforcement. Open carry is legal in my state. I open carry often. HE DIDN'T GET SHOT FOR DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL, he got shot for being fucking stupid. If you tell the cop you have a gun, you don't fucking move after putting you hands on the dash. It was covered for a full six hours in the course I took. Stupidity killed that man, not a cop.
2) they didn't arrest her you stupid fucking moron. Stop making up stories, lil' bitch.
where is /k/ on this
>brb lulz
She's overly exited thinking about all the shit she's gonna buy with her nigger lotto bux.
for jews
It was a "chinese" cop :)
She mentions it in the video.
No she isn't. She displays none of the symptoms of shock. She talks normally, breathes normally, calm voice, not fidgeting or spasming or anything
when u tell a cop you are carrying they usually pull you out and disarm you.
they never tell you to grab your ID
this retard reached for his ID/gun
>gets shot
>dindu nuthin
1. A scared little bitch pig killed him. That cop should rot in prison. Just because a pig gets scared doesn't mean he has a license to kill.
2. I never said they did arrest her. I was simply responding to your comment about cops not being able to arrest people for nothing.
You must be Republican because you sound like a huge fucking idiot.
You're probably right
If you're on Sup Forums you're probably a cool guy in real life..But some random nig. Yes I would
retard alert. kill yourself fat boy
Niggers can be louder than they already are? I don't believe it. Next you're going to tell me than can be even lazier than they already are.
Did he died
He's expected to have a full recovery
Dead in 4 shots is pretty good.
NOBODY responsible discharges their firearm with the intent to harm. It's kill or be killed, and if it's come down to time to use a gun, use it the way it was intended: to kill.
This. If he had a CCL, he must have attended a class, and that class must have told him to declare AND THEN WAIT UPON THE OFFICER'S INSTRUCTION. Not declare and then whip it out. I don't need to know the law in that state because that is literally the only logical possibility. You do not make abrupt gestures with a cop, especially right after you told him you are armed.
that's not an argument babe
I feel the need to print this meme out...
I don't get it...Its the first thing I say every time I get pulled over.
I don't like that a fellow CC person got shot but if you CC you should know the responsibility you have. Maybe the cops need to start asking the minute they come to the car. "Do you CC do you have a gun"..
Lets Email the NRA this shit shouldn't happen
A fraud funded by Soros to cause division.
Black lies Matter breh.
people on Sup Forums defending this particular incident shows blatant racism and hate. So much for the "I only hate niggers" argument.
Yes, the man made the mistake of reaching for his identification. But that small mistake shouldn't cost him his life. Black people can do some stupid shit, but nothing justifies what the cop did.
Pretty much this.
>See, BLM, this how simple reason and logic works, now try again.
No, how about you explain this
The cop was Chinese. The Chinese are very racist unfortunately. Maybe you BLM should go fight them.
Hi new friend you stop getting triggered over time. Nothing wrong with telling a nig that you don't care
1) this is why no one cares about your opinion. I'm the only one in this thread that's had a mostly civil discussion with you, and you want to chimp out because you lost the argument. If a stupid thug carries a gun, and didn't know how to react in that situation it's not the cops fault. Gun safety classes are encouraged to every LEGAL gun owner, it's your duty to educate yourself. A cop does have a licence to kill, stupid. Sometimes that's a post of his job you giant fucking retard.
2) you beat the point to death. You said it, you implied it, and you defended it.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you. You can't prove anything and run your mouth endlessly about shit you know nothing about.
Until people stop flooding white countries with non whites I will hate all I want
Except he didn't make one mistake, he made a series of them. Because he was a dumb worthless nigger.
is that steering wheel on the wrong side?
Holy shit, that is one calm woman for someone who literally just watched her boyfriend die while filming.
I don't doubt this was racially motivated. Cops think they are above the law. If the man was indeed a concealed carrying, law abiding member of society, then he died in cold blood.
We need people around who know how to use firearms safely, obey the law, and are generally productive members of society.
This guy didn't didn't deserve to die over a tail light.
If I find out later he is a pedo though like that other faggot who died, then I probably would have shot him for sport.
Kek, you aren't the majority anymore ese
>Black lives matter
Can you back this statement with evidence?
It was a British car.