What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


dumb whore


I mean, it is a fallacy, but it's not a strawman.


What a fucking idiot.

Hillary Clinton's supporters' entire PR attempts are cringe-inducing "how do you do fellow kids?" moments.

It's an attempt to win over the Sanders supporters, who are mostly younger, a fact that makes senile Clinton supporters grit their teeth.

pic unrelated, but

Do you want to build a private server and leak thousands of confidential documents, kill Americans, slaughter mercenaries, jeopardize national security, laugh at rape victims, and run for president?

I'm not seeing the strawman either. So I don't understand 22K likes. If she tweeted "2 + 2 = 5" I assume she would get thousands of likes for that too.



she just blew the whole election right there. girls LOVE frozen, and mistaking the snowman for a strawman is inexcusable

trump just won the female vote

Is she calling out a strawman? Where? I don't get it.

>How do you do, fellow kids?

she is pretty witty desu

the likes are from bots

What did she mean by this?

i think maybe she tried to say the comparison was wildly different, but it's the exact same star.

maybe one of her campaign aides were trying to reach out to forum, like they literally thought anyone gave a flying fuck about the sticky.


How is that a strawman? If you use the same logic that you used with Trump's "anti-Semitic" picture. You'll understand that the picture obviously implies that Jews are cheap and want to get the best bang for the buck


>Sup Forums thinks Hillary controls her own Twitter


>Doesn't know what a strawman is.
>Doesn't know how to use Venn diagrams.
>Uses these things anyway.

Bad judgment.

She meant she is on some college student logical fallacy bullshit

Not unlike what the sticky on this board is about

Wow. I just got her joke.

It's a legitimate comparison.

Drumpf BTFO.

This is almost as good as the SAVAGE delete your account smackdown Warren gave that stupid oompa loompa the other week.

Progressives are always more in tune to youth of the day, and it's demonstrated clearly this election with how much better the Dems are controlling twitter compared to Drumpf.

You can tell Drumpf's account is run by a fish out of water 40 year old white male.

Compare it to the millennials hooked into the information superhighway on Clinton's.

it doesn't matter if what she said was right. she just need some likes and replies saying "YAAAASSSS" to be correct in the mind of the public

> she
> as in personally had anything to do with it


Apparently she's capable of bantz but it's not really a strawman arguement, if it's anything it's a false equivalency but it really isn't that either.

And I'm pretty sure I've heard the same line on here before.

Learn the difference between a sentence and a paragraph, you retarded mong.

What's wrong with the Venn diagrams, other than it being conceivable that all 83% of gun owners support background checks?

she's quoting her quote from a tragedy? like not even telling a story with it?

i don't get it, i voted for her in 2008, and she had a platform and was a coherent human being...but literally every time i see her talk about anyone she's pretending to be a defenseless old woman, which gets her sympathy, which gets her defended...it's like people are totally missing the fact that she's RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!

she's a voluntary cuck, and it's her key selling point.

Learn the difference between a mentally ill terrorist and a peaceful Muslim you Drumpkin bigot.

If we're going by fallacious arguments this whole thing is about the "Donald Trump is an anti-Semite" red herring.

Well then really the whole thing is about whether anti-semetism is a bad quality for a leader to have.

There isn't any? #eradicateallmuslims

What's it like being on the side who appeals to emotion and feelings rather than facts?

More Sister Who?

I am the 17%.

I don't know I'm not a Trump voter.

>Fact Checkers Prove That 91% of the Things Donald Trump Says Are False



composition/division fallacy

Just because a star of david on a "Frozen" childs book isnt anti semetic doesnt mean the star of david on a image about corruption isnt either.

That said, claiming it is anti semetic to begin with is a lousy argument appealing to emotion.

Oh, jeez. Politifact. The one that hand picks what they are going to research, and coincidentally is omitting the lies that the left tells.

>not her team of a hundred unpaid PR """interns"""

She doesnt know what that word means

Trump needs to reply "Let it go."

He should ask her how it's a strawman.

This is pathetic. The fucking shitposters for Romney tried harder, and no one even fucking liked Romney

This country needs an executive woman like Hillary in office who will put those men on Capitol Hill in their place.

Can't wait to vote the shit out of her.

> who will put those men on Capitol Hill in their place

Fact IS never believe anything a politician or banker says, if you follow this rule your life will be good.

Ow yeah and #Ihopehillarydiesofcancer

What's a strawman?
Is that supposed to be funny?

She probably does but the intern who tweeted that out doesn't

That wasn't her tweeting that, it was one of her interns. Probably the same one that came up with le brilliant "Delete Your Account".

Good God Australia, what happened to you? You use to be a shitposting king, but these are Canadian teir.

Guns already have background checks.

Whoever tweets for her fucking sucks.

It implies gun owners aren't American

that diagram is saying that some portion of 90% of americans are also a portion of 83% of gun owners
and that group is in favor of background checks

The argument is that it's not a star of David at all but just a six sided star. It's not as niche and exclusively Jewish a design as everyone keeps saying it is.

Nigga... Without paid influence she would be the perfect candidate as she would vote to whatever gets her the most votes.

regardless of ideologies, she says what will further her cause. She is the combined bottom line of whatever creates votes regardless of what works.

What percentage of the united states knows what's correct?

A strawman is when you change your opponent's argument into something else that is easier to defeat and then argue against that rather than your opponent's actual argument.

Since Trump's post is not a strawman, it is actually a strawman for Hillary to say that it is.

I've seen the screencapped list of responses to this. The bias is hella obvious even to the most oblivious. Please do not quote them outside of bait.

"I pander to niggers."

its probably some idiot hipster whos snarky remarks are popular in their womens studies class and nowhere else.

'I pander to racists'

See we can both make statements about the other candidate (although in this case Trump really does pander to racists).

Isnt that kind of like trying to say "its not a swastika its a hooked cross".

Is it intentional that it misuses the term "strawman"? Is that a kind of hipster humor, where they use intellectual terminology incorrectly?

As a matter of good practice, it's a bad idea to make a Venn diagram using proportional categories. The Venn diagram is supposed to represent to some degree the intersections of different categories, but isn't even adequate itself to precisely represent proportionality.

Ask yourself, what's the point of the blue colored part? The blue circle is 90% of Americans, but according to the Venn diagram, only a small fraction of that 90% supports "universal background checks." Before asking what happened to the other 10% and why they weren't included in this chart, the natural question is, of those 90% of Americans, how many actually support "universal background checks"? What's the point of having the yellow circle only represent 83% of gun owners, and what is the exact number of those who actually intersect with the other group to support "universal background checks"? The chart is utterly incoherent. I can only think that the person who came up with it has suffered from brain damage or is otherwise mentally retarded.

I finally agree with this leaf.

But theres nothing wrong with being a racist


I get what you're saying but it conveys the point pretty well.

It may be a little misleading to show 90% of Americans and 83% of gun owners as equal sized groups.

There's worse on Hillary, is what I'm saying.
OP's tweet included.

False Alarm, her staff shamelessly stole this meme and RT. Pathetic, and she will get away with it like she does everything else.

Wtf I hate Hilldog now

The way the diagram is labeled, it's difficult to determine what the blue, yellow, and mixed portions represent. The "83%" actually refers to the mixed portion, and the "Supports universal background checks" refers as much to the blue portion as to the mixed portion. It also seems like the blue part refers to Americans, but it doesn't. I refers to Americans who support UBS.

>Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate, does NOT know what a strawman fallacy is despite being a politician

Thiswas meant to be a response to this

Here's a better labeling. The 83% only refers to the mixed part. In Hillary's original, she has the 83% in a part it does not refer to. I'm guessing the person who made the diagram didn't know that.

Also, in the original, just the word Americans is in the blue part, but that's actually Americans who support UBCs. To have that part labeled "Americans" and the yellow part labeled "gun owners" suggests they are parallel, but they are not. The blue part is Americans who support UBCs, but the yellow part is just gun owners. The person who made the diagram probably didn't know that either.

>How can white women even compete?

Presidential candidates are now using memes to get the election

fucking holy shit

>composition/division fallacy
>Just because a star of david on a "Frozen" childs book isnt anti semetic doesnt mean the star of david on a image about corruption isnt either.
>That said, claiming it is anti semetic to begin with is a lousy argument appealing to emotion.

I think that fallacy would be legit if it was meant to be the star of david. However, it clearly wasn't.


Have faith an honest man like myself will fix the USA.

If I don't win this election I'll probably run for congress in my area and start the process of eliminating corruption. We're not allowed to Assassinate them, so we'll have to use the laws they won't follow. Don't take the law into your own hands, you'll just be as criminal as Hillary. Lets all Pray. In the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost to remove the cancer known as Hillary, with a swift and quick death & expedient transportation to Hell where she can rest in the horror she created for all of us. Amen.

This is an excellent post, user. You get a gold star!

> can't even come up with an original witty response
> has to steal it from a clever jew

Hillary sucks. I mean really crappy candidate. She is more like Chris-chan in that she's more disturbingly pathetic than funny. this is a difficult hurdle to overcome.

oy vey dis racism is like anudda shoah!!!

>Do you want to steal that man's joke?


Her twitter team will only respond to DT's twitter team in two ways:

1. rhetorical question
2. orders.

This one is a question and a question is an order to be answered.

A typical order was "delete your account".

Plz give FBI job