Summer of dead niggers.
literally dindu nuffin
Spread the word that Sam Hyde is behind this. He can't keep getting away with it.
"It's okay, Mommy. It's okay, I'm right here with you"
From the mouth of a babe with his handcuffed mother just after their father was killed for no apparent reason.
Also Facebook video was taken down
>Summer of dead niggers
nice ring to it
>had the conceal permit
>followed protocol with interacting with a police officer
> Z E R O arrest record
He literally dindu nuffin.
Another one? Holy shit
Truth man. I wonder how well he communicated that he had a gun in the glove box... was he like
>Officer I have a registered gun in my glovebox do you still want me to reach for my I.D.
or was he like
>i got a gun
Regardless this doesn't look like a criminal since he had no arrest record... cop is going to be butt-fucked.
He clearly says "FUCK" out-loud in the video as if he's close to tears.
Two bloody cop killings with high quality video recordings in 24 hours.
dis gon b gud
youtube mirror but with a shitty watermark since jewbook took down the video
You can't make this shit up.
Usually I hate niggers, but seriously this cop was literally retarded.
It's going to be great. Chimp outs are imminent friend. Im worried about the black in my class that might see this and chimp out.
UPDATE: Castile was a registered republican and a Trump supporter
Officer who killed him was Asian -- no video footage of shooting. He was armed.
vid here
outrage from twitter
does this cop sound asian or white?
The cop was Chinese. They have really high average IQ, it's like 105 or so. The black probably did something extremely stupid.
Happenings are inevitable
Meme the police officer as Elpreasador
Wait that's what happened? Aw fuck...
That sucks for everyone. This cop is going to get reamed (rightfully so if the guy didn't reach for anything), this man is dead, idiots will say this is why you shouldn't carry guns, and now BLM are going to go apeshit even more.
Nobody wins.
expect more chimpouts like this boys, summer of happenings
You niggers are good goys.
All of this shit was planned.
>Leaks with Lynch & BLM discussing massive chimpouts this summer
>rumors of shit going down at the conventions
>King Nigger takes this opportunity to cancel elections
>King Nigger becomes literal King
Get ready...
kill yourself
The woman in the video says "he killed my boyfriend" while he's still bleeding out crying. What the fuck, I wonder if she assumed he was gonna die. Did he?
I'll be buying enough supplies to bug out for a month now. Pretty much guaranteed shit is about to get wild.
This is really not cool. This one was legit cop fuckup and now the guy is dead.
Asian huh? Well nothing to see here
This cop seemed pretty remorseful and upset so I believe he was in the right to shoot him.
I'm really in the fence about the fat one with British teeth.
I cant wait to finish college and move back to my 99% white country and never have to look at another nigger or ever have to go through this jewish mass media indoctrination bullshit ever again. I would rather live a life of poverty than go through this shit over and over again
summer of more whites alive
the end is near
>tfw will finally get to gun down hordes of niggers
Please tell me someone has source that this guy was asian?
The end?
More like the beginning of the race war!
Is that your troll account? If so please place the retarded "100" at the end of some of your tweets to be more relate able.
>gun in my glovebox
that's not how ccw works
guy was most likely reaching for his wallet while telling the cop that he's carry a gun and then the cop yelled at him to "put your hands up" and the guy did and that startled the officer and that's when he got shot.
this is why cops need more training.
call me a nigger or cuck all you want but the cop fucked up.
I wish I could still avoid them. Five years ago my hometown was 95% white. Now we've got blacks and mexicans out the asshole, and of course they go around starting shit.
this cop sounds like a guy who I train with at the gym where I take jiu jitsu and is a twin cities cop
>They thought they would have a summer of chaos.
All they get is a summer of dead niggers.
Fuck you motherfucker. My wife would beat your republican ass in a fist fight or at the chess table. So take your misogyny and your racism and I'll take my wife and my wife's son and we'll see who is happy when it's all said and done
GET OFF MY /b!!!!!!
Black woman in video says it.
Oh fuck. That cop's voice, he knows he's fucked.
Odd of the woman to livestream, but she's listening to directions and not freaking out. So she's not contributing to the situation which is good.
Even without footage of the actual shooting it really seems like the cop fucked up big time and then had to try to remain calm after. Just a shitty situation all around.
>implying you won't be raped in the first five minutes of the riots
Nobody knows if he followed protocol to a T, but protocol is a two-way street.
Allegedly, he declared he had a firearm. The cop should have THEN gave him directions before he had time to reach for his identification.
The cop had his head up his ass and failed in communication. The cop fucked up completely.
>reaching for something this soon after stating you have a gun
>not asking before reaching
The cop was likely a rookie and this was a fuckup, but at some point you have to recognize as someone of any color these idiots (most of whom are highschool dropouts) are currently scared as fuck in every interaction. I don't even blame them, but it's happened enough now for people to come to terms with it.
>Is that your troll account?
absolutely not. this is a real 3d nog with 2.3k followers
This cop is so boned... he's going down for murder.
>Guy informed him he had gun
>informed him he had a conceal carry permit
>No criminal record
>Kid and girlfriend in the car
>Cafeteria supervisor at a school
>Registered republican
This is the one.
>Radio silence for weeks
>Suddenly multiple police brutality events against black guys with video recordings
>Right around the corner from conventions
More like FEELANDO
Was Fornicatio too hard to spell?
i have over 300 confirmed kills you maggot
Damn he dindu nuffin'
How am I going to justify cops on social media now with all the buzz going on.
Fucking niggers kill more niggers than cops, that's a fact but nobody blinks an eye to that.
with sterling nothing will happen, this man is going to fry.
Thank kek the cop is asian. I know it won't matter to the niggers, but I can only hope it kicks off an asian/black rivalry.
fucking Sam Hyde and Josh Shahryar keep getting away from killing niggers
Sup Forums, if the locals don't do something about, we need to held thsoe two cis white male accountable
Communication is also a two-way street. You're not wrong, though he could have also asked himself as the suspect. I blame the current political climate more than anything. As a cop you have to assume the worst (hence the quick panicked reaction to a reach and raise,) but there's a ton of pressure right now on not fucking it up which always makes people fuck up more.
>All police are required to have ebonics translation devices on person on duty
>"AY YO AY YO HOL UP, I GOTZ A GUNS N SHIIEET." Translator: "Officer I have a Concealed Carry License, and have one on me currently."
>"Okay, don't move, keep your hands on the wheel and tell me where it is." Translator: "Muh nigga, ight, ain't no thang, where it at dawg?"
>"AY YO AY YO, it lik down muh back side, but only on da left side cuz dats da crip side." Translator: "Officer, I have the duty to inform you that the firearm is currently sitting on my left hip."
Blacks should take note from Wayne Brady.
What country would that be?
>Josh Shahryar
No way. He was upset because he knew he fucked up, and will probably do time.
If he was in the right, he would have been very angry, not terrified.
So why the fuck did they lock up the girlfriend and child after executing the guy?
There's being bad at your job and then there's this shit.
Also noticed from when she got out of the car that instead of an ambulance waiting for the unconscious guy there were 2 more cop cars to deal with a woman and child
source to all of that.
I just heard he had a permit from his stupid girl friend, who seemed kind of like a social media instigator
>omg did you just kill my bf officer?
then goes on to blabble to the camera about one-sided specifics.
Yeah, I was watching the mirrored video. The lady was saying the cop asked for him to reach for his ID and then the officer shot him when the man reached down to get it.
I don't know what the hell the officer was thinking as long as the man didn't make any jerky/ sudden movements. If he was that afraid of the gun then he should have had the man step out of the car, keep his hands on the roof, remove his weapon, and then ask for his ID. This is one of the few cases where the cop actually messed up. Badly.
Iceland maybe, unless the guy is exaggerating.
Niggers are so fucking stupid. Think about how many bad decisions you would need to make, all in a row, resulting in a cop shooting you. Nobody taught these niggers how to act.
>broken tail light
>being black
>driving around strapped
>driving around with your seat all laid back
>driving around with a nigress
The cop followed protocol. The dindu improperly followed directions and posed a threat.
It actually makes me kind of sad...
The cop really does know it is all over.
But what was he going to expect? He was probably on edge from the other earlier killing and thought this nog would try to kill him in revenge.
I do feel bad for the nog though... he really died?
fill your backpack up with bananas and if they start
dump them out in the middle of the room and make a getaway
GF is the source for it all atm except the republican part which I saw on twitter.
no he will be an honorary white but more importantly hes a cop. nogs want to pick a fight with cops then just let them die in the streets
The cop had his head up his has. The onus was on him to act. Allegedly, Philando declares he has a firearm....bang bang bang.....he's dead.
The cop fucked up. Like I said, he failed his part in the communication.
Wrong, he was driving a car with the steering wheel on the right side in Minnesota and he was black, this fucking scenario is all kinds a weird.
Also the only footage we see is after the shot not what let up to it.
You cucks are actually buying the nigress version? There is no evidence of anything she said, she just show the guy dying and tells a story.
All niggers shot by police ALWAYS act retarded, why this one would be different?
Did he dead? And the cop sounded Asian and really nervous, poor guy.
Yeah but she's fucking a republican on the side so they're probably both happy. It's just you sad lefty cucks who are constantly depressed.
ASAIN COP! Whew! That was a close one
not even country just move to vermont where bernie the cuck sanders from
because who the hell knows what she's going to do once the shock wears off, it's safer for everyone.
there are cops on patrol and would be closer than an ambulance unless right by a station.
Ugh I didn't read the backstory on this one. Major fuck up by the cop and the guy was a good goy.
I'm amazed she stayed so calm. I don't know what the fuck I would do if I was driving with a family member and they got shot like that
thank fucking christ it wasn't a white officer. holy fucking shit
Because she's not acting retarded and is following the officer's orders. Plus when the shooter yells "FUCK!" and is on the verge of tears, that's a pretty good indication they knew they were wrong.
So the cop is supposed to believe that that the gun he had is not illegal?
Cry more nigger
Doesn't matter, whatever I say you're just going to say
NO. You still see the news. The politicians still talk about them, they still hang around within the confines of your country. I want to rid myself of the jewish/shitskin problem for good